From: Paul (more)
Comments: I can't say that this is a great game, but I like it because of how it made me feel. It produced in me the same sort of nervous tension you get after you've broken into someone's house at night and you're just standing there watching them and their wife as they lay there sleeping. You could do anything you want to them...but you end up chickening out of anything major for fear of going back to the joint and so you end up shitting on their kitchen floor as some sort of mute protest of something you can't explain.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
From: caio (more)
Comments: fucking game!
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: It's three levels that repeats indefinitely. This game sucks and is hard as balls.
Rating: n/a
From: john (more)
Comments: My Name is Mr john smith .I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our weeding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her Facebook and she changed her Facebook status from married to Single...when i went to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..i lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to US the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that again.it was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 2 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too,This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for help.you can mail him on this e-mail; ogbonispelitemple@hotmail.com. i cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good luck his email;ogbonispelitemple@hotmail.com
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Its hard as fuck. I think I got up to level two once. Cunt bastard nigger!
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Dude pornstars aren't special. You can take any regular girl loving her boyfriend and make her suck your cock under an hour if you know what you are doing.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Oops, that should read (as we all sadly know) that prostitution is, for the most part, ILLEGAL. Hard to type with one hand, you know.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I'm fully cognizant of that fact/rumor. It should be noted that that was merely a hypothetical situation brought up to highlight the odd ambivalence we have regarding commercial sexual activity in our society, with prostitution being, for the most part, legal and pornographic films being, for the most part, legal. It is also worth mentioning that: a) I only mouth-fucked Faye Reagan in my hypothetical, staying well clear of her suspect cooter, and b) my personal choice for a bathroon dalliance with a pornstar would involve my swollen member meeting one Avy Scott. She has both body and personality. Tit and wit, as it were.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Careful, Peter, word on the street is that Faye Reagan has genital warts.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: What to do if you ever meet a porn star? Let's say you're about town one day and you run into some hot little number you recognize from the adult entertainment world. You say something like, "Hey, Faye Reagan, wow! So, how much for a fuck? We can go do it in the bathroom or something.." And she'd be all, "Fuck you, jerk! I'm not a fucking prostitute!" And then you'd be like, "Well, maybe not directly...I mean, you aren't paid for sex, per se, but you are paid to appear in "films" were you perform various sex acts. Kind of an indirect prostitution, don't you think?" And then she'd be like, "Stop following me around, asshole, I'm not a whore." And then you'd say, "I can stop following you any time, can you stop being a whore." And then she's all, "If you don't leave I'm calling the cops!" And then you're like, "Look, bitch, this ain't your house, it's the library, and I have as much right to be here as you! Now are you going to suck my dick in a bathroom stall or what?" And then she's like, "If it will get you to leave me alone I will for twenty dollars." Then you shake hands to cement the agreement and before long she's choking on the cum you blasted down her throat.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Finally played it. One shot kills are atrocious but the game was not that bad, it would have been FUN if there were more continues and you did not have to start all over again when you died. Oh and the punch was terribly useless and the bombs that comes out from nowhere are a pain in the ass. Don't worry Paul I'll keep a copy for myself and destroy all the others ones.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: It has been a long time Paul. I'm glad to say I destroyed and burn 1000 copies of this game. Sadly I was caught again so I will need to postpone my chase. They are still hesitating between death penalty and lifetime prison. I don't give a fuck I'll get out before that. these fuckers are still trying to decide if I'm more of a serial killer or a serial rapist, hahaha how stupid of them.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: I never learnt the lesson not to buy sega games from the 'card' era. i never found enojoyment in games that just went on and on forever on a loop. this was quite a hard game after 2-3 stages and it decieved you intothinking itmay actually have an end. good for 15 minutes of entertainment
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I'm done with Canada, the USA are next. I've got 76 copies now.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Keep fighting the good fight, BluBlaDe.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I'm on it Paul. I'm at the 23 copy. Man they were hard to find. Tough I did not pay a singly penny for them, I stole them and I even had to kill 2-3 owners. Man I'm already on the run for rape, hope these fuckers won't catch me. I hope you will acknowledge me as your hero before I get caught and go to jail for life.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Just noticed the copyright Chris Wopat 1997-2011, down there. 2011? Really? Tell me (I would say "us", but we both know there's no us) if you're acting as potential solution or as the problem. Sorry if I forgot to ignore this site like everyone else.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: My hero will be any person that destroys every copy of this shit game.
