From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Guess I'm better than you in that aspect Peter. At 22 I got registered as a sex offender and serial rapist. At 23 I did my first murder and received my first lifetime sentence. Still I always managed to get away with my physical disfunction... I have a golden cock that I can use to destroy the prisons's wall and dig some badasses tunnels. Now i got into prison for the 6 times and I have two weeks to escape. In 2 weeks you can bet your ass I'll gorge myself into every single sms games in the world. I have them on my Psp back at home, hope the cops did not take it.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I've got to admit, Mark, that that shit was pretty manly. Hell, I was thirty before I got up the nerve to rub my dick on the neighbor girl's face.
Rating: n/a
From: Mark (more)
Comments: Well, we were pretty young at the time. I'm embarrassed to admit that it didn't even occur to us to rape her. Missed opportunity, I know.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: You should have raped her.
Rating: n/a
From: Mark (more)
Comments: There was a kid down the road from us that had the full-on arcade version of Zaxxon in his room. Rich little fucker, total douche, too (close to being redundant, I know). Anyway, my buddies and I would be talking video games (they the NES, me the Master System) and he would never fail to bring up his fucking Zaxxon machine, every fucking time. One day it was just too much and we beat his ass pretty bad. I cracked a broom over his head. Then, for whatever reason, we tied his twin sister to a chair and rubbed our dicks on her face. She cried and cried. We did time.
From: Scott (more)
Comments: The original Zaxxon is one of those games that seemed really great at the time, but now if you play it you're like...meh. Don't get me wrong, I think most current computer games are almost universally style over substance, it's just, well, kind of hard to explain. Like the saying goes, you can't go home again, especially if your parents change the locks after you knocked up a stripper.
From: Swift (more)
Comments: The game itself is not that good. But I just bought it to test my 3D Glasses. And I was amazed to see how well those goggles worked. After all, we're talking about the eighties. The 3D effect was much better than I had expected!
From: DeathAdder X (more)
Comments: Well this sucked ass, the first part of each level is horrible as you can never seem to hit anything coming at you, the second part going through the tunnel looked really cool through 3d but still pretty much sucked. And the bosses, well..., sucked. This is supposed to be zaxxon, sega's smash isometric arcade hit, but no. The Graphics are alright, The Music was meh, and the controls were a little akward. BTW, way to go trying to make a zaxxon game without a altitude bar. Stupid just Stupid
From: Infernal (more)
Comments: This game has stuck in my memory because I've already owned it, but it's far from being one of the best of the genre.Zaxxon seems to have failed to provide entertainment and challenge for most demanding players, including me.This game does not have the basic ingredients for a decent challenge and the weapons collected up all through it lacked creativity, though they're indeed necessary once you're confronted with the boss and guided missiles.One drawback to using them is that the fuel of the spaceship can be nearly exhausted in a question of seconds every time you use them, so you got to save the special weapons only and uniquely for the strategic situations when your conventional bullets inflict descreet damage on the enemy.You can also play it on 2D mode by pressing pause during the opening screen.
From: the cloudmaster (more)
Comments: wicked cool game.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: oh no, im unpopular with the kiddies here. It reminds me of the incident when my trousers fell open in a nursery!
From: Ro (more)
Comments: Gotta find Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 for my 32X.
From: Brian T. (more)
Comments: This game kicks ass but my 3-d fucking glasses dont work and now its harder to play.
From: Brian (more)
Comments: This game is pretty cool, but I keep trying but I cant get passed it.
From: Asshole Edward (more)
Comments: fuck...o get stuck on this game all the fucking time at that part where this force field of electricity comes out of nowhere and just vanquishes you outta the screen.. anyone know how to get passed that??? ive been stuck on it for fucking 14 years...cmon help ya fuckers! 5 alexs
From: JJ (more)
Comments: What an overrated pile of shat. I must have wasted tons of cash on this game at the arcade.
From: Jnerd (more)
Comments: I remember buying this game thinking it would be like the arcade version. Boy was I wrong! I was too embarassed to show my friends this game.
From: Jason Voorhees (more)
Comments: 3-d is cool dude it is the best dimension of videogames
From: TREE (more)
Comments: While Zaxxon(at least the ColecoVision version) was a great game, what about Congo Bongo?
From: Ro (more)
Comments: Zaxxon should NEVER be a forgotten classic (Unlike Pac-Man, Donkey Kong et. al.) I hope Sega does their arcade classic compilation (Like Namco Museum and Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits) for the PC and today's game systems.
From: Randy Johnson (more)
Comments: I like this Zaxxon game but not as good as the Arcade machine.I'm unable to see how it looks in the 3D mode.I bought Zaxxon 3D last summer on EBAY but it didn't come with the glasses.It probably looks much better in the 3D mode but I'd rather play the Arcade version than SMS Zaxxon in the 2D mode.
From: Segacollection. (more)
Comments: Not bad, I prefer this over a lot of other SMS shooters. Segacollection.com (Soon back online)
From: NetLink-1 (more)
Comments: Put on your 3D glasses, insert Zaxxon 3D into your Master System, and experience the madness!!! Zaxxon 3D delivers an excellent gaming and 3D effect experience. Graphics are basic but with the 3D glasses they explode in your face. Gameplay is challenging. Super game!
From: emjay313 (more)
Comments: This game kicked ass with the 3d glasses, probebly one of the only games that worked rally well with them, and the gameplay was also good.
From: Terminal (more)
Comments: I played this game on Coleco Vision. I miss that system as well to.
From: SMS Guy (more)
Comments: If you don't have 3D glasses, you can still play the game in 2D by pressing pause at the title screen. Either way, this game kicks butt!
From: SMS Guy (more)
Comments: If you don't have 3D glasses, you can still play the game in 2D by pressing pause at the title screen. Either way, this game kicks butt!
From: Ro (more)
Comments: Zaxxon rules! If you know how to download MAME, check it out. There is a cloned game known as "Jackson"