From: Blublade (more)
Comments: to make her forget you raped her
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Smash a womans head on a rock!
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: haven't played too much of it but it was really fun still I can't remember all the codes really well. The bimbo green bitch on the ship is hot and masturbation material.
From: Rain (more)
Comments: This really was a top game. i loved the thinking and writing down the notes. though i was too lazy to create a map thus i enever completed the game, but i probably will next time. reminds me a little of impssible mission except this game was much much better. I imagine in the era it came out 87, it would have been one of the best games around at the time
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I wonder why everyone everywhere says it's a fucking Metroid clone.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Metroid? Get out of here with that Metroid shit! This is the SEGA MASTER SYSTEM MUSEUM, fool!
Rating: n/a
From: chris ball (more)
Comments: i read some of the previous comments on this game and i don't know, this game isn't really in the exact same league as Metroid. Metroid is the king of this style of game, but this was a nice attempt. got this for christmas and beat it in about 4 days. to beat it i had to come up with nick names for the symbols... king tut, glasses, eyes, weirdo, plug etc. it worked for me. the whole reason i even asked for this game was based on the anime picture of JJ blasting you with the SEGA light Phaser. who knew that the american SEGA light Phaser was based off the Zillion Anime... wow!
From: Danny (more)
Comments: I liked it, but just barely. Despite how many people give it very high marks, it just struck me as being very repetitive. If I want to figure out a maze, I'll run a crayon through a Denny's place mat some time. At least then you can ogle some waitresses (sorry, servers).
From: Scott (more)
Comments: I don't like how all the chicks in hentai porn have ridiculously large tits. Variety is the spice of life, after all, and little ones can be really fun, too, as well as your medium sized boobies.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: One of the most overrated games of our collective childhoods. Not bad, mind you, just not as good as people give it credit for being.
From: joe (more)
Comments: heart, fountain, snatch, dog head, that's how I remembered the codes throughout this amazing, most awesome game. I remember finishing it in like an hour and fifty minutes....this game is great..
From: Nge Ot@ku (more)
Comments: hey guys............ i have this game on my pc and my master system.... and is an excelent game
Rating: n/a
From: Bill Gates (more)
Comments: If you're having trouble viewing the site, try using IE (Internet Explorer) as your browser. You sure as fuck should be! MONEY!! MORE MONEY!! MUST HAVE MORE MONEY!!!
Rating: n/a
From: randar (more)
Comments: Best game ever. I wanted to BE a White Knight when I was young. I was one of the idiots that didn't realize the "symbols" were numbers. I had names for them all...fish, glasses, heart, zero. It wasn't until I saw the same symbols on a Simpsons episode years later that I realized. I still play it from time to time. A trick to get more time for the trek back to the ship: once you beat the cyborg/dragon thing at the end, go back to the main computer and cancel the explosion. Then, enter the code again, the monster won't be there the second time - and your time will have reset. Also: If you pause the game at the end when the TopDream logo appears, after a minute a quiet, musak-like version of the ending will play. I'm gonna go play it right now!
From: zjross (more)
Comments: the codes are actually just mirrored numbers. I went half way through the game before I realized. The heart with a line under is the number 2. The 4 circles in the square is the number 8
Rating: n/a
From: Ejrech (more)
Comments: Hey, I saw a game like this once that someone was playing on a computer (PC), and I can't find it ANYwhere. I think it's older, 90's perhaps. I remember a vertical platforming level, and some badguys, some jungle foliage perhaps, but the main thing was that your character accessed computers like in Zillion. Anyone have a clue as to what that is? =/ (please email me if you do! =) Man, I LOVE this game... Zillion II was okay (fun in it's own rights), but this kept me going for weeks. Never drew maps, but I did write down the symbols the first time I played 'til I made names for 'em (then I chanted them in my head for each room until I could get to the computer, lol). Used to take me about four hours to finish, now only two. ^^ If we could just petition SEGA to make a nice huuuuuuge Zillion III on a newer console (or PC, w/e)... maybe 2D labyrinth levels, and 3D bike/adventure levels... perhaps even going from planet to planet in the White Knights' ship? =D Definitely a game I'd love to see make a comeback in the new generation. ;]
From: yo (more)
Comments: also, all dead end tunnels can be shot to either reveal a hidden bread, or open up the tunnel. You can save a lot of time not having to go through useless rooms by just shooting a dead end tunnel out to the elevator shaft. Good example is after you save apple, you have to backtrack left, then down. In the room down, go left to a dead end, and shoot a tunnel through to the elevator, then go up the elevator. You have just skipped a bunch of rooms that have nothing you should need. There are enough scopes and gun power ups in the game that bypassing these rooms is no big deal, and if you know all the other early game goodies, jj should be lvl 8 by now, and there are plenty of opa opas ahead to get apple there too.
