From: BluBlade (more)
Comments: Fucking right Ron she did exactly that but instead of joining the military I turned into a serial rapist and after that a serial killer. Story of my life.
Rating: n/a
From: Ed (more)
Comments: I would like to help ease Lolo Jones' pain at her Olympic failures by fucking her tight ass. This way she would still technically be a virgin and yet also be filled with semen. It is an elegant solution both to her problem and to mine (horniness). Now, I know all you ladies out there are thinking, "Wait, anal sex to ease pain? It don't work like that, Ed!" Well, to a certain extent you're right, but I was speaking of easing her emotional pain. The physical pain, of course, would be considerable due to my penile girth and the fact that I am an inconsiderate lover.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: A very average olympic type game, where bashing buttons is prevailent. a bit more fun to be played multiplyer.
From: Ron (more)
Comments: No way, because that bitch would own you! As good as it might feel, afterwards you'd be doing all her chores for the rest of your life under that roof because she'd be sure to blackmail your ass over it. And she'd have you, too, because no one is going to believe that sweet little Sally or whatever corrupted a pervy teenage boy.It'd be "Bobby made me do ____" and (after a beating, probably) you'd be off to military school at the very least.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Yep they could be good for first experiences but I don't think I'd put my dick in my step-sister if I had one.
Rating: n/a
From: Ron (more)
Comments: I don't know about any of this shit! All I know is that I wouldn't have wanted any of my aunts to see my junk, let alone shave it. They're all nice ladies, to be sure, which is really all the more reason why they shouldn't do that kind of shit. Now, hot step-sister or something, that is another matter, but the "step" part is kind of important.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: You know these stories seems plausible when that mofo Steve knows about Tampons. Did it actually happened ? Probably. Man this is disgusting. Shaving your own balls is hard, I actually cutted myself there more than one time and it hurted like fucking hell.
Rating: n/a
From: Doug (more)
Comments: When I was on the swim team in high school, my aunt used to help me shave my pubic hair because my mother refused to do it. Now, I know what you're thinking: 1) why can't you shave your own pubic hair?, and 2) why shave your pubic hair at all, you don't swim naked? Good questions both, and both are likely to have unsatisfying answers: 1) I told my mom that I was concerned about badly cutting my scrotum or penis if I shaved down there myself, plus another person would likely have a better vantage point with regard to thoroughly shaving the area, and 2) I told them (with somewhat tortured logic) that it was better to be smooth all over than smooth everywhere but down there with the added notion that "everyone else was doing it" thrown in for good measure. Not mentioned at the time, but somehow relevant, is the fact that women do, indeed, sometimes help one another shave their pubes, thus the idea was not totally unprecedented. Regardless, my mother was unconvinced and unwilling to help, my aunt was just unconvinced and thus did proceed to shave my junk area at least once a week for several months a year. Truth be told, I in no way needed my pubic hair shaved, not be me nor by anyone else, but it did allow me a more or less "innocent" means of getting a female to handle my frank and beans. I cannot overstate the significance of this, either. It was awesome. Got a big ol' erection every damn time, too. I'd say "sorry" to my aunt, she'd say "no problem" or "that's okay" in response, and we'd both pretend like my hard dong wasn't waving in her face. She'd always make some quip about how I should "take care of that thing" when she was finished. I wasn't really sure if she meant that I should let my boner deflate of its own accord or if a more hands-on solution was needed (i.e. jerking it), but in my bolder moods I'd start stroking before she left the room. In those instances, she'd usually let out a "nice" before leaving and shutting the door behind her. It wasn't, though, a "nice" as in "nice, he's going to explore his growing body". No, it was very much a sarcastic "nice" as in "My God, men are disgusting and this helps confirm it. Nice". It made little difference to me at the time.
