From: Paul (more)
Comments: It's very much a matter of public record that I am pro-hairy pussy, so I find that comment below by Phil to be very upsetting. Triggering even. Triggering a need for me to look at pictures of naked ladies with hairy cooters. I'm also warming to hairy armpits for women folk. It's armpits, who cares, really?
From: Phil McCracken (more)
Comments: The worst thing about communism is that it explicitly taught that women should never, under any circumstances, shave their pubic hair. Indeed, bald beavers were held to be the exemplar of bourgeoisie decadence. Granted, some would say that the worst thing about communism was that it resulted in tens of millions of deaths, but no, the worst thing was that it made hairy pussies okay.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I played it lately and it's nowhere near as good as the Genesis version.
From: Rain (more)
Comments: Never played the mega drive or arcade versions, but did see screenshots. this version however i did own, and it was rather dissapointing. slow moving, quite barren/empty atmosphere shocking collision rate and awful jerky movements. It did however provide a slightly playable game, but not for long. i thik i completed the game within a week or 2 and never tocuhed it again
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Fuck you Paul Strider is super badass and awesome tought seeing the cover he seems super gay but in the video game he is badass. I also agree that people from countries that are not America should be our slaves and that women, ALL OF THEM should be used as objects whenenver we feel like it.
From: Danny (more)
Comments: Didn't ever care too much for it on the SMS, but the arcade version always intrigued me, what with the Cyrillic letters and Commie themes. Weird stuff.
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Obviously I was joking below. Russian men should not only be used for forced labor; they are also good at playing hockey. Russian women, however, should indeed be fucked as vigorously and as often as time allows. Regardless, Strider sucks.
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Strider was always a bunch of pinko-commie bullshit. Fuck Russia! We should take all of their women, fuck the shit out of them (literally, fuck them until they shit themselves). Russian men are fit only for forced labor, the most obstinate shall be forced to watch us fuck their women over and over again.
Rating: n/a
From: orm and cheep (more)
Comments: It has many frustrating gameplay flaws but it's a quite lovable little game in the way it trys to pull the whole strider experience off.
From: ninjataki21 (more)
Comments: Taki's back =P genesis + arcade version = good mastersystem version = gay sexual tendancies god help u burn in hell bitch go away hate is real
From: Anthony Burns (more)
Comments: I would like to moderate my opinions ever so slightly, having played the diabolical C64 version of Strider since my last review. This version is at least not the worst 8-bit version, and quite ambitious in some ways. There are attempts (of varying feebleness) to depict such scenes as the gravity well, the giant mechanical bosses, and the Grand Master battle. Unfortunately, the basic pattern of conversion seems to have been to remove everything that was exciting and atmospheric in the original version and replace it with something tedious and repetitive. Too much effort has been wasted on making a few graphical elements (such as the main sprite and larger bosses) resemble their arcade versions, leaving few resources to actually make a playable game. The best 8-bit alternative is "Sonic the Hedgehog", which pays considerable homage to Strider in the Sky Base Zone, as if to prove that it can be done properly...
From: niggaman (more)
Comments: Where does Strider Hiryu live in, motherfucker!
From: Ardimus (more)
Comments: I was raped when I played this game. I tried to get soooo into the game so that I wouldn't think about what my stepfather was doing to my anus. It was hard to get into this game when he tore my taint.
From: David.exe (more)
Comments: I agree, Wayne.
From: haseen ahsan (more)
From: Iron Monking (more)
Comments: That is the gayest cover I have ever seen. I think everyone else does a pretty good job of describing my feelings on this matter. I never play'd the game but it gets one Alex because I can't put zero alex's or negative numbers.
From: StickyBun (more)
Comments: I always thought that guy on the game cover was captain Kirk
From: piranhaman (more)
Comments: genesis + arcade version = good mastersystem version = gay sexual tendancies god help u burn in hell bitch go away hate is real
From: JJ (more)
Comments: Ra Ra Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen. There was a cat that really was gone.
