From: Paul (more)
Comments: The arcade version of Hang On where you sat on a faux motorcycle seemed really cool in theory, especially to a dumb kid let loose in an arcade by his parents so they could fuck in the parking lot, but in practice it was a really clunky way to control your motorcycle in-game. Not responsive at all. Laggy. The Master System port was quite good, though and I was the best in the world at it for a period of four months or so. It's all there in gaming magazines of record. You know the ones.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: VVVVVVVVVROUM pow pow. Combine the two games and you can create a whole new badass genre.
Rating: n/a
From: Danny (more)
Comments: Safari Hunt got old after, I don't know, five minutes, but Hang On is a real SMS classic and a very good translation of the arcade game.
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Roughly 98% of men who hunt for sport have tiny penises. Conversely, as much as 75% of women who hunt for sport have larger than average clitorises, though obviously even a large clitoris is considerably smaller than the average penis. To find out more about the fascinating research into the relationship between hunting and anatomical abnormalities consult the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and/or the Lancet.
From: orm and cheep (more)
Comments: These two beauties came built-in to my "new" Mark1.
From: Ro (more)
Comments: My Highest score today in Hang on was 635,580 points!!!!!
From: Rich (more)
Comments: This combo-pack was great to have as a new gamer back in 1988. I still enjoy it now, but I have to admit that the Xbox graphics are better. But graphics can only take you so far. Using the XR211 Zillion gun is still the best way to go, as opposed to the NES orange-tipped phaser. What a wuss-ladden gun that thing was!
From: mop (more)
Comments: Hello SMS players, has anyone managed to finish this game? To my experience, this game must be programmed to loop level after level, while reducing the time limit, waiting for you to lose. If anyone knows sth please share...Thank
Rating: n/a
From: Ejrech (more)
Comments: They're okay. Built into every Master System console I own, so no complaints here. ;]
From: Fredrik (more)
Comments: If you have a rapid-fire device (I do) use it with Safari Hunt to get a machine gun insted of huntingrifle! :P // Fredrik, Sweden
From: Death Adder X (more)
Comments: With the arrival of these 2 games geing built in to your master system it kind of suck if your master system breaks and you loose 2 great games. Safari Hunt is what some say a rip off of duck hunt, Safari Hunt in reality in much better with it's SFX and different levels and assortment of enemies to kill. And best of all it dosen't have that damn dog. Outrun for a time was my only racing game and I truly played it all the time. The graphics and levels are fast and accurate and nintendo could off never pulled this off. Great Games built in a Great System P.S. If u live near canada(ontario) and you have an extra SMS please tell me
From: François-Patric (more)
Comments: In this game, to play Safari Hunt, you should connect the Light Phaser Gun to play. If you use the Joypad, you could play Hang-On in any way. At the GAME Select Screen you may insert the controllers to play the games on the combo cartridge.
From: François Arteau (more)
Comments: When i played Safari Hunt, i was through round 6. As i lost the game in Hang-On. Course 2 couldn't be reached.
From: ih8uplzdie (more)
Comments: Not a bad combo built into the original Master System console. Hang On is the motorcycle racing game based on the arcade game of the same name. The Master System version is okay for an 8-bit system and real fun game to kill time. Safari Hunt is a Duck Hunt clone made for the console to encourage people to buy the light gun. It is extremly repetitive and easy but does alternate levels more so than the Nintendo System's counterpart. In the end though, if this game wasn't built into the console it would have been forgotten about. Note: Safari Hunt has 69 levels and the end game simply says "Good Hunting. Game Over" in the PAL version.
From: ducktapevoodoo (more)
Comments: hahahahaha!!!!! my origonal master system had these games built into it........shame it dont play carts anymore but fuck anyone who didnt have a agme built into their sms
From: Asshole Edward (more)
Comments: ummmm i dont really know what to say about these games, i was never really too into them...fuck, with hang-on id be lucky to get past the first level! as for safari-hunt....well that just keeps going forever so i dunno...played for like almost 4 hours and didnt even realize it! i just looked up at the clock and was like...woah...this game dont end! but i dont got really anything bad to say about it, cool games, but im not really too into them.. :| hell i dont even know what to rate it...ummm.......4 alexs? yeah...4 is good
From: RicanPapi (more)
From: Gerald (more)
Comments: Hang On Is A great racing game. And Safari Hunt A good target Shooting Game!!
