2 reviews by Marty..

From: Marty
Comments: This game did not really need paperwork....you just had to realize that the symbols (Most of them anyway)you needed to enter the terminals were simply mirror images of a number. For example, "Map Display", the first command, was simply a 1 with a mirror image of it joined to its left side. That way, no real paperwork, just memorize a four digit number. The only differences where this does not apply is in the case of "4" and "8". But the command for "8" is simply a sideways "8". If anyone knows how they made the symbol for "4", let me know. This game was excellent though.


Simpsons Vs. Space Mutants

From: marty
Comments: you r all sad bastards if u still play on a master system. why not get your money out and buy a descent system you tight twats
