From: Sam (more)
Comments: Liam can still go fuck himself. The ginger cunt. And your stupid brother. And you whore mother with her boots. Fuck off the lot of you. Never met the dad but I bet he was a fucking fat ugly cunt
From: bluBlaDe (more)
Comments: b-but it is how you use it that matters...
From: Victor (more)
Comments: This game is perfectly average. I haven't really played it much myself, so I can't properly review it. That day will hopefully come though. In the meantime I find that playing a game of my version of Dick Tracy is much more fun. It's when I take my dick, trace it with a pencil against the bathroom stall, and wait for others to do it only to realize my cock is much longer and fatter. Fuck you pencildicks!!!!!
From: Fuck Face (more)
Comments: No, I am you and you are not me.
From: Peter (more)
Comments: penis member phallus cock dick pecker peter prick putz shaft tool johnson manhood schlong willy wood
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Liam ur a star
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Fuck off Liam
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Where's the obligatory dick joke ?
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: Reeally average game. fun for about 4-5 minutes, then becomes tedious.
From: Roy (more)
Comments: Regarding the whole "would you or wouldn't you do Madonna" thing, I have to say that I would fall on the "do" side. As has been mentioned, she has to know lots of wild stuff. I probably wouldn't be up to snuff on her end of things, but that's okay, I gets mine and I'm out.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: No problems man I got back to them and it turns out she was just being dramatic, you knows, women and their weirdness.
Rating: n/a
From: Curt (more)
Comments: Like I said, man, results may vary.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Fuck you Curt and your shitty advice. I had already done some prison years ago for another crime ( It's a long story, I posted it on another game) I tought you were serious and Kyle just failed at it. I tested it and did the exact same thing with my mom. She yelled at me and asked me what the fuck was wrong with me. I told her to suck my dick and she called the cop. I never had any big problems with my family but now they don't want to see my face anymore. Fuck you you family destroyer. I have not been arrested but I'm living by myself right now. To any1 who reads his advice DO NOT DO IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
Rating: n/a
From: Curt (more)
Comments: Results may vary.
Rating: n/a
From: Kyle (more)
Comments: Hello, Curt. With regard to your "advice" below, suffice it to say that as I write this message I am under house arrest as I await arraignment for sexually assaulting my sister. My father beat me so bad he is in jail, my mother refuses to even look at me, and my sister is sobbing uncontrollably (I am told) over at my aunt's house because it is no longer safe for her to be anywhere near me. I am told by my public defender (my parents refuse to pay for an attorney for me) that the charges may get plead down to a misdemeanor IF I agree to register as a sex offender FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Thanks a lot, Curt.
Rating: n/a
From: Curt (more)
Comments: You know the old saying "fortune favors the bold"? With that in mind, my advice to any young man out there is, if you have a sister about your age or older, to just stick your dick in their face and see what they do with it. Now, I'm not saying you won't likely get into trouble because odds are you will, but there is an outside chance that that dick will get sucked. Try it out. It also might work on moms.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I'd do Madonna, Scott. I needs a big pussy. Not that my dingus is all that large, I just like a lot of room. It's kind of like driving a luxury car, except women with big pussies tend to be less expensive. I should also mention that I am mentally ill.
Rating: n/a
From: Brad (more)
Comments: Yeah, but you leave it to your boyfriend to make sausage appear in your ass on a nightly basis.
Rating: n/a
From: poo (more)
Comments: Hi I would just like to say that chicken sandwiches are nice up the bumhole you cunt head fuck. I once made a sausage appear in my hand I just have the ability to make meat appear in my hand any kind of meat especially chicken meat. Blacky wants some custard.
From: Scott (more)
Comments: Anyone still do Madonna? I guess I would, I mean, she's got to know some freaky shit, right? How old is her daughter, anyway? Maybe I'll see if I can tap that. You know, if ever there was a mom that would be down for a little mother-daughter action, it'd have to be Madonna, don't you think? In that situation, I'd save the load for Lourdes. Hmm...I think she might be too young yet. I'll wait.
Rating: n/a
From: emad (more)
Rating: n/a
From: Swift (more)
Comments: Bwah, the game isn't that bad...but if you pull away the famous name, only a platform game like there are 13 in a dozen stays...
From: ÇÈæ ÇÍãÏ (more)
Rating: n/a
From: cossieboy (more)
Comments: CRAP!!!