From: yo (more)
Comments: to get the opa opa with the two walls surrounding it, in that same room, on the right hand wall, there should be a bread canister on a ledge. right above the ledge, shoot the wall. you can tell you hit the right spot because your laser will stop right at the wall, instead of going through it. shoot it a bunch of times, and the walls surrounding the opa opa canister open up. Also, another neat early game trick, when you go down the first elevator into the base, and you come to the first junction to go left or right, go left all the way down the corridor. Stand on the elevator and shoot the left wall a few times. A tunnel should open up, which opens to a room with 2 opa opas in it. (if i remember right its 2, been a while, but theres at least one.)
From: Josh (more)
Comments: I just won this game again on an emulator on my Mac. This game rocks. If you're playing it for the first time now, I don't know if you can fully appreciate how awesome this game was then.
From: Josh (more)
Comments: I just won this game again on an emulator on my Mac. This game rocks. If you're playing it for the first time now, I don't know if you can fully appreciate how awesome this game was then.
From: RCORSARO (more)
Comments: Does anyone know any Easter eggs. I have found about 6 secret tunnels and no that holding 1+2+UP when you die will give you infinite continues. A couple things I could never figure out is why when you shoot somes walls a picture of bread pops up. Also, and most frustrating, there is a opa opa(level up) at the top of the grid with two doors on either side. How the hell do you get it!!! There are no code canisters in the screen.
From: Synthguy (more)
Comments: I love this game!! One of my favorite from SMS!!
From: Ettore (more)
Comments: ottimo gioco
From: latisha (more)
Comments: better then pokemon
From: Sam (more)
Comments: ive never played this game. but why would a microwave make someone want to buy it?
From: Chris Intell (more)
Comments: My first taste of serious video crack at 8yrs old. I stayed home from school 2 days in a row after constantly reeaching a dead end. I never rescuing the 3rd teamate (Could never jump to the top level of the scene to save him). Each time I shut the system off I had to start over. If it would have had a save feature I might have saved his life. Im sorry 3rd dude!!! I couldnt reach you in time...but theres always time...time to go back. Twenty yesrs later it still burns me that I had to quit!!!
From: Alianger (more)
Comments: What codes? These are just numbers people. anyone who cant memorize 4 numbers in a row should probably go back to school. sure it's repetitive, but the length and variation in the game are nicely balanced so you won't get tired of it until it's almost over. I think this game is about as good as metroid. The lack of depth and variety is outweighed by fast gameplay, great music (metroid's mostly ambient music didn't really do it for me, though i love the super metroid sot) and multiple player characters. A few more enemy types and a couple of save/warp spots would have been nice though.
From: FDHGD (more)
From: nnccc.proboards (more)
Comments: This game is the shizzles. Took me 8 hours to pass when I was like 9, now, it only take an hour, no need to draw a map, just use MMMM I'm good
From: Loopingstar (more)
Comments: Un jeu mythique, pour une console mythique ! L'ambiance et surtout la musique de ce jeu resteront gravés dans ma mémoire !!!
From: SMS - fan (more)
Comments: I beat this game about 4 times and each game took two and a half hours at a time.It's a classic-Sega could have been smarter by making an RPG/save option where each dungeon was of or like Zillions'.too bad
From: HarvestDude (more)
Comments: Another tough cookie for the SMS. Zillion is a nice Rpg/Adventure/Action-style game. A huge labirynth, friends to rescue, cards and floppy disks to find and tons of enemies and traps. Can't be beaten without drawing a map. Graphics aren't that great, but its a good game, though. Pretty chalenging and addictive.
From: martrock (more)
Comments: C'est un des meilleurs jeux jamais fait!
From: Ironmonking (more)
Comments: I absolutly love this game. I first played it when I was much younger, and wish they made more. Maybe it could be brought to x-box as a vintage game??????
