From: BluBlade (more)
Comments: Come on it was fun. Kinda another Ghost'N Goblins
Rating: n/a
From: Psykchti (more)
Comments: Rethinking this game makes me want to kill.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: It's alright, isnt it?
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Yep gotta say Blackbeard on the ship was a real bastard but the cyclope guy was easy
Rating: n/a
From: Natalie (more)
Comments: Peter, you didn't even know me until we met at junior college, so, as usual, you don't know what you're talking about. I was overweight, I mentioned that, but I wasn't THAT fat. You can believe the story or not, I don't really care, but you yourself know how hard it is to give up this pussy once you've had a taste! Same went for Erica. So, whatever. It happened whether you think it did or not.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Right, Natalie, the neighbor girl munched your box after you bested her playing Captain Silver. Please. When was this? Junior high? High school? If I'm not mistaken, that was back in your "Fatalie" days, so I'm not sure if all the things you described were even physically possible, and that's assuming some poor soul would be willing to go down there in the first place. Not a bad story, though, I guess. Still, I don't believe it for a second. But, hey, whatever keeps you from slashing your wrists in the bathtub, right?
Rating: n/a
From: Natalie (more)
Comments: Truth be told, I was pretty shy growing up and not all that popular, at least with the boys. I was a bit overweight and sort of geeky and back then either one of those things left you out of the "in crowd" let alone both. So, a lot of my time was spent playing video games and stuff like that. Now, my brother and me had a Master System growing up, and we were lucky in that regard because, well, it's awesome, but most people didn't. Keri, my best friend, like most people I knew, had a Nintendo (well, it was her brothers', but she played it, too) so the only other person I could relate to in my neighborhood regarding the greatness of the Master System relative to the NES was this girl down the street named Erica. She was a year older than me, nice, but kind of shy, too. Really, all we had in common (other than shyness and unpopularity, that is) was the Master System. And she had this game which, though I didn't particularly like it, I was pretty good at. Better than her, in fact, and it would piss her off. So, one day we were playing Captain Silver (which does suck) and we both ran into the one hard boss towards the end, the only hard thing in the entire game(!) and seemingly impossible to beat. As usual, the bastard defeated me and yet, after handing the controller back to her for her turn, I had this feeling that I was right on the cusp of defeating him, though neither of us never had. I told her of this belief of mine and, with her characteristic crassness, Erica said something to the effect of "If you beat him before I do, I'll eat your pussy!" Well, I ignored the comment, dismissing it as nothing more than a crude bravado. Thus, after Erica's inevitable defeat, she handed me the controller back and I proceeded to hack and slash my way through the easy-as-pie levels of Captain Silver and soon faced our old nemesis. This time, though, for whatever reason, I did everything perfectly, so it seemed, and within a few minutes that pirate bastard was no more! Then, uncharacteristically for me, I gloated a bit over MY victory over her game. Erica had this pissy look on her face all the while, but after pouting a minute said, "A promise is a promise...Take off your jeans and I'll do it." At first I didn't realize what she was saying, and even after I did, after I remembered her crude "joke" about eating my pussy, I still thought she had to be joking. She was serious about it, though. Completely serious, like it was a matter of honor or something! A part of me was very uncomfortable at that realization, but another part of me was curious and horny. Yielding to the latter, I asked once again if she was serious. She said "yes", so I slipped out of my jeans, took my panties off, and lay down on the floor in front of her with my legs open. I closed my eyes, waiting, not fully believing what was about to happen. Was it a dream? Was it a cruel prank and a bunch of the cool kids were going to jump from the closet and make fun of me laying there spread-eagle for another girl to eat me out? But just a few moments passed before I learned that it was real. I felt Erica's soft, velvety lips playing gently over my labia, her wetness meeting my own. Her tongue first brushing my clitoris, then darting back and forth over it before retreating once again to taste my juices at their source. This she explored as far as her tongue would go until giving up and returning her attentions to my clit, first licking, then a gentle sucking, and then alternating the two: sharp flicks of the tongue followed by the soft pressure of her lips enclosing my clit in a tender, warm embrace. Finally, she brought the two together, sucking my clit, roughly this time, slurping it as she pushed her tongue back and forth over the tip of my clitoris and rapidly as she could. I screamed at this, climaxing powerfully. Despite this, she continued at her work, and as the first orgasm subsided another one soon took its place, followed by a third after that. Even as this third climax was still pulsing through me, I had to stop her. My clit, now throbbing with as much pain as pleasure, was just too sensitive for her to continue. "Stop! Stop! Please!" I cried, but she only did after I put my hands to the