From: Sam (more)
Comments: Here he is! I don’t think I wrote that comment in all honesty. I still obviously prefer to rummage around in mens bottoms. But yeah I’ve come back for a quick peruse around this legendary shit pit of outrageousness. I recently got my old system out and have been playing games, and I saw you guys commenting. Even Peter and all!
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Sam the fucker is back and now he seems to be heterosexual!!!! Nice how ya doing man
From: Sam (more)
Comments: My balls are pretty speedy too. I cum so fast, the hookers slap me for not warning them. Fucking skanks can't appreciate my thicc semen spurts in the eyeballs.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: I see well I'll keep that in mind when I'll play it.
From: Rain (more)
Comments: Ok game. a bit of a mix between ice hockey and handball. if you have a choice go for speedball 2 because it adds so much more to this one (stats, players, substitutes etc..) this one is kinda a blueprint to that one
From: bluBlaDe (more)
Comments: You watched them and did not fucked them after ? Weird.
Rating: n/a
From: Mark (more)
Comments: Used to speedball with this stripper I knew and her addict sister. We'd all get high and mess around. One time I convinced them to eat each other out and they fucking did it! Sisters! Not step-sisters, either, two actual blood relative sisters eating box, sixty-nining even. Awesome. They were fucking pissed when they sobered up. Pissed isn't even the right word. Disgusted, mortified, horrified, nauseated, whatever it was, they were it, and they were pissed as fuck at me for "making" them do it. Shit, if I had the power to make chicks eat one another, all anyone would ever see is chicks pairing off and licking carpet. Crazy times.
Rating: n/a
From: enzo (more)
From: MJ (more)
Comments: Alright, takes a while to finish and the teams get heaps harder, if you like hockey with alot of checking, emulate it.
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Speedball...no thanks. I'd rather wait for the console version of Angel Dust.
Rating: n/a