From: paul frith (more)
Comments: what did we do b4 save game features lol
From: firelance (more)
Comments: second best game ever on master system in my opinion music way too catchy i spent a summer holiday in 1989 finishing this a unrecognised classic
From: Marty (more)
Comments: This game did not really need paperwork....you just had to realize that the symbols (Most of them anyway)you needed to enter the terminals were simply mirror images of a number. For example, "Map Display", the first command, was simply a 1 with a mirror image of it joined to its left side. That way, no real paperwork, just memorize a four digit number. The only differences where this does not apply is in the case of "4" and "8". But the command for "8" is simply a sideways "8". If anyone knows how they made the symbol for "4", let me know. This game was excellent though.
From: Jason (more)
Comments: Oh boy, memorize four things every screen and recite it every screen a hundred times in a row. Wow, how the hell have I gone around all my life thinking it was pure shit. WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING!
From: Semen (more)
Comments: I wish I had a Zillion penises in my mouth.
From: LaFemmeVelveeta (more)
Comments: An admittedly great game, but one that requires more patience than I possess. I just couldn't stand the paperwork.
From: I fucked Apple! (more)
Comments: I see debate over which is better, Zillion or Metroid. Well, my personal fav is Zillion, but there are valid arguments on both sides. Zillion was more colorful and had more eye candy(SMS had more colors available then the NES, NES games were usually pretty ugly), plus story was cool and it was based off an anime. My light phaser was even based off the Zillion gun, yay! However, metroid was more in-depth and complicated, and had a password system for this. An average Zillion game for me takes between 45 minutes to an hour to beat it, Metroid tons longer, and theres much more to find in Metroid, more items, etc. But for me Zillion is still more fun and less frustrating, it had better graphics, better sound and music, etc. I wish Sega would have kept with it like Nintendo kept with Metroid. Super Metroid for SNES is my fav game of the "exploring big 2D labyrinth" genre. I would have jizzed my pants if there was a Zillion 3 put out for the Genesis, as long as it was more like the original Zillion and not like Zillion 2, since Zillion 2 went away from the 2D labyrinth thing.
From: Freddix (more)
Comments: I acquired the First chapter of the serie after playing the second chapter and I founded it greater ! ! ! Zillion I is a really cool adventure/action game.
From: gio (more)
Comments: Personal fav. Killer game. Killer anime. Killer sound track.
From: Wi Wi Jumbo (more)
Comments: I love games that require paperwork. Writing down page after page of code symbols just to open doors is a great deal of fun. Need I mention the joy of creating your own map just so you can find your way around? Now that is time well spent. You know what else is great? Sarcasm.
From: Virulent (more)
Comments: This blue haired bitch could probably suck a mean dick.
From: Master Blaster (more)
Comments: Hate this game!!!
From: Krltplps (more)
Comments: Ahhhh Sweet sweet Apple, the girl that started my intense attraction to women with blue hair (Ya gotta have blue hair!) Zillion had to be without a doubt my top SMS game that wasn't an rpg (Phantasy Star wins top rpg) I Used to have a really good site dedicated to Zillion but it is in need of massive updates. Needless to say I've still got both games in working condition, the 6 videos, and....stuff!
From: motherofallstin (more)
Comments: This would have been the best SMS games if 1)It had a save feature(too long not to have one 2)had just a little more variety of enemies instead of the same drones, 3) thrown in a couple of elves and hobbits.
From: blabediblah (more)
Comments: yeah, i remembered about the halved numbers bit a little late. still, damned good game--halved numbers or not
From: Zillion Code (more)
Comments: Uhh, dude, you didn't need to make up the code names! All of the symbols are a number out of 1-10 if you cover one of their sides! I memorized the passwords much easier that way... anyways, awesome game!
From: blabediblah (more)
Comments: i loved this game. Probably my favorite game. it just had such a great vibe and it was heroic and you were bent on saving your comrades and it felt good when you did. and the ending kicked ass. A save feature would have been nice though--it was such a long and involving game. My brothers and I devised code words for all the freaking symbols; in our mind one of the symbols looked like a butt, another kinda looked like a face, another like a fly; yet another like a heart or number 8. so we'd remember the codes we needed to input by repeating something like: butt face loves eight flies. then the drugs wore off.
From: Jacko (more)
Comments: Ive never played this game before? so y the fuck am i leaving comments? DOW!!!@!$@#!%$#!
From: Jason (more)
Comments: this was THE game to own if you owned a SMS in the day.
