From: Paul (more)
Comments: Most of the Master System 3-D games were mediocre at best, but the wearing the glasses would also result in the most painful episodes of priapism that I had ever experienced up to that point. Latterly, I have found that the same holds true of most current VR systems.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I learned a new word today. Ninhomosexualdo. Well that guy is fucking right about the Wii and the gay censorship shit but appart from that Nintendo was cool. Not as cool as Sega but cool.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Dumb, distorted, disaster, the real 3 "D"s in 3D. And to ruin the good name of Space Harrier....
From: BurtNinja (more)
Comments: Wish I had this one
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Most of the 3D games were just gimmicky bullshit, but it sounds like this one might be okay. On the other hand, I think I'll just stick with the original Space Harrier.
Rating: n/a
From: Arnold (more)
Comments: The best graphics of all 8-bit games! Great sound track and one of the most hard games ever!
From: gerald sonic ma (more)
Comments: i love tities i just cant get enough tities!!!! give me all the tities, just call me the tiitie man!!!
From: DeathAdder X (more)
Comments: Space Harrier is one of those games that really shows people how potentially powerful an 8-bit system was, but incorporate 3d into the mix and you get a game that's still as awe inspiring today as it was 21 years ago. The Graphics are nice with really cool 3d backgrounds and new enemies to shoot yet i found the framerate was a little slow. The music sounded nice. Not as good as the first sms space harrier but pretty good, yet i found the sfx were a little cumbersome. the controls are tight and the verall gameplay is fast paced and highly entertaining. This game is great and I think everyone on earth should experience this game
From: Infernal (more)
Comments: Very interesting game, though many a time it gets annoyingly repetitive.They should've added new weapons to be collected up in the course of the game,but still and all it's worth giving it a try as it's simply another classic.The difficulty may prove a challenge to most players and I remember when I first finished it,using up nearly all of the continues.The soundtracks are amazingly catchy and you can employ a very effective strategy in the fight against the bosses.Just flying around the screen and never stop shooting.This stratagem will enable you to go really further into the game,but things get tough from the 5th stage upwards, when the poles and other obstacles begin to come faster.Your skills and reflexes will have to be put to test like there's no tomorrow.
From: Rich (more)
Comments: Got this game today and the glasses. Awesome experience that I didn't have 20 years ago.
From: Space Harrier (more)
Comments: Make sure you put on your glasses while playing 3D games
From: pondermuffin (more)
Comments: Whatever floats your boat. I find masterbating to be extremely relaxing. The release of endogenous morphine is especially intoxicating after a several days of abstinance. In fact, I'm throbbing right now. May I hump your legs please?
From: Gerald Sisouw (more)
Comments: Space Harrier Just Keeps Getting Better And Better!!!!!!
From: 2JEREMY (more)
Comments: jeremy (more) Comments: Why are there those 2 strips of ground off to the sides in this and Space Harrier that aren't checkered, but just striped? C'mon, Sega, nobody likes a corner-cutter. Jeremy, it isnt good to playerhate, when the gay cockrubbing dolphinsalad eating clownatrons at NINHOMOSEXUALDO decided to release a game called jumpman or some shit, it looked like harrier, but you couldnt fly only jump over shit. Now let me tell you that game sucked, the cheese out of a bagel, and the good eye of the one eyed monster. That game was an example of how SEGA owned Nintendo'sbooty rights in the tight looking game department. Now the cockhumping cumaholic hoes at GINEN-ENDO were busy humping their pet poison lilly frogs, when Sega decided to show its allegiance to cannabis consumption from this game. I got so high I started having nightmares where I was in an orange box, and the dragon at the first level of this game would try to attack me. Anyone ever fall asleep on acid? Its not pretty. But yea, Im high and stoned and lit and bored. So whats your sign? You cockmuncher
From: Abyssmal (more)
Comments: This game rocked, I especially liked the music to part 2, I only wonder why no sega trance mixer fan has ever picked up on it. If you were stoned and had the 3d glasses on, this game would be a whole different experience literally.
From: thugalas (more)
Comments: man the people dat be saying them dick and shit....you guys are fuckin idiots....fuckin no life dumbasses comin into a site and sayin all these stupid fuckin shit......
From: Eric (more)
Comments: One time I got a stiffy and put the 3D glasses on my dick and it looked like an elephant with sunglasses. ( I WAS 4 YEARS OLD!!!!) well the game was running and my dick ended up getting raditaion poisiong so now I got a 11 foot dick that can make people see 3-D if I fuck them hard enough
From: themoodykid (more)
Comments: I own this game but I don't have the 3D glasses, BUT you CAN STILL PLAY IT IN 2D!!! I forgot the code but I recall you have to get enough points to be in the top 10. When you get to the top ten, you input certain letters for your name and then it'll be 2D!! Still, I was a sadist for buying it (cheap game) and going through the 2D code. I shoulda just saved my cash and bought the regular Space Harrier. Oh yeah, later my bro showed me the arcade version and it was wayyy sweeter.
From: NetLink-1 (more)
Comments: This game has awesome 3-D effects and colors! I seem to like the original Space Harrier even though it's a slower game. Overall, Space Harrier 3-D delivers an incredile 3-D effects and is very fun to play! This message was created on a Sega Saturn. Sega #1
From: Rick Lappeman (more)
Comments: This is a great game... Infact the game itself could of even been better than the above original classic, but alas the pointless 3d requirement ruins it! but still if you have the glasses this game could be better than the original.
From: Kid Icarus (more)
Comments: I have this game and it is very cool. The only problem is that since I don't have the 3D glasses, I can't enjoy the game fully. I have never been a huge Space Harrier fan, but this is a good game that is better than the original. Because it adds new challenges, this game is basically a sequel. Sega did the same thing with Out Run 3D. Overall a good game.