From: Paul (more)
Comments: One of these golf games for the Master System was actually quite good, but I don't remember which. Pretty sure it wasn't this one. Be careful, too, with those AI Chatbots. They won't ever really love you no matter how much they say they do.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: You are really gentle. Usually when I'm done with women I have to stop them from crying and it ends most of time pretty badly. I'm a good guy at heart but...
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Not so, my friend. Michelle Wie holds no secrets to ol' Peter anymore. I inspected every inch of that taut, young, Asian body of hers and she is a she. Inside and out. DEEP inside. In fact, after I was done with her I usually pulled out and let her get a taste of her own sweet pussy by sucking on my dick. Just a thoughtful guy, I guess.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: She's secretly a man you fucktard
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Boy, Brad, that sure is a tragic story about your uncle. Don't know what else to say, other than to say that Michelle Wie's pussy is super tight! Only thing she ever had up there before me was the grip of her 8 iron. Why the 8 iron? Not sure, but perhaps she considered that a part of her short game. Personally, I think she should have gone wedge or putter, but it's her sweet tang.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: Fun little mini golf game. i think if it had been more of a sporting sim game rather than an arcade one it wouldve been better. but allright game to play if youve got a spare 30 mins on your hand
From: blublade (more)
Comments: me not play too game
Rating: n/a
From: caio (more)
Comments: i not play tihs game
Rating: n/a
From: Blublade (more)
Comments: What a gay faggot, I'm pretty sure Michelle Wie is a man, women can't go on this site, they are WAY too stupid to enjoy the good things such as SMS in life.
Rating: n/a
From: Brad (more)
Comments: Does the notion of making a video game about miniature golf strike anyone else as odd? It's this kind of shit that forced my uncle's miniature golf course, Putt-gusta National, to close down. Well, that and he was getting the holy fuck sued out of him by the actual Augusta National country club. Bastards hounded him until he shot himself. He didn't die, but he isn't right in the head.
Rating: n/a
From: Steve (more)
Comments: Wow, I wonder if that was really Michell Wie that wrote that comment? Kinda doubt it, but it brings to mind all the hot Asian lady golfers on the LPGA tour. Wie herself never lived up to the hype, but she was (and is) a sweet little piece. Me and my aunt both think so. My aunt let me cum on her face once, I think lesbians get curious about that stuff. She laughed when it sprayed her. It was really runny, almost like water, because I had just masturbated a hour or so earlier as well. That time it was rather viscous. I wish she had taken that in the face.
Rating: n/a
From: Nebrazca78 (more)
Comments: Great little putt putt golf game.
From: sydney (more)
Comments: i love dansdans
From: DansDans (more)
Comments: The best mini golf game ever, the only problem is that it only has one course!
From: Michelle Wie (more)
Comments: As a professional golfer and hot piece of Asian jailbait, I would like to invite you all to try the many wonderful golf related games that the Master System has to offer. My virgin pussy is getting wet just thinking about it!
Rating: n/a