sides of her head and tried to lift her mouth away from me. She, at last, complied, but she then crawled up over me, her body hovering above mine, and kissed me. She pushed her tongue into my mouth, letting me...no, forcing me to taste myself on her lips. "No, wait! I..." I started to tell her to stop, but before I could she collapsed to the floor next to me and began to unbutton her own jeans. Arching her back, she pushed them brusquely to her knees, soon to be followed by her panties. Sitting up, she finished pulling off her jeans and undies and, laying back down bottomless, teased herself a bit with a finger. "Okay, Nat, my turn!" she said, but I didn't know what to do. I was scared. I didn't know how to do it. As nice as it was to receive, I didn't really want to give...I turned over on my side to face her, to tell her that I didn't feel comfortable doing it, but I could get the words to come out. She said, "I'm ready, Nat" but all I could do was stare at her. "Come on, Nat. I want you to taste me. I'm ready." Ready. She kept saying that. Maybe I wasn't ready, I thought, though my wetness surely betrayed that. Still, I lay there looking at her, watching her as she watched herself run her fingers over her pussy. After a few more moments of silence, she turned to me, looking me right in the eyes. I said nothing still, but she took her hand from her own pussy and forced in between my legs to find mine again. Probing with a finger, she said "I'll do you again, Nat, just do it to me, too. Okay?" I still couldn't bring myself to speak, but after circling my clit with a fingertip, then took my hand in her and guided it onto her pussy. It was so warm and wet. It felt like mine did, but different. It was like an out of body experience, but sexual. I rubbed her clit as if it were mine, but felt nothing. I pushed a finger, then two, as deep inside as I could, but only my fingers felt anything. It was wet and warm, soft and slippery, but I felt none of the pressing, the opening, the fullness of my own explorations. Nonetheless, I soon felt myself getting wet again, either through vicarious pleasure or through the sheer shrill of touching another girl as I had so often touched myself. I loved it, but could I bring myself to taste her as she tasted me? Perhaps sensing my trepidation, Erica said, "Are you afraid to eat me out [so crude, I thought]? If you are, it's okay I guess. Just use your fingers, okay?" Well, I already was, so with my mind at ease somewhat, I continued to push my fingers into her and then slowly pull them back out. Thinking she was tiring of this, I then started playing with her clit, but she stopped me: "No, just fuck me with your fingers. I'll do that." Wanting to return the favor she gave me, I obeyed and slowly pushed my index and middle fingers back into the warmth of her pussy. I slid them in and out of her as she twirled her fingertip around and over her clit. "Faster, Nat!" she cried, "Harder! I'm almost there!" I did so, with my fingers soon making a smacking noise with every stroke. "Ohhh! Oh, I'm cumming!" she soon screamed out, but she didn't really need to say. I felt the contractions of her orgasm, the pulsing of the walls of her vagina as wave after wave of ecstasy overtook her. She kept right on rubbing her clit, so taking my cues from this I kept going, too. "Oh, God!" she cried out after another minute, as another orgasm now rhythmically squeezed my darting fingers. At this she stopped rubbing herself, so, following her lead again, I slipped my fingers from inside her. She leaned over and kissed me again, just a peck on the cheek this time, after which we both just lay there on the floor without speaking for some time. Five minutes had probably passed before she got up and put her panties and jeans back on. I stood up and did the same, but before I could button my jeans back up she slipped her hand down the front of my panties and pushed a finger inside of me while giving me another peck on the cheek at the same time. I was struck by the incongruousness of the innocence of the kiss and the bald sexuality of the finger up my pussy, but said nothing. Instead, she said, "You still owe me one, Nat" before adding "Come on, let's get something to eat" I had assumed that the "one" I owed her was, basically, oral sex. That is, she ate me out, I didn't eat her out. Turned out, though, that she was counting orgasms. I had had three and she only two. Well, after a while we both stopped keeping track. I never did eat Erica out and I kind of feel bad about that. We kept playing around like that for years, though. Funny thing is, we kept it centered around stupid competitions like it was with the Captain Silver thing. She wins, she goes first (orgasm wise). I win, I go first. It was silly, but it allowed us the pretense of not admitting that we were in a lesbian relationship. Well, anyway, thanks Captain Silver. You're still a crappy game, though.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Played it and it really is not a game that makes people gay. They were already gay to beging with. This game is really hard but really awesome too, it's a lot of practice and a lot of fun, I guess it's the Ghost'N Goblins of the Master System only in a pirate world.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: The good pillage and raping was betweem the homo erotic sous entendre and the gay cult surrounding this game. No kidding, in the comments we lost a lot of extremely straight dude. I will never play this game, it may very well be the original event that created homosexuality. Well I hope our brothers are happy now even if they like cocks...
