From: BlublaDe (more)
Comments: you're cooler than I thought Sam
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: Got it, never played it. I hate Mexicans
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Not my kind of game
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: I love this game. definitely the best puzzle game on the sms. wasnt really what i expected it to be when i 1st played it, it was much much better and addictive. you kinda just have to keep building though at some levels with no creativity meaning it can get quite monotonous. Pretty sad that there is no end as well. but the lastabilty of this game goes on almost forever.
From: BluBlAde (more)
Comments: So Is obama a human or what ?
Rating: n/a
From: Brad (more)
Comments: Can't help but agree with most of that shit, but what does any of that have to do with Populous? Crap game, by the way, unless you're a egotist.
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I've got to say, I'm very disappointed by President Obama's release of his so-called long form birth certificate. Any person that would believe such birther garbage in the first place would never vote for Obama, so there is really no real reason to cave to the ridiculous demand to release the "real birth certificate. This shit has been settled over and over again, at least for anyone with a modicum of common sense. Belief in conspiracy theories such as the birther bullshit becomes nothing short of an article of faith, there is no threshold of proof that can ever be met to convince a true believer that he or she is wrong. Can't be done. I've had the misfortune of dealing with Holocaust deniers and with the slightly less unpleasant Moon Landing Hoax believers, and they all believe what they believe regardless of the amount of evidence to the contrary. There is a school of thought on such matters that believes it is important and constructive to engage conspiracy nuts in actual debate, not to change their minds, but to possibly influence the poor souls that either might not know any better or are dumb enough to fall for such conspiratorial bullshit. If those people want to try it, more power to them, but I quickly found it to be a waste time, much like Populous.
From: joe (more)
Comments: Bought this game, rtn'd it the next. Absolutey not my kind of game. Boring as all hell, wait I had it for the Genesis....
From: Swift (more)
Comments: Hey Timbo, Here they are ( don't have them all, so I've just the ones which was closest) : 2001: IMMKOPOLD 2500: CALEAHAM 2999: SADEING 3500: BILMEMAR 4001: HURTEAT 4500: SHADEAL 5000: EOAOOLD 5030: SWAMPING Hope you can use them :-) !! Greetz, Swift
From: Timbo (more)
Comments: Post them here please worlds 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 thanks
Rating: n/a
From: Swift (more)
Comments: Hey Timbo, shall I place those worlds here or would you like me to send them to you via e-mail? Greetz, Swift
Rating: n/a
From: Timbo (more)
Comments: Yes swift dat wud b cool i hava gud story my populous cart was originaly bought by me from argos in early ninties in my xcitement to pull out the instructions i ripped them over a decade later i bought the same one second hand ive also found several others i believe wer originaly owned by me!
Rating: n/a
From: Swift (more)
Comments: Hehe, yes, playing God was indeed fun :-) If you want, I can give you some of the latest levels. Dunno where my Populous books are at the moment, but I know I still have them.
From: (more)
Comments: Swift thats cool i thought ther was only 5000 levels i like it wen computas got permanant swamp i build a hut on a hill they surround me with swamp i then leave it for a day return then flood them all hahahaaah am i evil yes i am
Rating: n/a
From: Swift (more)
Comments: Timbo, I've played it in the early ninethies. Got two books were we wrote down every world we've conquered. We did advanced till about 5040, but from than onn, the worlds were not saved anymore, so every time you've powered the Sega off and would like to play at a later time, you had to start over from about 5020... But it was a great game !
From: Timbo (more)
Comments: Great game im on level 1004 at da mo
Rating: n/a
From: Jack Chick (more)
Comments: My hair is blond and I have blue eyes. So...I'm above all others. I'm part of the master race. Wow. Anything goes! I can lie, cheat... What's to keep me from becoming a god? Since there is no god, I am a god! I'll decide what's right and wrong! I am the god of my universe! Nobody can tell me anything. I can get away with murder! Black is white...there are no absolutes! Everything is relative! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!
From: The Flying Dild (more)
Comments: If i was God i would smite the shit out of some fuckers - i have a list - then i'd hump the shit out of some hot virgins and headbutt a giraffe. However i'm not God so I just play populous and although I can smite people in it i'm still looking for a cheat to bang some hot pixelated virgin ass.
From: Swift (more)
Comments: Undoubly the best game I ever played on the Master System. Me, my sister and my parents were addicted to it and played until we reached world 5200 and something, but from then on the game didn't save the worldname anymore. No real ending thus...to bad... I still have the book were we noted all the worlds we've conquered :-)
From: Tomi Kaunisto (more)
Comments: True classic. The amazing thing is that the SMS pad is just PERFECT for Populous; it's much better to play then on PC.
From: vangore (more)
Comments: Awesome GOD game. I have searched high and low to find a replica of this game that I could play today without having to have a SMS or Game Gear. The PC Game doesn't work with xp :( A freaken awesome game.