From: fabrizio 6 (more)
Comments: zillion??? .....................................
From: secsspos (more)
Comments: This game is one of those bad games where they make your life difficult and have you go around through puzzles and stuff, it's a time waster. The story is good but not the gameplay. If only they sticked to Double Dragon-like action games and stuff like that. It's hard enough there are so many robots in the game ready for the kill.
From: Lou (more)
Comments: Based on the japanese anime of the same name, Zillion is one of the best examples of how to do a platform/shooter. Definately one of the best SMS games. A save option would have been o.k. but I think thats what gave this game its mystique. I remember leaving my system on all day while i went to school just to get home to find out my mom turned it off!!! From that experience I took my SMS apart and disconnected the LED under the hood and started all over again! Is it me or did Apple have really nice breasts?
From: jeremy (more)
Comments: This game ruled but it used to drive me crazy that you couldn't save. Come on, I don't have 3 solid days to devote to playing a video game. Also, about a year ago, out of nowhere, it suddenly dawned on me that the computer code is just that old mirror-image number code, like on the Simpsons episode where Lisa thinks she's getting stupider. 10.
From: Zig (more)
Comments: I pull this out to replay it every couple of years. That's better than Zelda.
From: Loser with lots (more)
Comments: Yeah, this game is the shit, got it for my bday in '87 when i turned 7, beat the thing in a week, still play it on my pc emulator sometimes to this day. Now I am learning some programming in visual c and basic, and my first gaming project is a remake of this game, going to try and get some higher quality mixes of the music, redo the graphics in a higher res, etc, should be easy, not much to the game since its so old school, and no 3d engine required. There should have been a zillion 3 on the genesis or something, in fact i was waiting for one to come out when genesis came out, zillion 2: tri-forfuckingmation shit was dissapointing to say the least.
From: cottnn (more)
Comments: lol! this game is the greatest... M, heart, bomb, butt, butt with wiener, pot... man... those were the days!
From: mop (more)
Comments: to my mind the best strategic game i have ever played.I will always remember the night i had spent 4 hours to finish it for the first time.
From: shitface (more)
Comments: you are a motherfucken bitch
From: Quichotte (more)
Comments: Hey guys if anyone in this world is able to clone this game with the original graphics etc for PC he\'s a genius and just let him send me the shit. But to avoid excessive nostalgie, I prefer forgotting this old, first class game.
From: PickHut (more)
Comments: This game is tight!! I remember playing this alot when I owned it back then
From: Irwin (more)
Comments: This had to be one of my favorite games that I would play over and over just to run through the maze while the bomb ticks! I remember playing this game in my living room while my brother was watching \"Leathal Weapon\" on VHS back in the days when it was a new release. Maybe around \'87 or 88\' either way I\'d still play it today if I did not sell all my games and the console to my Mother\'s secretary so I can buy a GENESIS! Just when I thought GENESIS was the bomb.....I traded that in with all my games so I can buy a SONY PLAYSTATION! I wish I still had all my stuff today! Big mistake on my part:(
From: SegaMon (more)
Comments: Oi! Zillion es muy bueno y GRANDE!!! Yes, this game kicks some tooshy. Hooray!
From: Shawn (more)
Comments: This game was DEFINITLY one of the best SMS games ever made, I still have my SMS and Zillion and a handfull of other games. This game deserved a 10 but it falls to a 9 because they decided NOT to have a save feature. SO MANY TIMES I would be very very far into the game and I would turn off the TV and unplug the video cable from the SMS and my mom would come along and turn it off on me, \"You forgot to turn of your sega Shawn!\". my comments that followed what she said usually ended up with me getting grounded etc. ahh the good old days!
From: toastlad (more)
Comments: Getting to the end of this game and trying to get out of the complex before it blows up is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life. Take out your dust-gathered sega and play it again. Go on, you know you want to....