Rating: n/a
From: Ron (more)
Comments: I wanted to be a pirate when I was a boy...at least until I played this piece of shit. Where is the pillaging and rapine? Where is the celebratory sodomy back on the ship after a successful day of pirating?
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Fuck you Dave drinking from the toilet taste really bad. Funny rhymes Doc. Get the fuck out Anais thy are a man you faggot. Thanks homo the clown but I don't think that underated game is going to turn me gay. FredPhelps you are awesome and ME is an ultimate faggot. Your website GODHATESGAY is one of the best shit that ever happened to the internet. Shit so you were gay three comment later what a shame reverent mcfaggot. Shit Turd Ferguson you really turned out gay after this game ? Fuck should I play it ?
From: Danny (more)
Comments: Bad graphics, bad gameplay, and easy as all shit up until the time it is almost impossible. Bad, bad game.
From: Scott (more)
Comments: My great-great-grandfather took a valuable Kerr revolver off of a dead captain of the 18th Mississippi near Chattanooga in 1863. Long story short, sold it for meth.
Rating: n/a
From: Brad (more)
Comments: I always called the game "Captain Sliver" after the terrible Sharon Stone movie "Sliver"...you know, the one where she doesn't show beaver. They both suck, although only the movie is a tease because the lame-ass box art for Captain Silver should have been enough to deter anyone from buying it. Though, alas, it seems it was not. Sad
From: orm and cheep (more)
Comments: Great game.
From: Swift (more)
Comments: This game was the 5th I've received. Believe it was begin 1990. Unless most of you here, I do like the game a lot. The graphics were fine, the challenge is super, only thing is dat you die when you get thoughed by an enemy while most other games have a sort of "life meter". After a few months I've been able to beat Captian Silver himself. Cutscene was a tree with gold coins in it, I believe.
From: Cubana (more)
Comments: This game has stupid graphics.
From: Drew Meister (more)
Comments: Captain Silver, more like Cpatain....GOLD!
Rating: n/a
From: Rick (more)
Comments: yes this was a good game i'll never all that time i spend (months of months of trying) i trying to beat Top Banana the boss on the tropical jungle level i think though the last level is the hardest especially if your sword power is crap
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Jews, Blacks, Muslims And Browns... These Are The Things That Make Sam Frown!
From: Imperial3571 (more)
Comments: the version of captain silver i have is much different...it is a very detailed painting on the box...is mine special...like me..
From: pondermuffin (more)
Comments: Butt pirates. Cock'n'bum fun for everyone! I loathe you Cap'n'Crotch! Batten down the hatches, momma's gettin' drunk tanight! 7 acorn monkeys!
From: Turd Ferguson (more)
Comments: I downloaded the ROM to this game this morning after reading the mostly favorable reviews here on this site. However, I must confess that after only about five minutes of play I noticed that my mind was wandering and that all I could think of were penises and gay sex. Needless to say, as a man with no history of such thoughts, it was quite a disturbing situation. I have no quarrel with gay people, not in the least, but I must say that the ease with which this game turned my mind to the homoerotic is alarming. Damn you, Captain Silver! Please note: I say "damn you" not because of the whole gay thing, but because I think Captain Silver was a pirate. Pirates are bad.
