From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Go find out. He would probably be excited to see someone go ape shit crazy all over his farts
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: You'll find that farts pretty much all smell like shit. All of 'em. The whole world over.
Rating: n/a
From: Dranomilkshake (more)
Comments: I wonder what his farts smell like?
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: What the fuck man. Fuck you Ron, I lost my last girlfriend to a bat, not my mom too now shit
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Wonder how much money Reggie got for this.
Rating: n/a
From: Ron (more)
Comments: Well, next time he should just use the bat. Backdoor, too.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: How the heck do you think I was born in the first place ? There's a reason I don't particularly like this guy.
Rating: n/a
From: Ron (more)
Comments: Just for that, I hope Reggie Jackson rapes your mother.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: What ! A black person ! I tought sports could be played only by humans. These primates are cheating. Naw just kidding being racist is not good around here, please read AMISH instead of nigger.
Rating: n/a
From: Danny (more)
Comments: Best baseball game for the SMS. The computer's pitching is a bit iffy, though. For an inning or so they own you, after that you generally own them.
From: Mark (more)
Comments: Anyone who doesn't like this game is a racist. There, I said it.
Rating: n/a
From: Paulie (more)
Comments: You the punk, bitch, and everyone knows it. "Punk" might as well be written on your forehead right under "stupid". It's that obvious.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: We're each entitled to our own opinions, joe, but to think that Great Baseball is better than this really has me worried about your mental state. It's been almost a year since you posted; here's hoping that your getting the help you need.
From: Sergei Olympiev (more)
Comments: А Вы знаете, что Кузовной Центр занимается не только кузовным ремонтом, но и может предложить Вашему авто след услуги: -полировку -химчистку -аэрографию -перешив салона..... Если Вашему авто не хватает индивидуальности и Вы не хотите, чтобы Ваш авто выглядел, как все, наш художник подберет и осуществит эксклюзивный рисунок для Вашего автомобиля. А если с Вашим авто приключилась беда и Вы ищите, где Ваш авто вылечат не только для видимости, но и так чтобы он прослужил Вам еще долгое время, то наши специалисты помогут Вам в этом. Весь ремонт выполняется только на современном оборудовании, на все работы дается гарантия. Корпоративным друзьям и автопаркам специальные условия. Если Вы хотите продать автомобиль, то наши специалисты проведут предпродажную подготовку, включающую в себя химчистку салона и полировку кузова. При покупке автомобиля перед его приобретением мы проведем предварительную диагностику кузова, ходовой части, двигателя и электронных систем. Для оптимизации затрат на запчасти, мы в своей работе по согласованию с Вами используем оригинальные, неоригинальные и б/у запчасти. А наши цены Вас приятно удивят! Приезжайте к нам и Вы останетесь довольны! телефоны: 8-915 018 6213 8-915 018 7238
From: joe (more)
Comments: Like Great Baseball alot better. This game had rediculous music, like a military march while playing the game! How bad is that. I was absolutley obsessed with Sega back then...they could do no wrong, but this game...made me wonder..
From: Alex Martin (more)
Comments: Baseball is the best sport ever.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: I think ive given Peter enough to play with for one day. Ill be back to see the deperatley upsetting and interlectually superiour remarks and replys tomorrow. see yopu all, love you peterphile.
From: the cloudmaster (more)
Comments: the players' names will crack you up. KENT. please man, too funny. hittin homeruns kicks ass. the ball gets mega huge on the screen and you just KNOW it's gone.
From: nnccc.proboards (more)
Comments: I wish I could save on this game. I beat every team one day and it started over...never saw the ending. I love this game, best baseball game ever. I love the HR contest...most I ever hit was 19 with Cookie...never 20...never =(
From: Youppi !!! (more)
Comments: well when there are 260,000,000 americans and 32,000,000 Canadians there are going to be a greater # of hot US bitches, I didnt think that I needed to state the obvious. i still think in a ratio canadian bitches are better looking then US bitches ..... but american girls are easier to talk to and more slutty, thus alot easier to bone, that is a definite plus. As for the Expos i guess we will never know .......