From: Wi Wi Jumbo (more)
Comments: I almost bought this bitch after playing the arcade game. Dodged a bullet on that one. Not only is this Strider a poor translation and genuine septic stick, it also has THE worst box cover of any SMS game. Look at it. Would you want to pretend for a moment that you're this purple penis eater?. I wonder how many people reached for this game only to recoil in horror when they saw this dickless wonder. He looks kind of like Jeff Daniels. Sorry, Jeff.
From: antystrider (more)
Comments: No comments.
From: sminky (more)
Comments: I hate the fucking time system! It takes you ages to get anywhere and you lose most of your lives before you get to the bosses! I so prefer strider 2, which i can complete easily and laugh at the poor attempt at 8 bit porn in the form of the top heavy blonde bitch at the end of the game.(not wise to jack off over! Or jerk if your from the United States of George Bush.)
From: Le vick (more)
Comments: Hate It. Genesis version is much better!
From: Lonewolf (more)
Comments: When i buyed this game (after played the arcade version), i was so happy, but this happy goes to trash (with the cartridge itself) when i see one of the best games convert to SHIT!! to really SHIT!!, the &%$&ing programers (and SEGA owners) just wanna make easymoney with a famous game...depriment
From: Anthony Burns (more)
Comments: I would love to award points for effort, but after long and painful experience of this so-called arcade conversion have failed to find any signs of it. Since I am aware that the SMS is perfectly capable of handling playable cut-down conversions of sophisticated games (e.g. Golden Axe, Space Harrier, Ghouls n\' Ghosts) I see no reason to spare this sad parody its well-deserved slating. Aside from the main sprite, the graphics are poor-to-average and apparently incapable of being detailed and well animated simultaneously (the boss creatures are laughably static). Hiryu himself is nicely rendered, but slow and uncontrollable. Level maps are reasonably well reproduced from the arcade, but to no avail: so much has been left out, large areas are left empty, pointless and downright boring. Level five is actually the easiest, since it lacks about 90% of the original hazards and enemies. The final nail in the coffin is the abysmal soundtrack: a hideous two-channel mix of \"Raid\" plays throughout the game, excepting two boss sequences graced with an equally dire rendition of \"Urobouros The Iron Ruler\". If these are familiar names, presumably you have a 16-bit version or better and will not be requiring this except for the purposes of morbid curiosity. I can think of no other reason to own it.
From: spongebob squar (more)
Comments: damn this godawful translation, the genesis is better.
From: Renato (more)
Comments: One of the best Genesis games, but also one of the worst SMS games. Horrible graphics, sound, especially if you played the same game on the genesis (Much, much better). Don\'t spend your time playing this.
From: Rob Van DAM (more)
Comments: This game is shit! Borrowed my friends when i was like ten (even then it was old) and i hated it. Except I managed to discover a cheat by myself! I cant remeber what it was exactly but it was similar to the Teddy Boy cheat were you press the direction buttons. anyway it was a radom level select and i gave the game back after a week cuase it was shit!
From: Firestorm (more)
Comments: Dunno about this one, but the sequel kicked serious butt. Except that, unlike the Mega Drive version, you didn't fight The Master at the end (as seen on the title screen), just some guy in a jetpack with a gun. Collision detection was a bit off, but the game rocked on the whole. And you can see the Princess' nipples at the end.
From: purple haze (more)
Comments: u call this a game? okay futureistic acrobat jumping round with a sword thingy, add major difficulty, u got this.
From: Carrandas (more)
Comments: Way too hard for me.
From: serpico (more)
Comments: i agree. genesis version much better. music kicked ass, jungle level was at once the bets level and the most ass-reddening. damn you bendy vines, damn you brontosaurus. again, the genesis version was one of thre best games around. this was ok.
From: Dani (more)
Comments: Great game!!!, but the Megadrive's version is much better, anyway, the SMS's version is good too, Strider is antologic!!!!.
From: shinobi dude (more)
Comments: i dunno, but is it just me or is that strider dude look like vanilla ice?
From: wayne m. (more)
Comments: do NOT play this on a master system!!!!1 Get the Genesis version instead. You have been warned.
From: mobini (more)