From: JJ's dad (more)
Comments: lol... that's a good point, son! I am proud to be your father on this special day known as Father's Day :) Love, Dad
Rating: n/a
From: JJ (more)
Comments: Name: Secret Commando Screenshot: Men out in the open with machine guns and lots of explosions. Someone needs to buy a dictionary and look up what "secret" means.
Rating: n/a
From: Blublade (more)
Comments: it sucks
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Fucking alright innit!
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: It's not a fucking commando clone it's Ikari Warrior clones and it sucks a little.
From: Ed (more)
Comments: There's no bullshit about it, dude. That's the way it went down. That bitch treated me evilly and now she's in prison for her crimes against men. I don't know what happened to her to make her that way, but it is what it is. Frankly, I would love to be able to tell stories about how she would make me have sex with her or let her suck my dick or some shit like that because it would have been a hell of a lot better than being smacked in the testicles hundreds of times, but it just didn't happen that way.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Ed, if you're going to make up some bullshit story, at least do it in a way where it can titillate the rest of us perverts. Your story was sad, not sexy. Sex it up so I can get a boner and jerk off to it, or post that shit somewhere else.
Rating: n/a
From: Ed (more)
Comments: There are a lot of truly awful stories here and I hope they're not true. However, I fear that more of that kind of thing goes on than most people would care to admit. Due to my own circumstances, I can't help but feel that Daniel may be telling the truth even if he has exaggerated things a bit. My own sister was what they call a sexual sadist and tormented me throughout my adolescence. Believe you me, there was nothing erotic or sensual about it! The abuse consisted mostly of surprise punches or slaps to my testicles. She would also grab my penis and try her damnedest to rip it off (or so it seemed at the time). Truth be told, I would get erections sometimes, but only as a purely physical response to the sexual contact. Eventually she went to prison for sodomizing a twelve year old boy with a mop handle in a Dairy Queen restroom.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I don't believe him. What the fuck man I have a sister and I would never do anything like that to her. She would never ask me something like that too. My mother on ther other hand...
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: You are a sick fuck, Daniel, no two ways about it. No one believes any of your shit to be remotely true. You are an ass. You are a clown. You are probably an ass-clown. The dumb shit in Penthouse Forum seems plausible by comparison. I now invite you to go fuck yourself, Daniel, because no woman on this Earth is going to do it for you, least of all your mythic hot sisters Michelle and Nicole.
Rating: n/a
From: Daniel (more)
Comments: Look, dude, you bitched about my stories, my TRUE stories, so I cut it out and posted a message that actually concerned one of your precious old games. Now you're bitching about that! What is your deal, man? I know you were being sarcastic with your asshole post there, but as a matter of fact I did have sisters, two of them. They were both older than me and, yes, they did take advantage of me sexually. They shared a bedroom and they would call me in there every couple of days and force me to masturbate in front of them. I would cry and cry and often found it very difficult to maintain an erection, let alone ejaculate into their waiting mugs of hot chocolate. Noticing this, they would invariably remove their pajama bottoms and panties and finger one another as they watching me stroking away in obedience of their cruel demands. It would take me a long time usually, but eventually I would be ready to cum and I had to divide it evenly between their cups of cocoa or else I would have to do it again for whoever got shortchanged. It was just so awful! I would stand there with my dick rapidly deflating and watch them gulp down the cocoa with my semen now in it. "Ummm...that's good" is what Nicole would always say, always! Michelle would always make the same mean joke, "tastes like faggot to me, Nicole!" and they'd both laugh. I got pretty good at getting roughly the same amount of cum into each cup, but when I didn't I'd have to wait fifteen or twenty minutes, with them masturbating one another the whole time, until I could manage an erection again and start jerking off for whichever sister needed more "cream" as they liked to call it. Eventually, as they tired of this little game, they would have my mother by box after box of cheap condoms and I would then be forced to fuck both of my sisters in turn while wearing one of the condoms. When I was done, Michell would quickly remove the condom and squeeze out all of the semen into her mouth and swallow it with a vile grimace on her face, as if I was forcing her to do it. Nicole would always inspect the tip of the condom when I was done with her. She'd cradle my penis in her hands and comment on how full, or not, I had gotten the reservoir tip that day. Then and only then would she remove it and squeeze the contents into her own eager mouth. She would finish my abuse by taking the head of my penis into her mouth and sucking any remaining semen from the glans. Yes, Nicole was the worst. They were both bad, but she was worse. She seemed to like torturing me this way. I will never forgive either of them for what they did to me. My greatest fear back then was that one of those damn condoms would fail and I'd knock up one of those awful bitches! Why, Peter, why did you have to dredge up all of those horrible memories?
