3 reviews by Celeborn..
Psycho Fox

From: Celeborn
Comments: Used to play this game when I was really young and it rox. And all of you who complains about the controls: make sure your holding the joypad correctly. It wont work if it\'s upsidedown u know. -_- I finished this game at the age of 6 and you can\'t even make a proper jump? LOL


Golden Axe Warrior

From: Celeborn
Comments: This is a very good game but since it\'s TOO much of a Zelda 1 copy it won\'t get a max score. And anyone who\'s going to say that it came out before Zelda 1, get a grip. But it\'s definately a good game and worth the money you might have to spend to get it. (Still got my 9//10 year old copy ;))


Captain Silver

From: Celeborn
Comments: This is a great game. I remember playing this at the age of about 6 at christmas and refusing to stop. The graphics are good, I can\'t even remember the music tho. ;) And for all you newbie gamers who finds this game too hard; never call yourself a gamer again.