From: Judge (more)
Comments: Speaking of light phaser and duo cart games, you guys dont have Marksman Shooting/Trap Shooting listed on your list here. Marksman shooting was shooting those cardboard dummies that have red bullseyes in the chest, different levels had more to hit, etc. Trap Shooting was shooting clay pidgeons. Good stuff.
From: rene (more)
Comments: IK have recently buy myself a used sega light phaser . now my question is ihave segadrive II with 16 bit games can i play safari hunt also on the new genesis model the latest one megadrive 2? and will the phaser work ?
From: Master Blaster (more)
Comments: Nice Combo in One Cartridge... That all I have to say
From: blabediblah (more)
Comments: Hang On was addictive, repetitive fun. After a while I had to try to die cause it got so easy so I'd just ride over and over again because i was hooked... As for Safari Hunt, after a while I'd just stick the gun really close to the TV and go Ernest Hemingway, shooting the crap out of big game and small critters alike. Who the f--- would hunt spiders with a gun though?
From: NyarthMaul (more)
Comments: I played Safari Hunt until my god damn hand fell off. I had very little to shoot at in my youth. Nowadays EVERYONE has Half Life. Hell, if you have anything more powerful than a 486 you get *issued* with it.
From: NyarthMaul (more)
Comments: I played Safari Hunt until my god damn hand fell off. I had very little to shoot at in my youth. Nowadays EVERYONE has Half Life. Hell, if you have anything more powerful than a 486 you get *issued* with it.
From: mdcoon35 (more)
Comments: HEY fucker i had it i will close this site my boss paul dobbins hes right so GO FUCK YOUR NIGGER MOTHER OK OR I WILL KILL YOU
From: Paul Dobbins (more)
Comments: YOU LISTEN ASSHOLE i have your idea and you stole it i will ask the server to close this shit you have 24 hours to reply or worst BYE!!!!!!site
From: Randy Johnson (more)
Comments: I like Hangon because I love motorcycle games. It's no Road Rash but it's fun.
From: F1000X (more)
Comments: This double hit cartridge is one of my favorites. Hang On is by far one of my favorite SMS games, while the sound was a far cry from other games and the graphics werent exactly award winning, this game provides the challenge and gameplay to keep you glued for days on end. The second game safari hunt, was not nearly as nice as hang on, but still sported some nice gameplay, easy to pla but difficult to master this game really let the light phaser strut its stuff. Overall this game package really showed gamers the total SMS package, as it used both the light gun and the controller to its full potential. While its not utterly flawless and worthy of a 10. Its easily a solid 9.
From: mop (more)
Comments: I used to play these two games since I bought my Sega(exactly as the others segaplayers in the page mention) .Nevertheless, my Sega Master System Plus died (after a 7-year playing) and although I replaced it at once with an SMS III I miss them both ,as they are not built in. I would like to share with you my 'achievements': HANG ON: I've passed 7 times level 3 (each level has 5 cources -of cource!)At the end, the time limit was reduced from 60 sec to about 55(to be frank Iam not sure,as I did it 5 years ago)It goes without saying that the score was really unbelievable ,exactly as the way I lost this game(on account of an inattentiveness)I shall mention that i played this particular game with my brother so as to take it in turns(he was by far better than me). The largest number of secs (time remaining} to the last course(which are granted as 1000 bonus each) was 95.Hang on outdoes the other games on the grounds of its great controling.
From: Randy Johnson (more)
Comments: I liked Safari hunt better than Duck hunt for the NES.On Safari hunt you can shoot a variety of animals.You can only shoot ducks on Duck hunt.
