From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I've played this game and it was not too bad for a shooter I guess
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: You should sell that novel, most fucktards around here would kill for it. Me I've already killed countless time so I guess killing would be useless for me.
Rating: n/a
From: Randy (more)
Comments: That fucked up airplane reminds me of my unfinished alternate history novel about how the Nazis defeated the Soviet Union and were able to implement all of their ghastly "new world order" shit in the East. The fucking Germans were also able to invade Britain and defeated those shiftless fucks in no time flat. The United States remains largely aloof from the situation in Europe as they are preoccupied with the Japanese. For their part, the Krauts have no way of getting at the U.S. either, so that is a conflict yet to be resolved in any sense. The first few chapters are quite good if I do say so myself, but it then degenerates into the mildly pornographic, as most of my writings tend to do. Anyway, okay game.
From: BlUblaDe (more)
Comments: it reallis looks like a penis
Rating: n/a
From: Danny (more)
Comments: Interesting sort of alternate-reality type shooter with weird looking (and yes, slightly phallic) aircraft. All in all, not bad.
From: Natalie (more)
Comments: I did, Peter, I did what you said. I destroyed the tapes. I still had them all. I used to watch them quite a bit, actually. Almost always alone, but I watch a couple of them with my last girlfriend, Karen. She has never been with a man in her entire life, but she kind of liked to watch the two of us go at it before me and her would. Anyway, yeah, I got rid of the tapes. If you really are thinking about getting back together, I would like to remind you that I have lost a lot of weight since we broke up so, while I'll still be the same Natalie on the inside, I'll be a better Natalie for you on the outside. Don't worry, though, my pussy is as sweet as ever! And it is waiting for you...I'm ready, baby!
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: What I should have said is that the airplane looks like what a penis SHOULD look like, that is: quite distinct from my own. I had a lesbian friend at junior college that would suck on it a little. She wasn't ready to come out to her family, so I served as her "beard". I looked the part of a boyfriend for the sake of fooling her parents, but my tiny penis meant that I was also pretty close to an actual girlfriend, too. Fun times. Onward and upward!
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Mr Man is right, that "airplane" on the title screen sure as shit looks like a winged penis to me, complete with glans and propeller equipped balls.
From: orm and cheep (more)
Comments: Smart little SHMUP with bizarrly colourful bosses.
From: ninjataki21 (more)
Comments: i am ur new queen, u all must bow!! (and this game rocked)
From: darq (more)
Comments: Very exciting shooter.
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Bomb away, my Israeli friends, but save a few for Mr. Ahmadinejad.
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: fuck me son! i wrote the last post on this board in 2004! FUCKING HELL NIGEL!
From: sam (more)
Comments: oh mummy i love you i want you to have my children. i want to have a son and a brother in one! then fuck him too on his 1st birthday
From: Mr Man (more)
Comments: Good game, though it always looked like a pen!s with wings to me.
From: piranhaman (more)
Comments: how legendary is this game! there should be way more comments in here...
From: d*c (more)
Comments: ive got fond memorys of this great work of art
From: muntasaurus (more)
Comments: WICKED!!!!! Old skool two co-op rules!
From: Firestorm (more)
Comments: Why did I sell this? It was great. And Giga Wing on Dreamcast cost me £10. They are very similar.
From: junk (more)
Comments: an awesome game my brother and i play it all the time
From: Andrew Paul (more)
Comments: A real fun game, not played it in years but is defenetly one of the best.
From: segacollection. (more)
Comments: Ah. One game without any comments...that will be me then.. I like this game, the missions are good enough, some nice animations and the best SMS game box cover ever! I havent played for quite a while.. Perhaps I should hook up my SMS. Segacollection.com