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: What's the deal, Daniel? What about all your little stories about finger-fucking mommy? Surely you must have had a hot sister or two that needed you to service them sexually in some improbable manner. Ass.
Rating: n/a
From: Daniel (more)
Comments: It's sad that other countries weren't subjected to the ironic brilliance of the Rambo movies, though the first one was actually rather good. Went downhill from there...rapidly downhill.
From: Kevin (more)
Comments: Oops, that should be quilted, not quitled. Sorry for the carelessness. Yeah, anyway, these dildos are pretty nice, but I think there meant to be more decorative than functional. They have rather elaborate carvings on them, mostly either dragons or beautiful Chinese calligraphy of Buddhist and even Confucian writings, none of which probably wouldn't feel all that great going up a woman's ya-ya.
Rating: n/a
From: Kevin (more)
Comments: Why aren't there any games about the Korean War? My uncle was with the 7th Infantry Division in Korea and he personally beheaded Kim Il Sung's nephew Suk Mi Dong. The Army wouldn't let him keep the head, but he did get to bring back the collection of ivory dildos found in the pockets of Suk's chicom quitled jacket.
Rating: n/a
From: Brad (more)
Comments: I used to play "secret commando", but it wasn't this shit. I'd go to a park or playground or sometimes a shopping mall wearing a long coat over a shirt and these old jeans that I cut the crotch out of (hence secret commando). Anyway, I'd just walk around acting all casual like, watching the girls (none under twelve or so, I'm not sick) and getting pretty worked up under the coat. When I saw a small group of cute girls gathered together for some reason, I'd go over and make smalltalk or ask for directions, shit like that. As these outwardly innocent conversions would be going on I would get more and more aroused until my boner would be really struggling and pushing against the coat. At this point I'd face the girls as best I could and rip the coat open exposing them all to my swollen member. I'd stroke it a little and whip it up and down as I'd say "Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! You like it don't you?" Invariably, though, they didn't. They'd scream and I'd run like hell. Silly, I know.
Rating: n/a
From: Mark (more)
Comments: While shooting Vietnamese people does have a certain appeal, I found this game to be rather repetitive.
From: orm and cheep (more)
Comments: Great game. What the C64 version tried to be. But hey!!that was good too.
From: Swift (more)
Comments: This game wasn't bad, but it's much more fun when you can play it with two.
From: JOSE (more)
From: BTK Killer (more)
Comments: Hey they let me use a pc while in Prision. I must admit, that I am a long lost decendent of V. Lenin. Yes, Lenin and I are two peas in a pod. We both like to kill people for sport.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: This Game has a lack of respect for the Communist ideal.
From: Mulle (more)
Comments: This was a cool war game on SMS.
From: Sam (more)
Comments: no retard, america lost the war cos theyre a bunch of arrogant fucking halfwits who are the fattest nation in the world you obiess bunch of burger munching faggots. the vietnamese won cos theyre clever and dug tunnels and shot all you fuckers down..... dont fuck with the orientals they fucking rule
From: Steve (more)
Comments: ok me and my old boy use to love this game and i am now trying to chase it for an upright arcade cabinet if anyone knows of anyone that selling it please let me know on my email stiffie_@hotmail.com adress it secret comando also can you let me know wat format its is on like jamma or neo geo types thanak you
From: Ford, We Have I (more)
Comments: The all new ba barra falcons are here!
From: messiah (more)
Comments: aaaaah,the memories, the memories *cry*
From: G (more)
Comments: lovely
From: Dr. Laxlacks (more)
Comments: This game is brilliant. I used to play it with my friends during the late 80's and early 90's. I live in the netherlands and I think the game was called secret command here.
From: Gun (more)
Comments: Had it on SegaII for years, could never clock it. No idea what to do at the wall of the last stage.
From: joe (more)
Comments: one of sega's best
From: joe (more)
Comments: one of sega's best
From: BigB (more)
Comments: It's a fucking classic
From: Rick Lappeman (more)
Comments: This Game is great and could definately be put next to Ikari Warriors and Commando as the best game of its type. The only thing this game losses marks for is its lack of originality but its loads of fun so get it and get it now!
From: Deadguy! (more)
Comments: I just luuuuved this one! played it for hours and hours!