From: ME (more)
Comments: Woah woah woah whats all this then?! I never come to this thread and the I find that all these people(ONE person)has been talking behind my eBack? I sure do love the Internet.Btw,great game.But I could never pass that dragon boss though :)
From: Mentat (more)
Comments: I remember when this game first came out. I was so excited about it. I've always loved pirates and stories of mighty ships braving the ocean waves. Instead, I'd spent my allowance on some kind of letter-collecting, bear-kicking, side-scrolling pixelated disappointment. I'd never wished I'd have bought a NES instead of a SMS more than when I played this game. 2/10
From: aprat (more)
Comments: From what i remeber this sucked.
From: paul frith (more)
Comments: good game
From: ben savoury (more)
Comments: i really really liked dis game becoz im a batty boy and i like rubbish tings like dis x x
From: ben savoury (more)
Comments: i really really liked dis game becoz im a batty boy and i like rubbish tings like dis x x
From: sam (more)
Comments: captain silver (oooo weee ooo iii) hes the one who likes to finger his own bum
From: jacko (more)
Comments: disappointing game, interesting comments below though
From: Rev. Fred Phelp (more)
Comments: *sobbing*You're right,Fred Jr. and Quim Nuts.I'm the most in-the-closet homosexual there is.Whenever I poop I hold it in when it protrudes from my anus because it almost feels like a huge cock inserted in my butt.I've been doing that for years now.I want to have the real thing in my butt now.Poop can only be so firm.I'm sure it does'nt come close to a rock hard cock.Could someone show me how it feels?ME,I'm sorry for all the name-calling and bad things I said about you.Please help me out!!!
From: Rev. Fred Phelp (more)
Comments: Just like a sodomite sympathizer to threaten me with violence.You'd be a perfect recruit for the militant homosexual army!Hope you don't mind wearing a pink uniform listening to Streisand records all day!God blew up the space shuttle Colombia because of people like you!!!
From: Rev. Fred Phelp (more)
Comments: This is that sodomite ME,is'nt it?I don't do anal,fag.I like to molest my grandchildren when they come over to visit but I am no sodomite!I tried teabagging with my grandson recently by the way...great fun!There's nothing in the Bible that denounces pedophilia and I should know because I've read that fucker front to back more times than you can wag your dick in a fag's mouth.You're the one who should be concerned about the outcome of your actions.The Wages of Sin is Death,homo...and when they bury you I'll be there with my family to celebrate like we did at Matthew Shepard's funeral!!! www.god hatesfags.com
From: Fred Phelps (more)
Comments: I agree with Jimmy.ME is a sodomite.He has extensive knowledge of the gay lifestyle and homosexual acts.I would like to know what this "teabagging" is.Anyway,unless you repent and give up your fag life you're going to burn in hell forever.Check out my website if you want to turn your life around ME.www.godhatesfags.com
From: Homo the Clown (more)
Comments: This game turned me gay! Don't play it unless you like the idea of having objects up your ass or if you often think to yourself that it would be nice to put your dick in some other dude's butt. If neither of these things have occurred to you, they will right after you play this awful game.
From: chrizzz (more)
Comments: BEST GAME EVER!!!! :D:D only I don't know where I can buythe European version of the game, the one with six levels and bosses
From: Anais Nin (more)
Comments: I often think of Captain Silver as I touch my glistening sex. I imagine him rubbing his manhood all over me, my body trembling under his gentle touch. He enters me, impaling me on his throbbing member. But I am too much for him. I feel him spasm deep within my womanhood, warm spurts filling me, our fluids melding as one.
From: ? (more)
Comments: shit game yoll,shit game.SEGA this game gives me an eye watering stench...U OW ME 2 BUCKS U AAAbsolutely made a great game its SO SHIT. na just jokes i love it but its a little too hard and long of a game.Me says make a password memory save
From: Ricky Priestman (more)
Comments: hmm well when i was about 6 strangely i good get to the level where you face the Top Banana boss on level 5 but now i can't even get pass level 1 how frustrating stiLL this game is o.k but have seen better
From: Raccoon (more)
Comments: A pretty good game... well the Euro version is good. The US version is only 1 megabit (as opposed to the European 2 megabit version), and is missing 2 levels, at least 10 enemies, 4 bosses, the pictures from the ending sequence, and virtually all challenge. The 2 versions can be distinguished easily by the different box art, and different dates on the title screen. (Euro-1988, US-1989) I rate the Euro version: 7 out of 10, the US version: 5 out of 10.
