From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Googled it. Glad I did not find a wiki about some kind of crazy Bastards. Have you guys ever heard of Andrew Carrera?
Rating: n/a
From: Walter (more)
Comments: Pat Riley was a good coach.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Man basket ball games sucks. I'm sorry but they just sucks
Rating: n/a
From: Danny (more)
Comments: In the waning days of the SMS's relevance to the video gaming world, there were rumors that this game was actually going to be released. Because of the back-alley abortion that was Great Basketball, I was actually looking forward to it. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Rating not applicable.
Rating: n/a
From: Sam (more)
Comments: What's the deal? Riley is a mick name, but ol' Pat looks more like your average greasy dago. Half-breed, I guess.
Rating: n/a