From: efile4zaggin (more)
Comments: "Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? says the Lord GOD, and not that he should turn from his ways and live?" (Ezek. 18:23) "Alan Wiggins joined up with the Padres in 1979, and quickly became a star player. In his first season with the Padres he set the second-best record for base steals in baseball history. The next year he led his league in steals. But then Wiggins got involved in cocaine. Arrests and team suspensions followed, one right after the other. He got traded from team to team, his skill disappearing. He failed team drug tests. Eventually, nobody wanted him. He was no longer a star ballplayer, he was just a junkie. And then doctors discovered that Alan Wiggins had AIDS. In January 1991, just twelve years after the start of a promising career, thirty-two year old Alan Wiggins died." (From "They Dared Cocaine---And Lost," Reader's Digest, July, 1992, p. 55-61) One can say of drugs what was said of alcohol in Prov. 23:32 "At the last it bites like a serpent, and stings like a viper." Let us, by all means, be wise enough to avoid both drugs and alcohol
From: Youppi !!! (more)
Comments: #1 im not from Montreal, i happen to enjoy a good frog joke #2 Mooseturd women!?!?! that sounds like a grade school diss, Canadian women are way hotter then USA skanks #3 what hill billy area are you from ..... Alabama ????? perhaps Mississippi??? go choke on George W's cock. PS ..... oh shit almost forgot .... actually they probably would have won the '94 series .....fag
From: Youppi !!! (more)
Comments: Fuck you Peter, mid west hill billy white trash cunt. why would anyone go to games when MLB, selig, and jeffery lauria fuck their team over so much ... games in Puerto Rico, thats bullshit, cost them the 2003 NL wild card. MLB never ever did anything to try and keep the team in MTL, they let that bitch lauria dump them so he could slid in as owner of the marlins. Fuck you and the " .... nats" im out. EXPOS 1994 World Series Champs
From: Youppi !!! (more)
Comments: Montreal was fucked over by that bitch selig and MLB ..... fuck the washington nationals. Expos for life mutherfucker
From: steven "fucking (more)
From: Ryan (more)
Comments: I love sports games for older systems but i thought this one plain out sucked
From: Wi Wi Jumbo (more)
Comments: This is quite a good game, probably as good as an 8-bit baseball game could be. I want to make it clear that I like the game because I am now going to list most of the grievances I have with it. First of all, why does my pitcher cover third when the batter hits a weak ground ball right at him? And why is any opposing pitcher, regardless of his ERA or his supposed specialty pitch, able to blow fastballs by me at up to 110 mph when I can barely pitch in the 90 mph range? Speaking of those specialty pitches (those listed when selecting your starting pitcher), what the hell is a parm? I understand the slowball and the forkball, but parm? What the fuck? I've followed baseball almost my entire life and I have never once heard the word "parm" spoken in any situation, baseball or otherwise. Another thing is that sometimes when my first baseman fields a ground ball close to home plate or the mound, neither the pitcher nor second basemen cover first. Usually they do, but in those rare instances they don't, my throw to first for an out often ends up in the outfield. I also wonder if anyone out there has ever been able to pitch a no-hitter against the computer. I've had several one-hit shutouts in my career, but there always seems to be some quirky play that fucks over my pitcher's attempt at baseball immortality. Often a throw to first will somehow hit the base with a dull thud and bounce around, my usually reliable first baseman staring around perplexed, unable to find the ball until after the runner has safely reached first. It used to really piss me off, but now I'm convinced the computer cheats and will do everything in it's limited power to thwart a history making no-hitter. Maybe the computer isn't cheating, but I would like to think so. My last two complaints are relatively minor to the casual baseball fan, but far more egregious to a statistics conscious nerd such as myself. First of all, if I get thrown out at second base I should still get credit for a single. Afterall, I did safely reach first base. Second, an opposing player will get credit for a hit when he reaches base on a fielder's choice. That's bullshit! Despite this unusually lengthy diatribe, I would like to reiterate that I really do like Reggie Jackson Baseball and would recommend it to anyone, especially those poor people who grew up under the evil tutelage of Nintendo.
From: Saeed al-Sahaf (more)
Comments: Baseball is proof of the imperialists' decadence. The coward Bush will soon fall from power, the Iraqi people his new masters. For a thousand years it will be so. Death to the Great Satan!
From: Master Blaster (more)
Comments: Hey! Now we are improving on Baseball... It's just another old-timer game now... but it was fun when I had it and played it...
From: EMINEM ROCKS (more)
From: Quebec Nordique (more)
Comments: Love this game. I am too good at it now and when i was a kid, all my friends hate and hated to play me cause I would smoke them to the point that they would quit usually by about the 7th inning. To this day the only vidio baseball game I know where you can charge the mound after being hit by a pitch!!!!!
From: matt brigante (more)
From: Jeremy (more)
Comments: No pirates, no ninjas, no robots? No interest.
From: Joe (more)
Comments: This games got the KWAN!
From: Ro (more)
Comments: Baseball Season is on. On the Nintendo GameCube, I\'ve played \"Home Run King\". On the Game Boy Advance, I\'ve played \"Baseball Advance\". Sega\'s Baseball games for the Nintendo systems rock. After 16 years of rivalry, it\'s good that Sega and Nintendo are both working as one. \"F-Zero AC\" is currently in the works and it is gonna be jointly published by Sega and Nintendo.
From: G00L (more)
Comments: It's gust like every other baseball game.
From: Titan Erotica (more)
Comments: Cool game, great graphics, the voices are sensational, great!!! (if you emulate use Brsms since Meka is still not good at voices). Its a very well done GAME, so dont expect reality but something a thousand time better.
From: Ryo-Ohki (more)
Comments: I love Black People.......Show Me the Money!!
From: NetLink-1 (more)
Comments: HIT BY A PITCH!!!! The crowd goes NUTS! Players begin to brawl...very cool. Reggie Jackson Baseball was a great game back in the day. Game has all the major league teams but player rosters are not real. I wish Sega would have taken the time to put the real players in the game.
From: ? (more)
Comments: Reggie Jackson is a Fag
From: huey (more)
Comments: Man, this game is crazy! I love it! This is the only baseball game in history in which you can get into fights!
From: d (more)
Comments: 1
From: Wilburt (more)
Comments: My favorite sports game (not counting California Games) for the SMS. I wish you could save games though, because I dont think anyone in the history or the world has ever completed a tournament on this thing. I used to sit down and try, but I could only get thorugh a half dozen games before I had to do something else.