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Excuse my last post, Swift. It was written under the influence of angel dust. While it does make me even less coherent than normal, it also gives me incredible sexual powers the likes of which neither you nor the young girls I debauch can comprehend.
Rating: n/a
From: Swift (more)
Comments: I think the owner of this site have more sites than just this one, so the only cost is the Domain Name. Too bad this site isn't updated anymore. Wehere I live, retro gaming is starting to boom. Especially these sega Cards are quite rare. However, most games on the cards are more or less crap.
Rating: n/a
From: ninjataki21 (more)
Comments: how the heck does this guy retain this website?its been laying dorment for years now with zero advertising and zero updates... is it just existing for free????
From: STFU camel (more)
Comments: Maybe the game is some post apocolyptic land where one one female exist....like Freak'n Smurfette. In that case I'd kick a lot of ass to get her back.
From: MJ (more)
Comments: ahaha my hero, seeing those dudes fly into the air after you kick them haha, was their and ending to this game cause all I remeber was the same shit back and forth and fighting the boss dude 20 million times, was the girl really worth it, apparently not cause she dumped him a day after he saved her, all that work for nothin, poor sucker!!!
From: Waynes McBrown (more)
Comments: For such an god awful game, I did spend a great deal of time playing this game. I guess the only "coolness" factor for this game is the fact that it is one of the Sega Card games. Other than that....
From: ME (more)
Comments: Shut the fuck up.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: If somebody mugs your sorry ass I bet you won't be looking around for a fucking hedgehog to help you. Here's to you getting beaten up, robbed, and sodomized in a dark alley. Where's your hedgehog now?
Rating: n/a
From: ciaran (more)
Comments: hedgehogs are better than heroes which means i like sonic a lot more
Rating: n/a
From: ciaran (more)
Comments: hey flat frizzle i,ll tell you who let the dogs out.ME.muhahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa
Rating: n/a
From: Mike (more)
Comments: Did anyone ever finish this game? I think I came close, but no cigar. It was hard as hell to beat.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Nigger, I Hate Your Face, Dont Try And Mess With The Master Race!
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Jesus, Oh, How i Love Ya, How I Love Ya, Jesus!
From: flat fizzle (more)
Comments: who let the dogs out
From: kaneda (more)
Comments: i loved it, twas awesome and yes i am canadian, stereotypes are baaaaad kids! :P
From: Stimie (more)
Comments: Sam you think we can't read german in here? Also from your grammer I can tell you have Down Syndrome. By the way this game kicks ass. It reminds me of back in the day before I had to work full time and pay bills. I could sit in the corner of my room and play games like this all day with no troubles or problems. I really happy time in my life. What a security blanket.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten!
From: Sarah (more)
Comments: Hi Ted :-) You sound like a nice guy! At least YOU have your own car! Wow, a guy with his OWN car! Hear that Peter? Ted has his OWN car!! Stop following me all over the place Peter, you're a loser! LOSER! L O S E R !!!!
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Oh fuck it i tryd being nice for one day.... I LOVED MY HERO SO MUCH IM GOING TO RAM IT UP MY ANUS AND SHIT ALL OVER IT!!!! THEN RUB IT ALL OVER MY NIPPLES! God, most of you people are twats
From: Justice Thomas (more)
Comments: Hmmm, what might I add to this crazy message? I think y'all are a bunch of stupid white men who can't get laid. I had sex with 3 different WHITE women in the past 2 days.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: I got this game yesterday. I like it (clean and politically correct enough for you?)
From: Used Tampax (more)
Comments: I knew your mother Love Child. She has one stinky cunt. Only a black man would tap that shit.
From: The Love Child (more)
Comments: Who's my daddy?
From: George Bush (more)
Comments: eye thinke this iz verie great. Their our afrikin amerikians hear having eh good time at the Amerikan taxpayhers expenses. eye Feel fit two end this write now!