From: me (more)
Comments: Hey, I have a very important question that has been bothering me for a while... How does the light phaser gun work? If anybody knows this answer PLEASE e-mail me at Dawner@soccer.com!! Thanks a bunch ~Dawner
From: me (more)
Comments: Hey, I have a very important question that has been bothering me for a while... How does the light phaser gun work? If anybody knows this answer PLEASE e-mail me at Dawner@soccer.com!! Thanks a bunch ~Dawner
From: bob (more)
Comments: you suck
From: Christopher (more)
Comments: Hey, Radaxian, I just read your post, and it made me really sad reading it. I'm not meaning to sound corny, but it made my eyes a little wet 'cause, well, I know how you feel. I know exactly what you're talking about, man. I feel the same way a lot of times. It feels like our childhoods and the happy times we had in them are gone, and it's sad. And I too feel, well,...ready to die. Well, I had a whole lot of bad times in my so-called "childhood" too, but anyway... ...Hey, I'd like to talk with you sometime if you want to. I noticed you didn't include your E-mail address, so I don't know if that means you don't wanna talk or what, but if you want to, I would like to talk to you. Maybe we could talk on Yahoo Messenger or AOL Instant Messenger or something sometime. My name on Yahoo Messenger is Zknight222, and my name on AOL Instant Messenger is Zknight2222, with four twos. Oh, and my E-mail address is zknight222@yahoo.com. Anyway, if you wanna talk, let me know. ...Guess that's it. Hope to hear from you, even though I have a feeling I probably won't. ...Take care, man. Bye-byes. :-)
From: Beta Max (more)
Comments: The SMS had the best games, and this baby kicks Metroids ass in light years (there is only one thing the SMS is missing: A Golgo-13 game, you see, the NES ones sucked but the movies are sooooo good).
From: Radaxian (more)
Comments: This is no bullshit, while I am writing this I am crying like a damn baby. I want to be a kid again, I wanna buy an SMS and play like an idiot who has nothing to worry about, I want to be a little boy gettin excited for finishing this game again. But thats not possible, I am old and depressed already....I guess that when someone feels like this is because he or she is ready to die. I miss each an every special moment I spent with the SMS. I wish I could live in an eternal childhood like the one I used to have. Keep the SMS alive!! Thanks.-
From: Christopher (more)
Comments: Hi, everyone. I used to play this game a lot when I was little. I still remember the day when I first saw it. I had just come home from school, I think, and I walked into the living room and saw it on the TV. I remember seeing J.J. running around and stuff, and I remember thinking the moon looked really neat. One of my brother's friends, Tommy, had let my brother borrow it. Well, when my brother finally left, I got a chance to play it. I fell in love with it right away. I still don't know what about this game is so addictive. It just...is. Like Wulff said, I too still play it now from time to time. Now I play it on the computer on the SMS emulator called Meka. It's funny when you play Zillion on a computer and you go to one of the computers in the game. When you're on the computer screen in Zillion like that, it's like you're looking at a computer on a computer and using a computer to use a computer. LOL! ...Okay, now the word "computer" is starting to sound like it's not a real word. LOL... Computer, computer, computer. :-P I think it's neat to see the different ways some people used to remember the different symbols. With me, I just had a name for each of the symbols like that guy Jason on here said. I think that was actually my brother's idea. I was so young then, only like six or maybe seven or so, so I didn't think of doing that. I'm sure I probably would have if he didn't, though. Anyway, I still remember what all the names for the symbols were, of course. Starting from the left side of the computer and going to the right, it was M, heart, eight, lock, smashed apple, apple, key, backwards, frog and keyhole. Oh, and the BS could mean "bullshit." LOL. :-P My brother actually called the one after the apple a Y instead of a key, but I always called it a key. Heh. Oh, and I also think it's funny that other people on here compared this game to Metroid. I never had an NES when I was little 'cause we got the Sega Master System instead back when those two were the shit, so I didn't get to play the Nintendo games a lot until just the last three years or so when I had access to a computer and discovered emulators. Before then, I only got to play the Nintendo occasionally at a friend's house, and in my fifth grade class, my teacher had a Nintendo in her class, and we got to play it when we were done with all our work. Anyway, I never got to play Nintendo games much, and I haven't played the first or second Metroid very much at all, but I do own a Super Nintendo, and I've played all the way through Metriod 3 a few times, and I also thought it was similar to Zillion. I mean, in Zillion, you have your ship on a planet, and you go underground and go through different rooms and get powerups and get stronger and become able to jump higher and get more powerful guns and stuff, and in Metriod, you do the same thing. Hell, you even finish the game off by