From: stos (more)
Comments: i also got this bult in (i thought you wern\'t able to get the built in games in a box ???) i remember my mum had a go at me thinking i might brake ti without a game in then discovered how much she loved safari hunt wehn ever i goto the arcade with her shes always on the HotD games or virtua cop ( weve always been a sega family):P hang on was ok but i got to that level with the pinky orange sky then my time would run out
From: SMS Gamer 86 (more)
Comments: These were the pack in games back in the day when all consoles came bundled with a free game (or two). Those were the days... Now all you get is the console unit and one controller. Cheapskates! Anyway, Safari Hunt was Sega\'s answer to the NES\' Duck Hunt. A quite fun game, I still remember that famous music between rounds. I actually managed to play to some insane high round like 70 something and it told me that the hunt was over! Hang On was another fun racing game. Those 80\'s sure were the funnest years of my life with my good \'ol SMS... This combo cart gets a 9 because now days it\'s unheard of to pack agame with a console, let alone 2.
From: Tomi Kaunisto (more)
Comments: I too got this build-in. Light Phaser got boring surprisingly soon and Safari Hunt isn\'t my favourite LP game. Hang On on the other hand is one of the games I play on SMS most these days (every once in a year on my nostalgy season).
From: B (more)
Comments: When I bought my SMS, the guy said it came with two of the loose games he had because the box said it came with Hang-On/Safari Hunt. After trying out Shinobi, Global Defense, After Burner, and Mono Poly, I turned the system on and found out that the damn games it came with were built in! It was like I just got a Master System with 6 games (not including Snail) for $30! It would have been better if it was Alex Kidd/Safari Hunt.
From: darkhorse (more)
Comments: another ghetto yet satisfying game. great to play with friends, and its fun to shoot people with the phaser
From: se7en (more)
Comments: came in my sms when i got it i spent hours playing it great time waster but lots of fun for both games
From: Talwar (more)
Comments: My first game and my mother was into it like mad. She like it much and so did I.
From: Ro (more)
Comments: Way back in those days, if you had the Master System, you got this game packed with it.
From: Brian Pumphrey (more)
Comments: The version I have of this is the buit-in ROM version. I think thats a terrible pack in! Hang-On is only fun if you like racing! Which I don't! However Safari-Hunt wasn't bad. I don't know how many of you out there know it but you can beat Safari Hunt! I can't remember how many levels there are, but when you do beat it its says (on that awful green/yellow screen) Congratulations, Maybe now you are ready for a real hunt with a real gun!
PS I think Nintendo Bashing is childish, but I must say that Safari Hunt has Duck Hunt beaten by a good country mile! I dont think I have to expalin why!
From: Wilburt (more)
Comments: I dont care for either, and since I get pissed when my SMS doesnt read the games and the Hang-On screen comes up, I think i hate this one. Even though Safari Hunt is fun when you are a kid.
From: J. van der Veen (more)
Comments: (Tell Noah that he added his comments THREE times.) HANG ON is an interesting game but somewhat hard to figure out if you don't have the manual. (Like me.) I can get past the first section of the first level but that's it. SAFARI HUNT is a bit repetitive after a while, and a copy of DUCK HUNT for the NES. (But it is the better game of the two.) I can get to about the 15th level.
From: Kid Icarus (more)
Comments: This game is built into my system (as it is in most MS1 Power Bases). Hang-On is alright, but nothing like the arcade game. It's very simple and not that fun to play. I find Safari Hunt to be much more fun to play. It's a great gun game. It's the only gun game I have for SMS, but I will say that I like it even more than Duck Hunt for NES. It is a lot more interesting and challenging as the levels actually change. Believe it or not the game is actually beatable. It ends after round 69 (I think). If these games aren't built into your system, you should pick up this combo cart.
From: Noah (more)
Comments: I like the animals reactions to being shot in Safari Hunt. Especally the birds that are cooked. This was a nice touch. Hang On is simple, but addictive. I am the best in the world at it.
From: Noah (more)
Comments: I like the animals reactions to being shot in Safari Hunt. Especally the birds that are cooked. This was a nice touch. Hang On is simple, but addictive. I am the best in the world at it.
From: Noah (more)
Comments: I like the animals reactions to being shot in Safari Hunt. Especally the birds that are cooked. This was a nice touch. Hang On is simple, but addictive. I am the best in the world at it.