From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Yep. I had no problems at all but the first time I fucked my mom everything went downhills. My first rape, my second... and then my 50th. After that came the murdering. I dunno what got into me. I think I might have turned even more evil than Ben Laden ( he used to post here too) I'm ashamed at myself.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Yeah, it took a while, but the bizarre anti-McDonald's rant was probably just the start of his problems. Hopefully he got some help before trying to fuck his mom or something. This is an insidious place, isn't it?
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlade (more)
Comments: Here we go our pure and innocent Rain got caught into the craziness around here.
Rating: n/a
From: Rain (more)
Comments: This was another early 90's generic platformer. i actually kinda enjoyed it though if you can look past the awful mcdonalds capitalism branded over this game. and how McDonalds is trying to portray itself as a company thats enviromentally friendly....seriously..one of the biggest loads of *&^% i ever heard. Still, this is about the game, so as a game itself, i'm going to be unbiased and pretend this isnt a mc s*&t game and rate it as a game for playability
From: blublade (more)
Comments: Interesting yet extremely gay story Paul, too bad Sam is not around to read that shit. He would be overjoyed. Ryan you sick psycho why only showing when you can shove it down their throats ? Kirk you are the first normal person I see here. Nice.
Rating: n/a
From: Kirk Cameron (more)
Comments: You seem to know much about homosexuals, Paul...a little too much if you ask me! Repent, Paul, seek forgiveness and receive it, receive it as easily as you receive another man's seed in a bathhouse or a port-o-potty at an Elton John concert. Sure, I like Rocket Man, but I don't like penises and I don't like eternity in the fires of Hell. Neither should you, Paul, but know that however much I hate your sin, I love you and want to help you.
Rating: n/a
From: Paul (more)
Comments: Speaking of gladiators (sort of), it is interesting that modern notions of homosexuality and heterosexuality did not exist in classical times and, thus, should not be projected back into the past in an attempt to understand contemporary Greek or Roman behavior regarding buttfucking and carpet-munching. Indeed, for the Romans, sexual roles were not seen as "male" versus "female", but rather "active" versus "passive". More bluntly, the roles were "penetrator" versus "penetrated", with the latter role falling to women and younger men.
Rating: n/a
From: Ryan (more)
Comments: I show my penis to little girls. Most run away, but some stand there a few seconds to get a good look.
Rating: n/a