From: Rosa Parks (more)
Comments: I may be dead, but heavens... Sharpten, grow the F up!
From: Rev. Sharpten (more)
Comments: Stupid ass honkey motha fuckers! I done get me more White Pussy then you stupid ass honkey mother fuckers! Yea, that be right bitches! I get me nice white pussy and I fill that white pussy up with my long black ram rod! Oh yea bitches! CAN'T TOUCH THIS!!!!
From: Rev. Sharpton (more)
Comments: Shut da fuck up hoe bitch!
From: Rev. Sharpton (more)
Comments: Rosa done sat done so a white man could done stand up! Praise God!
From: Afro American (more)
Comments: Yo, I Done be wanting one of dim SUV's to ride around done be. Yea, done Rosa Parks be my done hero. And I like that there Jessie Jackson, he done preaches the truth! He done be a great man!
From: Sam (more)
Comments: ive never played this game.... but i want it... i could wank over it all
From: john (more)
Comments: This game is a cool game because you get to punch and kick your enemies you even get to kick tobeat the crap out of a dog's one of the top ten games for the sega master!
From: Feijoada Polone (more)
Comments: Este jogo é muito legal! "Gangs fighter" aqui. Ele é bem desafiador. Que saudades. ----------------------------------------------- This game is very cool! "gangs fighter" here. It's very challenger! I like the old times!
From: rodenhay (more)
Comments: yes m8
From: pondermuffin (more)
Comments: NO. Trust not ye in this one. His pants reek of radish.
From: Mr. Smiley face (more)
Comments: Greetings friends, I come bearing good news, and a very interesting tail about our old friend "Kluxy's" mom. If you haven't guessed the past messages have put quite an Immense strain on our relationship. Due to the fact that women don't really like people knowing about the way they get penis'ed. But anyway, after a good solid 2 weeks of being kicked out of the "Kluxy"s household. I find myself with an overabundace of sperm, so with no one to release it into I was getting quite desperate. So that is when I made my move on "Kluxy's" mom. I waited till late at night when everyone was asleep. I rang the doorbell, and "Kluxy's mom answered. The look she gave me could have torn through a suit of armor. I asked if I could enter "Kluxy's" house and talk to her. She aloud me to, so we moved to the kitchen. Before she could say a single word I opened my trench coat and revealed a naked erect man. Much to my surprise she wanted "the penis" more than ever. So instead of taking her to the bedroom I proceeded to conduct a one man symphony inside of "Kluxy's" mom. This brought back memories of times past of sex with "Kluxy's" mom. You would think this is where the story would end, but as you all know I like to change things up a bit. "Kluxy's" mom came before I did letting out a very sexy moan. I was almost done but "Kluxy's" mom went to the bathroom to finish leaking her femine fluids. I was left in the kitchen by myself when those memories took a side track bringing up the embarrassment I suffered when "Kluxy" told, and showed "Kluxy"s mom about my place in this website. I remember the morning breakfast we had while she was finding out the truth. My memories took another side track and I remembered that "Kluxy" is the only one in the house that drinks milk. Me being lactose intolerant, and "Kluxy"s mom never having a taste for dairy. So I proceeded to the refrigerator where I witnessed my revenge on "Kluxy". As you have probably guessed I pooped sperm into the milk. It was not the exact color of the milk, having more of a yellowish tent to it, But nevertheless it mixed very well and my trap was set. The next morning I fixed breakfast for everyone, eggs and bacon for "Kluxy"s mom, and as you can guess cerial for "Kluxy". The carton was a little less than halfway full so the juices has plenty of space to mix, and blend in. I watched as "Kluxy" ate the whole bowl of cerial, and drank every drop. If you are worried about the details of this message being given to the wrong hands, don't be. I successfully convinced "Kluxy"s mom that this site was not real life but more like a game. I did a lot of lieing in that conversation but the goal has been reached. As the story comes to a close I would just like to give all of you out there a word of advise. When the going gets tough cum in tough's milk it gets the teeth extra white!
