From: Paul (more)
Comments: I don't actually believe that story, but it is at least plausible given how unsatisfying it was for both its subject and the reader.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Played it recently and it's fucking kickass. Back then one of the few good multi player racer.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Jonny and Hayley got me this one for Christmas a couple of years ago. Complete with the poster and everything! Fucking cheers!
From: BluBlade (more)
Comments: I'm sure she'll let the dog participate too. She sounds like a charming girl.
Rating: n/a
From: Will (more)
Comments: Not necessary, she'd just fist herself on the back porch while the dog watched.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: What a heartbroken story Will. I hope you did not offer you help if the vibrator ever breaks. I for sure know some guys around here would be more than happy to do it with their own sister.
From: Will (more)
Comments: I don't know, I kinda liked Micro Machines back in the day. Sure, they were small as all hell, which (besides being the point of them) meant that they were easy to lose and not all that detailed, but it did allow you to collect a whole bunch of the little fuckers, far more than you could with, say, Hot Wheels. Interestingly, I was playing with my Micro Machines one day and my sister came in to my room and asked me what I was doing. "Playing with my Micro Machines" I answered. "Oh, yeah" she said, "I like playing with machines, too, but they aren't micro." Not know what the fuck she was talking about, I sort of nodded and she went on her way after patting me on the head. I asked my mom about it later and she said that our aunt had given Jenny (my sister) a special present for her sixteenth birthday. Naturally, I wondered why I didn't get a special present from Aunt Janet. I asked Mom about it and first she said that Jenny was older. So then I asked if I should expect a similar special present when I turn sixteen. Mom laughed and said "no", saying that the present was for girls and that boys don't need them, whatever "them" was. Confronted by this gender prejudice, I stormed up to my sister's room and asked her about this special present and why only girls got to get them. She, too, laughed and said that all girls didn't get them, Aunt Janet just thought it would be nice for her to have one. "One what?" I asked. "It's called a vibrator, Will. It gives girls a nice feeling, that's all." Jenny said, adding, "Do you ever touch yourself, you know, your penis? It feels good, doesn't it?" Lying, I plead ignorance on such matters, so Jenny just told me that I would understand better someday. Thus, it was through Micro Machines that I learned that my sister fucked herself with a vibrator and my beloved Aunt Janet helped her to do so with my mother's apparent blessings.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: You are right about Pocket Cars; they were definitely top of the line with regard to realism, though the wheels and wire axles left something to be desired, if memory serves. Regardless, please confine your comments in the future to actual game reviews (not just something parenthetically related to a game) or, if necessary, poorly written pornographic stories about incestuous relationships. Good day.
Rating: n/a
From: Chuck (more)
Comments: Here's the skinny on toy cars in my day. Micro Machines sucked dick; they were tiny, shitty, and easy to lose. Matchbox cars sucked it, too. Ditto regarding Hot Wheels, despite their popularity. The best and most under-appreciated toy cars of the time were Tomy's Pocket Cars. Great realism in the bodies, no bullshit like you'd get with Hot Wheels or Matchbox shit.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: There was always something odd about a toy being based upon another toy. I mean, if you wanted to play with Micro Machines, wouldn't you just do it? Be a hell of a lot cheaper than these games used to be. Silly.
From: marcin (more)
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I haven't played the game, but I remember the toys. Yes...in fact, I remember that they helped fill a long neglected niche within the toy car market: the tiny and and easy to lose market. How many times did I find myself playing with Hot Wheels or Matchbox Cars and think to myself, "This is fun and all, but these sure are difficult to accidentally misplace". Thanks to Micro Machines I never had to fear being able to find my toy cars. Plus they present a much greater choking hazard.
Rating: n/a
From: henry (more)
Comments: this game was the dogs bollox i remember i managed to be a monster truck in the garden that was siiiiick