From: MJ (more)
Comments: walking around in yellow killing mofo's with a gun.
From: George W. Bush (more)
Comments: Oh shit, theres is terrerists on this site! I jus let pee in my pants. Help mommy help Laura! Help me Dick Chainy! Whens all this bullshit gone stop? Everthing I touch turns to shit!
Rating: n/a
From: أح& (more)
Comments: وإمكانية تعرضهم لمعانة قد تؤثر عليهم نفسيا وبالتالي جنسيا ، فقد وجدنا أنه من الأفضل نشر هذا الموضوع للتوعية الضرورية للصحة الجنسية. العضو التناسلي الذكري أو ما يسمى بالقضيب هو أحد أعضاء الجهاز التناسلي عند الرجل والذي له وظيفتان أولهما نقل البول من المثانة لخارج الجسم وثانيهما كونه يعتبر عضو الاتصال الجنسي بالمرأة عند الرجل. وللقضيب المقدرة على الانتصاب من حالة الارتخاء نتيجة لاحتوائه على ثلاثة أجسام تمتلئ بسرعة بالدم فتصبح قوية وممتدة للأمام فتعطي القضيب شكل الجسم الممتد القوي المنتصب للأمام وبين هذه الثلاث القنوات يوجد مجرى البول والمني والذي ينتهي بفتحه خارجية في مقدمة القضيب. ويتكون القضيب من جزئيين جزء الرأس وهو الجزء الصغير الأمامي والذي يحتوي معظم الأعصاب المسؤولة على التحفيز و الاستمتاع الجنسي ويشبه في تركيبه البظر عند المرأة ، والجزء الثاني هو جسم القضيب وهو الجزء الممتد من رأس القضيب وحتى بداية اتصال القضيب بالجسم. ويغلف القضيب طبقة رقيقة من الجلد يتم إزالة جزء منها عند منطقة راس القضيب أثناء عملية الختان ويترك راس القضيب دون جلد يغطيه . والختان سنة نبوية أوصى بها رسول الرحمة محمد صلوات الله عليه وسلم وقد دلت عدد من الأبحاث فوائد الختان كوقاية من سرطان القضيب وكذلك التهابات القضيب البكتيرية. وتغذي القضيب شرايين الدم والذي تزيد ضخ الدم إليه بسرعة عندما يستثار الرجل جنسيا فتملئ القنوات الإسفنجية الثلاثة فتجعل القضيب قويا وممتدا وتسمى هذا العملية بالانتصاب حيث يحبس الدم في هذه القنوات إلى حين انتهاء فترة الانتصاب عندها يعود الدم عبر شبكة من الأوردة إلى داخل الجسم فتنتهي عملية الانتصاب ويرتخي القضيب ويصبح رخوا وصغيرا. حدد أحد الأطباء المتخصصين في مجال الصحة الجنسية على أن متوسط طول العضو التناسلي الذكري المنتصب هو 14 سم. وكسائر أعضاء الجسم يوجد اختلاف بين البشر ، فعند غالبية الذكور يتراوح ذلك بالنسبة للعضو الذكري بين 10 و 18 سم. ويلاحظ أن نسبة تمدد العضو الغير منتصب القصير تكون أكبر من العضو الغير منتصب الأطول. يجب أن لا نهتم كثيرا بطول العضو الذكري، فعلى عكس الخرافات والأساطير فطول العضو لا يؤثر على الاستمتاع الجنسي سواء للرجل أو الأنثى لأن المهبل في الأنثى يتراوح طوله عند النساء اللواتي لم يلدن بين 6 و 8 سم ، ويزداد قليلا بعد الولادة. ويجدر التنويه إلى أن عدد النهايات العصبية الحسية في الثلثين الداخليين من المهبل يكون قليل مقارنة بالثلث الخارجي من المهبل. والمهبل عبارة عن نسيج عضلي قادر على التمدد والتقلص بشكل كبير. وفي الوضع الطبيعي تكون جدرانه مرتخية ومتلامسة ، ولكن أثناء الإثارة الجنسية يتم تمدد الجزء الداخلي من المهبل (الثلثين الداخليين). وبسبب القدرة الإلهية على مقدرة تمدد المهبل (بالذات أثناء الولادة) فأثناء الجماع تستطيع الأنثى استيعاب أي عضو ذكري تقريبا. ما هو طول العضو المناسب؟ ليس من السهل الإجابة على هذا السؤال. فربما يكون الفرق في السمك وليس في الطول. فعادة تشتكي النساء من كبر العضو الذي يؤلم وليس من الأعضاء الصغيرة. وإذا أخذنا بالاعتبار طول المهبل (6-8 سم) فطول العضو الذكري المنتصب البالغ 7.5 سم يعتبر مناسبا أيضا ، والمهم هو كيفية استعمال العضو وليس حجمه.