From: Mr. Smiley face (more)
Comments: AH it feels good to be able to make love to "Kluxy's" mom. She lets me know the very purpose the male species was put on the planet for. I just love it when she rubbs my weiner between her boobs, or when she is asleep and I play with her vagina hair. Oh thats one offavorite parts of the day. After we have sex and I poop sperm into her. She falls asleep then the fun begins. Sometimes I rubb my weiner against her ass, then all over her body including her legs. She does not know this because she sleep very heavy. But when "Kluxy's" mom begins to stir, I stop, wait till she drifts off, then continue with my activities. Everytime I do this I get more and more out of control. The other night I even pooped sperm into her hair. She woke up wondering what the hell happened because by the time she noticed I was asleep also. Ah yes I tell you friends "Kluxy's" mom lets me unleash my primal urges that have been bottled up since birth.
From: Wade (more)
Comments: Perhaps we can agree to disagree on the merits of the game and of card games in particular, though the general consensus is that card games universally suck in terms of playability regardless of their portability. I certainly respect your rational for liking this game so much. I guess of one of my fantasies was to act out part of a mediocre '80s film franchise starring that disease-ridden midget Michael J. Fox, I myself might have enjoyed the game more. I'll give a rating of five. Shine on, you crazy diamond!
From: Iron Monking (more)
Comments: I think I love this game because it looks like Marty McFly kicking the hell out of a gang of Biff Tanin's (Back to the Future). Come on Crazy Wade you gotta love a game that you can fit in your pocket and is hard as hell to get through. I mean look at the boss stages, they give you a different fighting style. This game was ahead of its time.
From: Wade (more)
Comments: You gave My Hero a rating of ten. Now that is fucking crazy! That pantload is sad even for a card game.
From: Iron Monking (more)
Comments: You are right,Wade is wacky in the head. But this game is cool. I mean what more do you want from a card\catridge game. Its hard as hell and I'd like to put some of you haters on the front cover, and punch the snot out of a couple of you guys for talking crap at this marvel of technology
From: aprat (more)
Comments: Hardest game ever.
From: RicanPapi (more)
From: Super Mario (more)
Comments: Watch your mouth, you worthless little mother-fucker!! This game was made for fags like you.
From: Mario (more)
Comments: HELP! I#m a fat and lousy plumber and my Hero kicked me in my ass. What can I do?
From: MK-Power (more)
Comments: we are BACK!!! My HERO STILL kicks Marios ass
From: Wade (more)
Comments: We all love you with all our hearts, Buster. We miss you. Come home if you can. You are a great friend.
From: Wade (more)
Comments: Please come home, Cleo. We love you and miss you very much. You are my best friend.
From: ok-dude (more)
Comments: i guess such the statement against punk/beatnik-rockers and thier girlfriend stealing habits was sorta overdue, but this game is wayyyyy too bright and puffy. it is saved from failure by the simple enjoyment of the bouncing jumpkick thew hero employs
From: vegeta (more)
Comments: ok ppl here is the amazing news- i just played the arcade version of this game on MAME and its actually a really good game!! check this out------> 1. the levels actually CHANGE!! 2.u can set the dip switches to INFINITE lives! 3. there are NINJAS in the game!(stage 2) 4.the bad guys take hostages and torture them! ****** go here for all roms and emus----> www.romnation.net or www.romshare.net
From: Jason (more)
Comments: What do you get when you combine 10 ounces of sperm with chocolate syrup. One tasty ass shake. What do you get when combine an insanely hard game with dumb as shit gameplay, lasies and gentlemen My Hero.
From: Ralph (more)
Comments: I remember this game was really hard back then. But I also liked it and hope to find it again.
From: Kevin (more)
Comments: This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit This game is shit 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From: gfqg (more)
Comments: his game is a lode of toss it is pur shit smells like shit taste like shit and it is shit so what mor can i say..........................shit shit shit and even more fucking shit
From: wayne m (more)
Comments: my hero's cute
From: Vikki (more)
Comments: Hahaha this game rocks just because of the picture on the cartridge. My friends and I are Hollywood Drunk Punks (yea, we're a crew) and we all LOVE the picture. Hell, even if you've never even played the game, who hasn't thought of punching a punk in the face. Yes they DO steal girlfriends in real life. Yes they ARE total assholes. Wow. I LOVE My Hero! Vikki xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
From: ME (more)
From: vegeta (more)
Comments: i swear to god i am so happy i visited this site, i remember playing this game as a kid and although it pissed me off i had to kep going to find an ending!i made it 6 times and thought i was good.. after reading this im not so sure!!! thanx GQ for your enlightenment and my heart goes out to you christine 04/09!! keep dreamin for that elusive sense of comletement!!
