6 reviews by Judge..
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World

From: Judge
Comments: Hmm, well, it seems they ran out of ideas for Alex Kidd games or something. It was ok as far as playability, but god, how cheesy and silly. I like parodies, but not of Shinobi! I liked Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Lost Stars seemed like a game for 4 year olds, never played High Tech, and Enchanted Castle(Genesis) wasnt great either. Sorry, I think they should have stopped Alex Kidd at Miracle World, the rest of the games arent much.


Alex Kidd: the Lost Stars

From: Judge
Comments: This game was made for 4 year olds I think, just look at the graphics. This was a shitty Alex Kidd game, should have stopped at Miracle World. I also wonder why there is so much bashing back and forth with calling people fags and stuff? Is everyone who posts here 14 or something?


Wonder Boy in Monster Land

From: Judge
Comments: The reason he changed from a caveman to a knight was because West One bought the Wonderboy name off of the original developer(dont remember who) shortly after the original Wonderboy was released. West One busted this game out and put the newly acquired Wonderboy name on it, and then sequels kept pumping out from there. In Japan this game is just called Monsterland and Wonder Boy III is called Monsterland 2, the Wonderboy name is only used in the US. There are also 3 Genesis Wonderboy games, Wonderboy III Dragon's Lair(released in Japan only, is a lot like the original Wonderboy, not to be confused with Wonderboy III for SMS, that is just its USA name), Wonderboy in Monster World aka Monsterland 3, and Monsterworld 4, only released in Japan, where the character is actually some arab blonde chick, so if this one was ever in English I guess it would be called Wonderbitch or something. The naming of the games is all fucked up between English and Japanese naming.


Ghost House

From: Judge
Comments: Of course this game fucking sucked, it was a card! All card games sucked, those cards had shit for memory. I still played through the whole thing anyways, and let em tell you, thats killing a lot of fucking draculas to save my precious family jewels.



From: Judge
Comments: Hehe, Sega does what Nintendont! I remember that, that is old school shit. This was a cool game, I liked eating all the people.


Hang On & Safari Hunt

From: Judge
Comments: Speaking of light phaser and duo cart games, you guys dont have Marksman Shooting/Trap Shooting listed on your list here. Marksman shooting was shooting those cardboard dummies that have red bullseyes in the chest, different levels had more to hit, etc. Trap Shooting was shooting clay pidgeons. Good stuff.
