

[3010260160] - published by Tengen. Average Reader Rating: 6.42


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From: Paul   (
Comments: Rampart was fun. I've only played the arcade version, though, so it might not be proper of me to rate this version. I think I will anyway, though.


From: BluBlaDe   (
Comments: You need to be more optimist Peter. At least these fuckers are not in our Country... OH WAIT HAHAHAHA HA HA.

Rating: n/a

From: Peter   (
Comments: Loving relationship? One sick fuck raising another sick fuck, if you ask me. She's probably uglier than a dick on a dog, anyway.

Rating: n/a

From: BluBlaDe   (
Comments: What a loving relationship with your Mom Scott. Is she as hot as the others thinks she is ? If that is the case I would love to come see my good friend Scott at his house. I could help your poor mom with her ''chores''

Rating: n/a

From: Linda   (
Comments: While I'm glad you found the courage to communicate your feelings to me in some way, any way, you have not, frankly, given me much reason to trust you these last few years. So, for the time being, the way things are right now are the way they're going to be for the foreseeable future. It's not like I enjoy watching your every movement, Scooter, but I feel that it is the only sure way to keep you from going back to jail. If that means that I have to watch you while you masturbate, so be it. I am willing to increase your maximum number of masturbatory sessions per day to two, but I will still have to watch you until completion of each act. You just have to accept your new reality, Scott. I don't like it any more than you do, I assure you. Frankly, I do not find penises to be esthetically pleasing in the least and I find the act of ejaculation to be a downright disgusting thing to witness. Nevertheless, I am willing to do these things for my son. Understand that if you understand anything.

Rating: n/a

From: Scott   (
Comments: Mother, this is difficult for me to say, which is why I am posting it here in the hope that you will find and read it rather than just going downstairs and telling you to your face. I understand that I have put you in a difficult spot, and I understand why you've put a (ridiculously effective) porn blocker on our family computer, but frankly some of the rules you've imposed upon me are just unreasonable. The most glaring example is your insistence on watching me masturbate. I appreciate your understanding that it is something I have to do, but I don't think it is necessary for you to monitor this activity so closely. I don't have any porn in the house and I've promised not to try to bypass the porn filter anymore. At some point you've just got to trust me, mom.

Rating: n/a

From: Scott   (
Comments: Please, Mom! You've blocked all the porno sites so there is nothing to worry about with me being here. We just talk about old video games, that's all. You remember our Master System, right mommy? I'd play it all the time after I got home from school. It's completely innocent. I understand I have to be back at home, but you don't need to watch me every minute of the day. It's not like I raped anyone; I broke into some houses and stole some underwear. Yeah, lock me up. Crime of the century, right? I know I've put you in a difficult spot, Mom, and you've been as understanding as ever, but I think you're being just a bit unfair about this site. I need some sort of outlet, don't I? I know what you're going to say, "Gee, Scooter, isn't the hour you spend in the bathroom every day an 'outlet'?" but that's not what I mean. This might not be the best time to bring it up, but can I get a "yes" or "no" regarding you buying me a Hustler or Penthouse magazine or something?

Rating: n/a

From: Linda   (
Comments: Scooter, you know you aren't supposed to be on the internet without my supervision. You just can't do a lot of the things that you used to do online now that you're a registered sex offender. You know how I feel about this site, Scooter, and you certainly know how I feel about those stories you keep telling about you and I. I think that I've always been a pretty understanding mother and yes, I was supportive of you when you discovered your body and I didn't want to impart a sense of shame over your masturbation, but you know I only watched you do it a couple of times and there was nothing sexual in it for me. I love you, son, but you're back under my roof now and it is my responsibility to make sure you don't go back to prison.

Rating: n/a

From: Scott   (
Comments: You're a real dick, Peter. This site doesn't belong to you it belongs to the world, it belongs to every one of us. So get treatment for your schizophrenia and leave me the fuck alone. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go jerk off in front of my mom and her friends (it's book club night).

Rating: n/a

From: Peter   (
Comments: Boy, the things done in my name. Anyway, I always liked Rampart, something about killing old-timey Euros, I guess.


From: Swift   (
Comments: Bought this game today. I've played it in the early 90's. Still nice game, but after a while I'm getting something as "it's constantly the same".


Wrim  (more)
Comments: Ah, my favourite SMS-Pirategame. This game never gets old. This would rock with multiplayer. I give it a 10 :)


From: Drew Meister   (
Comments: I forgot to leave a rating.


From: Drew Meister   (
Comments: Yay, Rampart is awesome, but as you progress it gets impossible (Have the game on a hand held console 'Lynx'). Anyone like the band Jet?

Rating: n/a

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All content © Chris Wopat 1997-2025. I probably should thank Sega here too. Thanks!