From: Master Blaster (more)
Comments: Funny and cute... Not my favorite... but it was a nice time on the system
From: k munroe (more)
Comments: i concur, no ending. jump kick was only move that worked. i remember playing all the time, but i didn't really like it. how the fuck do i remember this shit? What did i do yesterday?????????
From: Erich (more)
Comments: Another great game. Me and my brothers would play forever though, and could never get to the end. Does it even have an end to it??
From: King (more)
Comments: This game ROCKED! i wish i had a way to play it now...
From: The Spade (more)
From: Bruce Lee (more)
Comments: This game is sexy
From: Jacko (more)
Comments: I really wanted 2 stab my mother or father during this game, why is it when you get hit you hit the ground like a fucking spastic and shit yourself, and that music when you get hit! GGGRRRZZZ, believe me, if u have a bad heart you dont wanna play this game, it will send you fucking violent
From: my hero (more)
Comments: this game is gay coz when u get kiked ur character has an orgasm and has 2 hold his balls to stop the cum flooding???!!??!?!?!!!
From: Pressurdrop (more)
Comments: This game made me wana go out and rob a gas station.It gets anoying real fast.If a guy even touches you your instantly on the ground The only reason I play it cuz it remindes of a freind lol(dont ask)
From: bLaCk^rAvEn (more)
Comments: This game is so freaken hard to pass.. where the hell is the damn ending... i've been playing for God knows how long and still the bad guy keeps stealing back my girlfriend after i beat him up every round... watta bumma.. oh well this game still is pretty good for the old days =)
From: Jacko (more)
Comments: Its been about a week since ive played this game and i feel like a much happier person, its a disgrace 2 the sega name, there are 2 many faults in this heap of junk!! id recommend buying it just so you can see how shit it is
From: GQ (more)
Comments: There must be an ending! Surely Sega would not be that cruel. The only way to find out would be the get an action replay (they're quite rare for sms) and set infinite lives or, better still, invincibility if that's possible. Even so several hours would need to be wasted.
From: Serious Toni (more)
Comments: No - thats the end of each boss after each level... this game has no ending I love this game - my tip: just kick the dogs in their arses !!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!
From: ed (more)
Comments: what sick fark would do this to people? i rate it 'cause i accidentaly just played it
From: GQ (more)
Comments: Keep it up Z[a]ntatsu! I got up to level 11 the other day and turned it off due to boredem. How anyone can get up to 107 is amazing! The game must have an end. My prediction is that the game will crash after so many levels because the level number will overflow. It is likely that the level number still increments despite the fact that it is not displayed this way after 99. The speed of characters are limited by the speed of light at the very most. However, they will not be displayed long before this because the slow frame rate would cause them to be off the screen before they are displayed. In this case an overflow would eventually occur because the character's position is probably stored as a number. In which ever case, unless a critical repeating number is met, the game must eventually crash and 'finish'.
From: d (more)
Comments: this is the best sms game. period.
From: z[a]ntetsu (more)
Comments: Round 107... Rest in peace... The game stops adding after round 99. Not only that, but rounds 100+ (still listed as 99) are ridiculously hard, and my lives steadily poured right down the drain. Replaying the game now feels like the enemies are swimming in treacle. The earlier levels just seem so ridiculously slow to me now. Oh well, sorry to dash all your hopes (and mine)... I guess this game doesn't have an ending after all *breaks down in tears* ...btw, I still can't find the My Hero ROM anywhere... If anyone can please point me in the right direction... I want to screen-capture all the lovely little sprites :P
From: Jacko (more)
Comments: This is one of them fucked up games where u swear you didnt touch the bad guys but you stiff fucking die! i hate this game, its a goddam disgrace. i am a pretty good player and can get to around level 9, and there is still no end, i have to play it on emulator to save my state to see where i can get too!! this game is disgracful with no fucking end to its crap!!