having to escape from the place and get back to your ship before it blows up, though in Zillion, you only needed to get aboveground to be safe, unlike in Metriod 3. I even thought that the music it plays in the Metriod games when you're inside a room where there are powerups sounds very similar to the music it plays in Zillion when you're using a computer, you know, the series of "beep-beep-beeps." Sometimes playing Zillion would get me in the mood to play Super Metriod because it's like a more advanced version of Zillion with more bosses and more abilities and more different kinds of powerups and stuff. I also think Super Metriod is neat because it's got water areas and hot places and lava and stuff. That different kind of variety is one of the things Zillion lacks, but I still love it anyway. :-) Whoa, sorry for making this post so long. Anyway, I think Zillion is a great game, and I'm disappointed that there was never a Zillion 3. I thought there was gonna be one because at the end of Zillion 2, it makes it sound like there's gonna be another one. I guess they just did that in case they wanted to make another one. I liked part two, but I definitely liked part one better, though I did think the bike called the Triformation was neat. Love the transforming animation! Reminds me of the Transformers. :-) I think they could make a great third game of Zillion if they combined elements from the first and second one and maybe some elements from Metriod and the cartoon show as well. Speaking of that, I've never seen the cartoon. I want to, though, dang it. Well, anyway, this is a great game worthy of 10 Alex Kidds. PS. I also wanted to say that I think that what that one guy Infamous said about how he used to play it when he was four and that he was so into it that he wanted to change his name to J.J. was very cute. Awww. :-)
From: buttons times t (more)
Comments: this game is cool. imo, the graphics are bad. but the gameplay really makes up for it. this game is fun. i'd rather play kid icarus for nes though. either way, this is the best side scroller shooter for a sega system.
From: wren (more)
Comments: damn this game is kewl. It would score a perfect ten if it had some type of save option. It is definately the metroid of the sms, and whether or not those two games borrowed from each other is unknown to me.
From: PS2 (more)
Comments: 10/10 in 1987.
From: judith (more)
Comments: Hooray for Zillion!!!!
From: Rizzo (more)
Comments: It's a good game, but the music really got hateful after 3 hours. There are not very many music tracks and listening to that same Norsa track over and over again drove me to the point to where I was about to rip my hair out! Otherwise it was a good game. (I listen to music CDs while playing.)
From: Run Cycle.. (more)
Comments: Ok...so who hear was impressed by the run-cycle in this game? On most 8bit systems you aint gonna find a decent animation...unless it's Prince of Persia. But still. It looked so cool when JJ, Apple, or Champ ran. It wasn't SPECTACULAR but compare to some other games ya know? Of course...the Nosa soldiers sucked stanky dick cheese...
From: MR CODE!!! (more)
Comments: sorry...jump on the ledge to the RIGHT of the barrel! HEE HEE
From: Mr Code!!! (more)
Comments: You all know the first room with the gun upgrade? Well...there's that damned 2nd Level barrel that has walls around it. What the hell is that!? What's in it!!?? I don't know how many people have found this out, because I've never found a code sight or magazine that knows about this. to open up the barriers, simply jump on the ledge to the left of it...squat down...face the wall...and start firing rapidly. After a few shots it will open up and you can get the yummy Level Up that's inside. Don't you just love it when JJ hogs all the power ups and is jumping two screens high when Champ and Apple barely leave the ground? HA! I DO! Also there are tons of other places where you can shoot at the walls and get bread to heal yourself. One last thing...I got the anime at Media Play. I bought all 4 tapes. I'm dying to know what happens...[:(]
From: Benjamin (more)
Comments: Actually the game was made by Sega themselves...much like Sonic the Hedgehog. Notice that the SMS light gun is the exact same thing as the one in the game? That's because before Sega started making videogames, they were making other things like light guns (like Laser Tag) This gun was their "Zillion" gun and it was so popular that they made a cartoon show that REVOLVED around it. I own the few episodes and OAVs that were published on tape. After that, they sorta became Sega's mascots and let me tell you, the show was #@%#$^ cool!!! You'll all love it, Champ, Apple, JJ, OPA OPA, and AMY are all there. This and Ys are the two best games for the system!
From: TIM DAVIS (more)
From: j.b. (more)
Comments: this is the best master system game ever. does anyone know who made it? maybe we can get them to make it again for the playstation. if anyone knows, email me back please.
From: themoodykid (more)
Comments: An OK game. I think I just finished it because I *needed* to finish it and then leave it on the shelf forever. It's a very challenging game. The one thing that annoyed the hell out of me were the symbols used for the computers. I didn't realize they were just mirror-imaged NUMBERS until AFTER I finished the game. Dammit!!