From: J (more)
Comments: A surprisingly good game. When collecting SMS games i stumbled upon this unboxed Captain Silver game and tried it. Quite cool!
From: Serious Toni (more)
Comments: Does anyone know HOW TO KILL THE BOSS IN THE JUNGLE WORLD ?!!! It's this yellow knight - he is the boss from the isle/jungle world after the big red dragon-boss... Please help! HOW TO KILL THIS KNIGHT??
From: Serious Toni (more)
Comments: Its too hard ! But very nice! I was on the Isle, in the Jungle, and there was this Knight (BOSS) he was too difficult, what comes after ?
From: joel (more)
Comments: nostaligi
From: Sproket (more)
From: Bert (more)
Comments: Played it for the first time last week. and it\'s realy smashing.
From: Celeborn (more)
Comments: This is a great game. I remember playing this at the age of about 6 at christmas and refusing to stop. The graphics are good, I can\'t even remember the music tho. ;) And for all you newbie gamers who finds this game too hard; never call yourself a gamer again.
From: SMS Gamer 86 (more)
Comments: I\'m going to keep this short so I can get on to the next review... Don\'t bother, this game blows.
From: bamz (more)
Comments: well if you are gonna call a platform game a legend then this would be it ok it may have been sluggish but value for money in its day no comparison top notch for ever a classic
From: Segacollection. (more)
Comments: This game didnt meet my expectations. There some glitches, rock hard gameplay and boring levels. Not the best.. Segacollection.com
From: Urp (more)
Comments: I can see that there are plenty with nintendo guys on this site. CS is a good game but for nintendo suckers its to hard. Let me guess, the banana guy at level 5 were to tricky for you.
From: toastlad (more)
Comments: Weird lumpy pirate game. I remember more about playing this game than the game itself. Playing it at a friends house, a guy who used to have this little chihuahua called LEON. Imagine if they made games like this for PS2. NOW THAT WOULD BE SOMETHING.
From: Chourave (more)
Comments: My first Video Game. In the end i could play it with eyes closed. I tried it again recently, well... Not as good as in my memories...
From: Doc (more)
Comments: Captain Silver Yeay! A hoy matey, I'mma gay pirate! Would ya like ta play with me peg leg? Walk tha plank girlfriend!!! This game is utter crap, just like the skid marks in my old hanes!
From: debuire.r (more)
Comments: je recherche ce jeu depuis lomgtemps. veuillez me contactez a l'adresse ci dessus ci vous possedez ce jeu ou si vous connaissez un emulateur de ce jeu sur pc.
From: Rasheed (more)
Comments: Loving this game
From: Mathew Moore (more)
Comments: I know I should hate this game. It look horrible, the gameplay is flat and uninspired, but I really like this game. It's got a certian piratey charm.
From: Dave (more)
Comments: This game looks like shit, plays like shit, and is a solid turd. I killed that purple cyclops in the middle of the ocean but then I wanted to kill myself. Looking for a better time? Drink from the toilet.
From: Kent Cooper (more)
Comments: Are you getting bored of me yet?
From: Noah (more)
Comments: This game is good, but not great. The book says that there are 6 rounds, but I only ever found four. It was the first SMS game I ever beat(actually, I just did it today). My copy has a different cover and a sticker that is for Sega of the 90's. Perhaps it is a later version.
From: mourad (more)
Comments: en jouant
From: Peter Gibbins (more)
Comments: I remeber borrowing this off me next door neighbour, man was it crap, the controls were sluggish and it made no sense...maybe I should have given it more of a chance but I just went back to Donald Duck
From: DragonBlande (more)
Comments: This game is a classic. One of my favorite games on sega master system.
From: DragonBlande (more)
Comments: This game is a classic. One of my favorite games on sega master system.
From: tootyfruity (more)
Comments: i bought this game for 5$ and the only cool thing in it was the cat from Alice.
From: JJShireman2 (more)
Comments: Yup I beat this one. That pirate ghost was killed by me. I dont try to make any funny puns or swear I just tell it like it is.
From: Bradley Toms (more)
Comments: I personaly loved this game when I was like 6 and 7 years old. Hell, I still loved it even afterward.