From: Wilburt (more)
Comments: To the guy who wrote the novel below me: You have quite a mission, please don't quit. I now need to know as much as you, if this game has an ending. I will start a similar journey, with the game Ghost House. Another card, with another endless possibilty! Here's to you brutha.
From: z[a]ntetsu (more)
Comments: No words can describe how much I hate this game. Out of all the games I have to play, this nasty piece of work is the one I keep choosing. The first time I picked it up, I didn't know what to think. But now that i've been playing it for so long, I just can't put it down.
After spending many weeks training and improving my gaming skill, I have decided to embark on a quest to see if My Hero really has an ending... I upgraded my master system with a cooling system, and connected it to a stable UPS power source. I am determined to keep playing this game without switching it off until I either pass the game, or i'm dead :P. At first I thought, "okey, I can keep this up forever". I was quickly racking up lives, and I was keeping up with the relatively slow pace of the enemies.
Boy was I wrong. The levels kept getting faster, and faster, and faster. The bulldogs move so fast that it's nearly impossible to kill them, I have to hit the first one and jump the others instead.... and even that is near impossible unless perfectly timed. The fires move so fast you can have to time it perfectly or die. I find myself positioning in the corner and constantly kicking falling thugs in order to gain points for more lives... I was eventually accustoming myself to the pace... but then... ROUND 25. The enemies are now suddenly so fast you can jump once and a few guys run underneath you.
I am currently holding out at level 32, with only a few lives left under my belt. The future looks pretty bleak for my fly-kicking buddy and his girlfriend...
From: mop (more)
Comments: GQ is absolutely right.On condition that you play this game for 5 hours you will love it,or at least you won't hate it as you would do in the first minutes.The problem is that hardly anyone would play this game for so 5 hours.Besides as CHRISTINE (04/09} let us know this game goes faster and faster as the unsuspected segaplayer reaches levels 9 and 10.It reminds me of HANG ON which has no end whatsoever and beats you by shortening the time limit more and more.Anyway we all would be very grateful, if someone who has finished it would share its end with us.
From: GQ (more)
Comments: Play it for five minutes and you'll hate it. Play it for five hours and you'll love it. This game would have to be one of the most addictive on the SMS despite its hard difficulty. If you're having trouble ground kick the first three dogs you come across, jump over the fourth and kick it from behind. This will give you an extra life and can be repeated.
From: Conrad (more)
Comments: I really love this game. Actually i got it in cartridge format. Kicks anyway...
From: SMS Gamer 86 (more)
Comments: The only reason I bought this game because it was on the card format. Like a credit card, and that was a really cool selling point. The game on the other hand, you either love it or hate it, and I hated it. I shouldn\'t be that hard on it though, I had a fun time laughing so hard that it was worth the money.
From: Jo (more)
Comments: this game is good but gets very repetitive and starts to really get on your nerves. I got to level 31 and I keep seeing the same boards over and over..and over..and over. Im pretty much convinced that there is no end to this game, and that the game just teases you thinking you\'re actually gonna get to keep the girl one time. If anyone has gotten farther or has seen an ending let me know.
From: Christine (more)
Comments: I\'ve been playing My Hero ever since I got it in the late \'80s. It was my first Sega game ever! I am now 24 and still have yet to defeat this game! I have got as far as levels 8 & 9 and they only get faster & faster. It seems impossible to beat it. I still wake up sometimes in the middle of the night and wonder to myself...after all this blood, sweat, & tears, will the ending of the game match the fantasies I\'ve created in my mind?????? Will the graphics of the game change and be absolutely spectacular? Fireworks??? I give it a high rating because all the games these days are totally weak!! You\'ve got a million continues and cheat methods. This game is solid! You\'ve gotta get through it on your own; the hard way! If you can defeat My Hero you can defeat any game! It is the \"Boot Camp\" of video game playing!! You owe yourself a pat on the back if you can finish this one!
From: B (more)
Comments: How much did a Sega Card cost in 1986?
From: Ugulus (more)
Comments: Who dear to throw shit on this masterpiece?