Rating: n/a
From: Classic Comment (more)
Comments: 2005-05-30 From: MADONNA (more) Comments: The only good thing about this shit game and the shit movie was ME.
Rating: n/a
From: Stimie (more)
Comments: I love dick tracy
From: glue (more)
Comments: FUCK DICK
From: Dennis Rodman (more)
Comments: Yo, I remember once I shot my load up Madonna's ass and she then squat her ass over my face and pushed my sperm back out of her ass and onto my face. That was some shit man!
From: Strider sms (more)
Comments: This was a pretty good game for me, men... at the time there wasn't so much choice in stores, so I bought it! AH! and don't forget that the memory remains. à bientôt les amis
From: John W. Booth (more)
Comments: Fuck Warren Beatty and his Communist bullshit. He has been corrupted by the nigger and the Jew.
From: benny and the j (more)
Comments: you guys are hilarious. you made me shoot my load so hard. here in mexico we call developing fetuses loads. i sure miss that little pedro now. where am i going to go for anal sex?
From: Gouto and uior (more)
Comments: WE HATE YOU
From: village clown (more)
Comments: I think the proper name for this game should have the word "HEAD" in the middle of the Title
From: dick tracey (more)
Comments: this is the best game ever. buy it now and play it all day wearing a yellow mack
From: Graith (more)
Comments: Sometimes i like to roam around 5th street in womens panties
From: JJ (more)
Comments: They got the "dick" part right.
From: lance vance (more)
Comments: i just love the batter...all over my face
From: JJ (more)
Comments: Time for one of those "Mind if I call you DICK ?" jokes.
From: Tommy vasetti (more)
Comments: I lick lovingly around the outside, then i thrust my tongue in the middle
From: phatass (more)
From: jka12002 (more)
Comments: The Genisis version is better.
From: nathan (more)
Comments: what a croc of shit. this game is the biggest load of bollex i have ever seen. ive seen more entertainment in a glass of coke
From: nathan (more)
Comments: what a croc of shit. this game is the biggest load of bollex i have ever seen. ive seen more entertainment in a glass of coke
From: KGA! (more)
Comments: Man in yellow coat shooting deformed baddies! Excellent!!!!!!!!!
From: Drakillya (more)
Comments: This game is pretty O.K
From: Wilburt (more)
Comments: Yeah, this game is bad.
From: Homo Jim Again (more)
Comments: I love my mom and this game, too. Email me if you think I wear red shoes (I love you, too): Francismacomber@yahoo.com
From: Homo Jim (more)
Comments: Like to lick pop. Oed some pus once. Ok, honestly, only oed a pus once. I love my mom. SHUT UP!!!!
From: lickalotapuss (more)
Comments: who ever created this site are a bunch of ass raping ass licking assholes PUSSY RULES!
From: Duncan Wattie (more)
Comments: i like hoes, and you fuckers suck dicks dick!
From: SMS Gamer 86 (more)
Comments: This was the last game I bought for my SMS during its dynasty. The Genesis was just gaining popularity so I had higher expectations. A real dud. The funny thing is I still have this game sitting in a box in mint condition. Anyone want?
From: Mathew Moore (more)
Comments: I really wanted to like this game. I bought it when there weren't many SMS games coming out and I wanted to feel a little Master System pride, but this didn't do much for me. It's OK. Just bad controls and graphics. Not very exciting game play. Get "Dead Angle" instead.
From: Andrew Paul (more)
Comments: Not a very exiting game i'm afraid...What else can a' say......
From: segacollection. (more)
Comments: I always thought this game kicked ass(judging from the box-pics) alas this isnt much cop.. If you like fighting and weapons, get D.D.. or Alien Syndrome or..etc. Segacollection.com
From: volcomologist (more)
Comments: I bought this game at a flea market, it's alright, I guess.
From: oj bobo (more)
Comments: just putting something in since there are no comments!