From: Dimensionary (more)
Comments: Great game, but I prefer the Genesis version.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Donny the pussy. Fucked both his sister and his girlfriend left him for me. I don't even have a monster cock. This guy is a loser
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Donny is still pissed about the turd in the margerine joke at his 17th birthday party. I just came back from his 28th
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I agree Rain, I actually possess it in the Sonic Mega Collection on the GC and it's badass. Oh and Peter good job you just transformed me into an homosexual. Let's hope I'll forget what you said and becomes hetero again.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: great game, probably my favorite tetris-esque game. the genesis version was a bit better though (as they're supposed to be) but i stillplay this game even today
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Interesting factoid: the change in smell that the vagina goes through during the menstrual cycle is largely the result of bacteria from the anus. I guess the normal chemistry of the Va-jay-jay keeps the little buggers in check, but changes when her monthly visitor arrives. At least, that's what one of Ron Paul's newsletters said.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I've read that a women once got some nasty infection on her pussy cause she could not wipe her shit from behind since she was too fat. She had shit in her pussy. Holy shit.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Careful, dude, she's fat and she doesn't shave. Now, I know what you're thinking: maybe she doesn't shave because she can't reach down there. Nope. She can and she does. She's always poking and diddling around in there; it was no skin off my nose, let me concentrate on my own orgasm, know what I mean?
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Hi sexy bitch, do you like foreigners ? I'm Canadian and my primary language is french. Je pourrais te faire l'amour dans une langue étrangère pour te faire jouir salope.
Rating: n/a
From: Natalie (more)
Comments: I appreciate the kind words, Mr. Mix-a-Lot, but the number you gave me was out of service. Regardless of that, you may be under the impression that only my "booty" was big. Unfortunately, this is not the case for, though I have lost some weight recently, I am what would be referred to in your vernacular as a "two-forty-shorty", meaning a woman that weighs over roughly two-hundred and forty pounds. On the credit side, I do love to do the "nasty" and an an open and adventurous lover up to but not including the butt. Thank you again for your words of support.
Rating: n/a
From: Sir Mix-a-Lot (more)
Comments: Don't let that rooty poot knucklehead get you down, girl. Me and my homies all love a big ol' booty. In fact, my anaconda don't want none unless you've got buns, hon. Just so you know I ain't trippin', give me a call, just dial 1-800-MIXALOT and kick them nasty thoughts.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Damn, bitch! I just threw up on my balls reading through that shit! Listen, I'm not saying we didn't have some good times and I loved putting the wood to you while I thought of attractive women, but we were NOT made for each other. Even if you weren't too fat (an "if" almost as big as your big ass), you're just not my type in any way, shape, or form. For one thing, and sorry for the extreme bluntness, you're as dumb as all fuck. How many pregnancy scares did we have to go through because you "forgot to take the pill" again? Huh, how many? Four? Five? The last time you were late I actually starting thinking of ways to kill you. Honestly. I mean, if remembering to take a pill is the difference between having a kid (and fucking up at least three lives in the process) and not having a kid, you would think (excuse me, I would think) that you could fucking remember to take the fucking thing. And what the fuck did we ever really have to talk about? "How was your day, Peter?" Shitty. "How was your day, Natalie?" Hungry. Just give it up, Natalie. It's over. I'll never forget you or the things you let me do to you (other than get up in your ass). I know that visions of my glistening, quivering junk must haunt your dreams, but it's over between us. I didn't want to tell you this because I knew it would upset you, but I got a job as a janitor in a women's prison and I'm getting all the pussy I can handle. Caged heat, know what I'm saying? Anyway, perhaps knowing that will finally convince you that we are through.
Rating: n/a
From: Natalie (more)
Comments: Please, Peter, I know you miss my sweet poo-nay-nay every damn night! You could never get enough of my sweaty tuna taco and you know I just loved to suck my tangy juice off of your dork after we were done. We were nasty! Good nasty. I need that dick, baby! Natty needs it bad! Come back to me and you can cum back in me....I'll let you go backdoor this time, I promise I won't chicken out again. I'll even swallow your nut butter. I am committed to making it work, making us work. You know we were made for each other, Peter. You know it. Mmmm...I gotta go change my undies. I soaked through them just thinking about our love. I peed a little bit, too.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Stuck up bitch! I'm too good to be up in them guts.
Rating: n/a
From: Kevin (more)
Comments: Sure, there's a glass ceiling, I know it, everybody knows it, but it isn't universal. Case in point, when she was sixteen my sister received a vibrator as a gift from my mother, yet on none of my birthdays did I ever receive an equivalent gift such as a blow-up sex doll or pocket pussy. I managed to make do, but it was hardly fair. Heard that thing buzzing almost every night through the paper-thin walls of our house.
Rating: n/a
From: Scott (more)
Comments: It has nothing to do with this game, but I had a girlfriend that referred to her Hitachi Magic Wand "massager" (wink, wink) as her Mean Bean Machine, a coincidence made all the more remarkable by the fact that there is no chance that she had ever heard of this game. I was glad she had it; no skin off my nose, takes some of the pressure off.
Rating: n/a
From: orm and cheep (more)
Comments: I'll go as far as to say I preferred this version to the Megadrive one.
From: Drew Meister (more)
Comments: Hmm this is getting boring, Peter where are your comments!?! Hmmm Akon has a new album out soon. Yay.
Rating: n/a
From: mr_bigmouth_502 (more)
Comments: This game is a pretty damn good translation of the Genesis game of the same name. A definite must-have!
From: Daniel Panayoto (more)
Comments: Devilworshipper u r a cocksucker and i hate u. quit ur whining! as for the rest of you sad sacks i think u should all get a life and a gurlfrend! fuckn loosers
Rating: n/a
From: DevilWorshipper (more)
Comments: My brain hurts. I don't know what to do next. Maybe I'll figure it out some other time. \m/
Rating: n/a
From: DevilWorshipper (more)
Comments: Time to settle the score.
From: DevilWorshipper (more)
Comments: OK. I see that leaving the rating field blank counts as a 0. Forgive me, my Dark Lord, for failing to anticipate such an occurance. I have betrayed you as I have so many times in my life. Please accept once again into your cold and hateful heart. This game blows, by the way. This time I the "N/A" means ZERO.
Rating: n/a
From: DevilWorshipper (more)
Comments: Indeed it is, Danny... however, let's refrain from applying a superficial and ultimately insignificant value on it that is offered with the rating system. Let us simply share our feelings on what makes this game so enjoyable! What I like about this game is that you play as the bad guy for a change... at least that's what I percieved from the minute I spent playing it.
Rating: n/a
From: Danny (more)
Comments: This Game is great!!!!!!!
From: Dr. Robotnik (more)
Comments: Thank you for your kind words, Drew, but I feel that I should tell everyone out there that the "mean bean machine" really only refers to my spastic colon. Thank you again.
Rating: n/a
From: Drew Meister (more)
Comments: How come no ones reviewed this game, it's awesome! I passed it somehow