From: opaopa (more)
Comments: I think this game could have been a lot more fun if they would have just given you a life meter, or a few more hits. You don\'t see games where some dudes steal your girlfriend nearly as much anymore... What\'s the deal with that?
From: Astro (more)
Comments: Hard+boring make this a very shitty game I don\'t know why they wasted thier time money & effort on it.PS: I only rated it that cause of graphics
From: Dandy Donald (more)
Comments: This is a fancy game, and i love it more than scooby poopy doo!
From: kommer (more)
Comments: Cool, its is a great game!!!!!
From: Griff (more)
Comments: This game is simply pathetic. It is utterly worthless. There is nothing distinctive about this game and it has nothing to make it worthwhile.
From: Eric (more)
Comments: This game made Mario look thin and atractive.
From: Eric (more)
Comments: This game made Mario look thin and atractive.
From: Kimbal (more)
Comments: It is a nice action games, easy to play, hard to go very further, the weakness for this games would be endless and repeated sound.
From: Fridenpaden (more)
Comments: cudos to you M.K. I'm still on the second level, but I suck!
From: MkPower (more)
Comments: MK is right! We 're the best! The Game : My hero kicks Super Marios ass! It's better than any other NINTENDO game!
From: M.K. (more)
Comments: did anybody reached the 15th level ?? we did it.....without cheating !!!!1
From: Fridenpaden (more)
Comments: I love the idea of making a game on a card! It is as small as a creditcard and therefore the box it comes in is much thinner. And now to the game... I actually like these kind of games, going from the left to the right with enemies coming to get you, Classic platformgames. This is pretty good, not as good as Super Mario or Alex Kidd but hey! I just bought the games and I feel that I'm going to spend many hours in front of it. The darn thing is that My Hero is so damn difficult. Okej, I've only played for 45 minutes but I have not managed to make it through the first round. Should a game really be too hard? Somewhere in between I reckon is the best way.
From: Hiraldo (more)
Comments: This is a good game but the problem with it is it sux too much.I think the creators of this game have a problem.but this is still a good game.This game is for people who like PLATFORM BEAT EM UPS.Actually its a good game a great in fact better than Tekken tag tournament. Any grrls wanting a good guy can call me on 1234567890987654321
From: stephen g (more)
Comments: I won't wright as much as rick lappeman but ithink my opinion is just as valid, this game was very hard especially when you have to jump over running pigs and those ever so evil bouncing bombs, and that nasty little easilly breakable cartridge why did sega bother. ((I have a nintendo fan sat next to me)).
From: NetLink-1 (more)
Comments: Back in 1986, I would play this arcade hit every morning before I went to school. There was a bagel shop that had this arcade game. On my walk to school, I would stop at the bagel shop and spend my lunch money on a few rounds of My Hero! The game was awesome then...and it's awesome now! The Master System verison is 99% arcade perfect! My Hero was created beautifully for Master System. I have this game for my system and it will never be sold. A timeless classic!
From: Jannicke (more)
Comments: If I ever got to play it, I liked it.
From: Tomi Kaunisto (more)
Comments: Pretty boring... I bought this for 5 finnish marks (= $1) and I'd say it's exactly worth that.
From: Segacollection. (more)
Comments: Not bad for such an early MS game. Too hard for me though :) Segacollection.com
From: Rick Lappeman (more)
Comments: Well Since I am trying to become the websites official Sega game tester and reviewer I decided to play this old gem for the first time today. I was warned about tis stupididty in the past and worried i was gonna waste my time..... I was joyfully mistaken! This game is actualy quite good especialy for its age and despite its simple graphics and commical cartoonish plot the game is very addictive. Basicly you have to get as far as you can before losing your lives and like in space harrier the further you travel the more points you accumulate. You gotta punch, Kick and dodge your way around lots of different badguys and the challenge is they come in both directions in this side scroller so one wrong move and you are cornered. Anyway despite what anyone says the constant action and strategy element in quickly deciding what you have to do next keeps this game very fresh and I am proud to give it eight alex's. I would give it more but hey the perfect game has to be a one in a million!
From: Ro (more)
Comments: The arcade version is far much better. It has a better background.