From: Paul (more)
Comments: I don't mean this in any sort of xenophobic way, but the next time you're on Chaturbate sending money to some eighteen-year-old girl that spends six hours a day, five days a week faking orgasms for perverts, make sure it's a good American girl: they're less likely to have been trafficked than your European girls.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Worse than Double Dragon
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: It's been said before. and i'll say it again, this was a poor mans double dragon
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Did not like this one. Too fucking repetitive. Well I played it for 6 minutes so who knows?
Rating: n/a
From: Lance (more)
Comments: Okay, true story: I ordered a Russian mail-order bride but they sent me a Ukrainian one instead. Needless to say, I beat that bitch unmercifully almost everyday in between her five o'clock cock-gaggings. Also needless to say, I am in prison for a long time and I deserve it.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: I consider myself something of a Vagilante. And ladies, that means whatever you want it to mean. Oh, yeah.
From: Peter (more)
Comments: What the hell? No one has to tell me what rape is! Every fucking parole hearing I have to listen to that same shit. They all want it, some just pretend that they don't. Does a farmer ask the dirt if it's okay to plant seed in it? Of course not. Why, then, should I?
Rating: n/a
From: Arnold (more)
Comments: A perfect arcade translation! Great graphics and sountrack.
From: Nebrazca78 (more)
Comments: This game could've been so much better. The graphics and music are excellent but the gameplay is lacking and it is too short. The arcade version is short too so I guess that's not Sega's fault. If you want to beat the game easily, do like the manual says and jump over all of the grunts. Still worth playing and slightly above average due to the music and graphics.
From: rape porn video (more)
Comments: Rape is a crime where the victim is forced into sexual activity, in particular sexual penetration, against his or her will through use of physical force, threat of injury, or other duress. gang rape porn
Rating: n/a
From: rape (more)
Comments: Rape is a crime where the victim is forced into sexual activity, in particular sexual penetration, against his or her will through use of physical force, threat of injury, or other duress. rape porn video
Rating: n/a
From: rape porn video (more)
Comments: Rape is a crime where the victim is forced into sexual activity, in particular sexual penetration, against his or her will through use of physical force, threat of injury, or other duress. rape
Rating: n/a
From: Deathadder X (more)
Comments: In all honesty I love sega and stand by it's name. But this game looks like a hyped up graphically dominant yet shitty-er version of nes's hit game river city ransom, only with limited gameplay, much like other side scrollers the sms put out this is the exact same although it's one of the older games for sms. Play it if you wanna I dunno... Double Dragon for sms is way better and same with Streets of Rage
From: Ro (more)
Comments: EXCELLENT! I just got this game. I loved this system. Now it's 2006 and I am celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Sega Master System.
From: Ettore (more)
Comments: 10
From: Zac Winston (more)
Comments: I use to play this game. Sam do you have any anal porn? im me ZchronicD I love to look at anal porn.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: ive got this now, How arousing
From: RicanPapi (more)
Comments: LAME.....LAME....LAME...PERIOD
From: paul frith (more)
Comments: my first ms game i bought it was ok better beat em ups out for ms though like double dragon
From: gameoverDude (more)
Comments: Rather easy and a tad sluggish compared to the arcade version. Nice graphics, however.
From: DeLLa (more)
Comments: Better of Dead
From: LaFemmeVelveeta (more)
Comments: Without a doubt the poor man's Double Dragon. I can't complain about how the game looked graphically, but playability is the only thing a game must have and this bastard has none whatsoever. It is nothing but frustration and wasted effort.
From: Bruce Lee (more)
Comments: This game is sexy
From: Shit Stain Pant (more)
Comments: This game sucked. I remember once I was playing and my sister was nearby and she said if you lose this level, you have to lick the shit stain in my pantys. I tried as hard as I could to finish the level, but I lost. She putt her ass in my face, she pulled down her jeans, and she peeled back her cotton pantys and I licked the light brown smudge in her panty crotch. emm... tasty!
From: ryosuck (more)
Comments: Government agent Steve Brooks, secretly the Durango Kid, rides to the border town of San Feliz after a gang smuggling silver from Mexico. All trails lead to the Lazy Zee ranch run by Betty Long, whose uncle has been killed in a mysterious manner in the ranch house cellar. Ranch cook Smiley Burnette is certain the cellar is haunted. Steve, alternating between his own identity and the Durango Kid, learns that Federal Attorney Thomas Hadley, is mixed up with the smugglers. Steve's government agent identity is discovered and Hadley and his partner Martin try to kill him. He escapes and soon discovers that the ring leader of the gang is Angel, a seemingly sweet old lady, who supposedly has been confined to be and taken care of by Betty because her late husband was once foreman of the Lazy Zee. Madonna is rescued and the skinheads are defeated.
From: secsspos (more)
Comments: This game is just too hard. Why didn't they make it the same way DOuble Dragon was? The main character couldn't move up and down, which led to a lot of lives lost. This game is so hard it's realistic. I mean, the Twin Towers are gone now and you won't get a chance to see the Twin Towers in this game bacause of the controls and difficulty you won't be able to get to the NYC skyline stage. Why play a game where all the bad guys do is to hold you and suck out your life meter? Better off playing Streets of Rage.
From: Jordan Stefanel (more)
Comments: This game sucked even in the arcade. I'm surprised how good the graphics held up on the SMS, but it was just a bad game. SMS still rules.
From: JOSH (more)
Comments: this game and games like it are why sms didnt do good. Repetative game. imagine double dragon without being able to move up or down. oh and nt being fun either.
From: Gabe M. (more)
Comments: Ok game, I guess, BUt what the hell is up with the Homo-tastic box art?! I swear, the SMS had some of the queerest concauctions ever to grace a video game box. Just look at that! The guy looks like he likes to get punched in the face. Gawd, These are the types of boxes that made our friends look at us weird when they would spend the night and we would pull games like this out, smile, and nod up and down. It's the type of games that we had to buy while wearing large rain coats and use a fake alias. Ok game, shit-tastic box art. give it 2 because the Box art screws us over multiple times.
From: se7en (more)
Comments: really boring game with some homosectual enemies (the ones that grab you)it looks like they wanna kiss you or something!
From: Rick Lappeman (more)
Comments: I loved this game when i played it as a kid...but when i finished this beat em up in under a day i threw the cartridge on the ground in disgust and jumped up and down on it. This game had potential with great end of level baddies but its nothing more than a dried up turd!
From: Wilburt (more)
Comments: easy, not very cool, and pretty much just something to have in your collection.