Rating: n/a
From: Jason (more)
Comments: Like I mentioned on another page, my sister didn't have to walk in on me to see me masturbated, she'd just ask, though she never did so without her friend Stacy there, so maybe it was Stacy's idea, after all. Anyway, I never got to see my sister naked, not even a tit or two, but seeing as I didn't really have the attraction to my sister that a lot of guy have for theirs growing up, it never bothered me. Didn't stop me from borrowing some of her panties from time to time, just for the sake of curiosity. The best time to get them was after she had been working out. She always thought she was overweight in those days, no else thought so, but that never seemed to matter to her. Regardless, she would work out at least four, usually five or six times a week and she would often finish by riding our dad's old stationary bicycle for a half an hour or so. She'd then hit the showers, get dressed, and then take her now dirty workout clothes and put them in the hamper. Man, the seat on that old bike did a wonderful job of pressing all of my sister's smells and tastes into those panties which were still damp with sweat and whatever else by the time I got to them. I'd grab them, go into the bathroom next to the laundry room, smell them, taste them, wrap them around my dick, and within five minutes I'd cum in the sink, wash it down the drain and have the panties back in the hamper before anyone could have ever known they were missing. Guess I was a little perv, after all, but at that age you have to take and use what you can get.
Rating: n/a
From: Steve (more)
Comments: One summer back in the early '90s my sister kept walking in on me while I was masturbating. I didn't particularly mind on some level, but it had happened like five or six times and I began to feel that the fun was rather one sided. In that spirit, I made it my mission that summer to catch my sister when she was masturbating. Being a girl, her masturbatory habits proved to be far more elusive than my own, and I soon found myself content to settle for seeing my sister naked. As she was around seventeen at the time, this would be no mean accomplishment in itself. It wasn't long before a figured out that the bathroom would be my best bet to catch her in all her glory as she was in the habit of not closing the bathroom door tight when she was in any kind of hurry or just in a careless mood. This, coupled with the fact that she was known to sleep in the nude (learned via eavesdropping) made morning or night my best bet. An early to bed, early to rise kind of gal, I heard her one night get up and go into the bathroom about an hour after she had gone to bed. Seizing the opportunity, I snuck up to the bathroom door and, sure enough, it was closed, but not tight, though it was shut enough not to allow a curious little brother a peek. Listening carefully to my sister's rustling as I did so, I slowly, carefully pushed the door open ever so slightly until I finally, finally caught sight of her. While somehow I had hoped to find her peeing, the sight that greeted me was even more amazing: with a fresh tampon in her left hand, she was rubbing her clitoris with her right. She continued to do so for all of a minute or so before inserting the tampon into her vagina, the act of which was accompanied by a vaguely erotic (to me) sort of sigh. Knowing, or at least inferring, that the show was over, I quickly scurried down the hall, stopping around the corner so as to watch my sister's naked march back to her own room. Brief though it was, to my young mind it was glorious, her ass giggling slightly as she strode magnificently down the hall before disappearing into her room. Not being the subtle sort, I pulled my business out from my boxers and, dick in hand, began ruminating over the sights I had just seen. The first spurts came before too long and I managed to catch the evidence of my night's work in the palm of my left hand. As I started down the hall to wash up I heard my mother's voice from behind me say, "Go clean up and then come see me in my room. We need to talk." I quickly followed those instructions and walked sheepishly into my mom's bedroom. She gestured for me to sit down and as I did so she said that she knew what I had done and why I had done it, but she also told me in no uncertain terms that my sister's privacy is to always be respected. I told her that I would do so in the future and that I was sorry, but then my mother's own curiosity got the better of her. She asked what exactly I had seen my sister doing. I told her about the tampon and she told me that they have to be replaced every eight hours or so and that some sort of lubrication is often needed to insert them. She said that she had taught my sister to use her own natural lubricants by masturbating briefly to arouse herself so the tampon could be inserted more easily without the need for KY jelly or the like. My mom then excused me for bed, mentioning as I left that if I ever felt that I absolutely needed to see a real woman naked to ask her and she would oblige. That's what mothers are for she said, to support their children and help their children no matter what. I went to bed, not knowing at the time whether she was joking or not.
Rating: n/a
From: BGA (more)
Comments: really bad...
From: Keijo Pouttu (more)