From: Dragonmaster X (more)
Comments: some how, I jut can't get that much into this game, I kinda like it, but it seems a bit too emense for me, but I don't need a notebook for this one, I just go through the lockers loking at the symbols 3 times or so and make names for them; window, sprinkler, condom, ladder. and I get through. though I do think I need t clearly remember other functins like barier off, open door ect.
From: JJShireman2 (more)
Comments: I beat this game today without continuing , though my girl died :( and I like a lot
From: Kobe (more)
From: infamous (more)
Comments: i love this game , i first played it when i was 4 and back then i was so into it i wanted to change my name to jj heh bottom line bad ass game!
From: se7en (more)
Comments: i too had a notebook full of symbols my mom thought i was satanic or something! great game imma play it now
From: Mike L. (more)
Comments: This game can suck my balls
From: infamous (more)
Comments: This game is the greatest SEGA game ever made and they need to bring it back on PS2 since SEGA is now doing games for PS2
From: DIABLO GAIDIn (more)
Comments: This game wuz the bomb. Acually my favorite master system game
From: angstboy (more)
Comments: I loved this game and played it for hours. Didn't anyone else realise the the easiest way to remember the symbols was that they were simply the mirror reflections of the numbers 0-9 (with the exception of 4 which is the "money" symbol). Anyway. Great game lots of fun. Daddymonkey.com
From: stephen G (more)
Comments: IMBETTERTHANTHA leave someguy alone everyone has a right to their own opinion (or I'll get a big gun and destroy you all!!!!), anyway Zillion was a really interesting game and should be give n some credit as it doe have playabillity some origanallity (you can ride a motorbike and turn into a mecha robot in Zillion II), oveall quite a good game if played intermitantly. (Sorry for being iterfering).
From: imbetterthantha (more)
Comments: someguy is an idiot Metroid is way better than Zillion, although, Zillion is my favorite sega master system game next to Hangon and Maze Hunter 3-D
From: theonlySTEPH (more)
Comments: this is my favourite Sega game ever.
From: Jason (more)
Comments: ha! a notebook full of codes! I just had a name for each of the symbols. I remember some of them were "eight" (for the one that looked like an eight), "eight-side" (for the horizontal eight), "money" (for the one that was the money symbol in Alex Kidd), etc. It was easy to remember them that way. What an awesome game. I remember not really using the two other people (Apple and someone?) unless I had to, because by the time I found them, the main guy was powerful.
From: Ole The King (more)
Comments: This game is one of my nostalgic memories from my youth when I was sitting home in front of my TV and played like a child that never had been doing anything that more fun. It took me a whole night to play through the game for the first time. And it was on the edge to be a bad end when I almoust didn´t found the exit when the whole place is about to explode. It´s easy. I give this heavy game easily an...
From: atarijagman (more)
Comments: Sorry Kids, This game just didn't deliver for me. The best part was the guy shooting at you in the beginning.
From: Jason (more)
Comments: I use to play this game all the time when i use to have a sega master system back in the days. I had like a notebook full of codes from each room. I don't know whatever happened to my old sega master system... i think it broke or something and my parents had to throw it out... or they probably sold it at a yard sale... who knows... but i just recently bought a sega master system off ebay and also the zillion game and i still can't stop playing the game... now i have a new notebook full of codes... Zillion will allways be a classic... such a great game!!!
From: Ted9990 (more)
Comments: This game rocks. Does anyone have videos of the anime series based on this? But anyway, best action game and cool light phaser. Up yours nintendo zapper!
From: Xavier IV (more)
Comments: I love this game. It was the first game that dried my eyeballs out, because I sat too long in front of the TV
From: Ryo Hazuki (more)
Comments: I really liked this game alot. The birthplace of the Light Phaser. It was also fun using my very own method to memorizing the symbols to code cracking: try making sentences out of the symbols collected around the room and using them to crack the code and move to the next room.
From: kelvin luckin (more)
Comments: this game is excellent.if you see it get it
From: hontabat (more)
From: shizumadrive (more)
Comments: Very very cool game. There were secret codes to be enter in the rooms that would give power ups (i just typed in random codes) Just so much secret stuff and long replay value an amazing game I wish had a modern version.
From: Wulff (more)
Comments: One of the most addicting games I have ever played. I've enjoyed it since it was released and still play it now and then to this very day.
From: some guy (more)
Comments: better than metroid could ever dream of being! THE 8-bit RunJumpShoot game!