From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: It's good when you know the computer cheat like a bitch but you still beat it.
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I played this fucker for years and won ONE fight in all those years. Don't know to this day how I did it, either. I could drop fifteen goals on any team in the tournament, but win a fight, not a fucking chance.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: That's why I said Blade of Steels was better. I did not understand jack shit of the fights in this game, did I just pummeled him or was it me? In blade of steels it's way better.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: No, it's not bad at all, though never in the history of video games has there been a game that is so easy yet so randomly frustrating at the same time (the "fights" especially).
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Not bad at all! Pretty much the best Hockey game of the SMS. Still Blades of Steel on the NES was better than this.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Why does that guy looks like a serial killer?
Rating: n/a
From: Roy (more)
Comments: I don't know, I think that the word poonTANG is universal.
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Too bad Tang is not a word in french. Any of you guys saw that slap shop movie ? I just got it for Christmas. Heard good things about the 3 brothers and not in an homo erotic way.
Rating: n/a
From: Kris Letang (more)
Comments: I can't apologize enough for your "concussion", Sid. I can't help but feel responsible for the fact that that retarded Russian dude is now our best player. It's all so very hard for all of us...I think I'll go back to fucking women. After all, "Letang" is French for "The Tang".
Rating: n/a
From: Sidney Cosby (more)
Comments: Will I ever recover from my torn hymen...uh, I mean concussion?
Rating: n/a
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: holy shit is that Jason Motherfucking Vorhees
Rating: n/a
From: Danny (more)
Comments: I love hockey, but the was way too easy once you got the hang of it and the fights (or lack of fight with regard to your own players) were a ridiculous frustration.
From: Curt (more)
Comments: Hockey has a serious problem on its hands regarding concussions and post-concussion syndrome. Also, I pay soccer moms to sniff my balls at the park.
Rating: n/a
From: Mike Richards (more)
Comments: Who the fuck wrote that? Good thing I can only cheap shot people, Peter, or else you'd be in deep shit. Speaking of deep shit, I'll be in Chrissy Pronger's ass to help console him over our humiliating loss to the Bruins tonight. Between all the crying and the sodomy, I don't know how or why I can even manage to post messages on this site. I do have a question, though: is the "C" on my sweater for "captain" or for "cunt"? If it is the former, then I am a colossal failure. If that latter, I am the most worthy bearer of the "C" that has ever lived.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: I would hope that Mike Richards be sodomized repeatedly for his crimes, but he'd just like it. Shit, Pronger hurt his hand giving Richards an especially vigorous reach-around during their lovemaking.
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Just to correct my earlier post: the player I mentioned is actually named Sidney Crosby, not Cindy Crysby, who is, by all accounts, not a woman at all, but rather a homosexual male. For some reason I reflexive refer to Crosby as Cindy Crysby, perhaps because he is a petulant little pissant that the NHL pushes down everyone's throat (the irony being that Crosby pushes himself down the throats of twinks almost every night). In my defense, however, it must be noted that you cannot spell Crosby without C-R-Y.
From: Peter (more)
Comments: The greatest thing about this game is that it was created in a world where hockey was not yet being ruled by (or on the behalf of) one Cindy Crysby of the Pittsburgh Penguins. Her skills are undeniable, but the constant whining and diving and menstruation have already brought me to the point of rooting for the Habs. How sick is that?
From: Timmy -95 (more)
Comments: Oh this brings memories to me... Slapshot kicked ass! I had one at home and I played it with my dad. I was a bad loser and it was a difficult game back then. And I'm only 12 today so I was young when playing it. A classic. Sry if I spelled something wrong because I'm from Finland!
From: MJ (more)
Comments: Before NHL games there was slapshot, Australia was on this game but they sucked monkey balls, so I used my scond home, Canada and killed it OH CANADA!, best score was like 21-0
From: Jossee (more)
Comments: Grab your hockey puck, bitches!
From: haaa haha hahha (more)
Comments: Canada kicks ass ...... USA hockey players are sluts, mike modano pretty boy bitch, JR superstar (of cum), keith Tkchuck pure bitch like ryan zdbeiak
From: some1 to good 4 (more)
Comments: did michael jackson make these cause they suck and so does he
From: pondermuffin (more)
Comments: and another meme claims another lost soul. 4 Chimps!
From: JJ (more)
Comments: Why is Jason Vorhees in this game ?
From: nathen swain (more)
Comments: when skating with the puck keep your head up so you dont get hit the player takes the puck off you.
From: bill (more)
Comments: i eat vagina every morning
From: sam (more)
Comments: i cum in my sisters face
From: Wi Wi Jumbo (more)
Comments: I like this game only because I am relatively good at it, though I guess that's true of most any game. In truth, there is probably more I don't like about it than I do. Several people have mentioned in their posts that they liked the fact that they controlled the goalie. While there's something to be said for controlling your own fate, as it were, in my experience being in control of the goalie was as much a hinderance as it was a help. Controlling the goalie too often meant controlling only the goalie as you couldn't maneuver both your skaters and goalie effectively at the same time. Often this results in an opposing player (or players) camping out in front of my goalie and getting three or four good whacks at the puck. Why my defense can't clear either the crease or a rebounded puck even half the time is a frustrating mystery. This wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is if the actual control you have over the goalie was smooth or even consistent. Sometimes he barely moves at all, especially when I want him to move out and challenge a shooter by cutting down the angle on a shot. Other times, generally when an opponent is standing in the crease completely unmolested by my defense, the goalie will take off like a rocket when I try to move him just a little to take away a close-in shot off of a rebound. More than anything, I would just like the freedom to challenge the puck-handler with my defensemen instead of having to worry if I'm taking my goaltender out of position inadvertantly. Another problem I have with Slap Shot are the fights, particularly the randomness with which they occur. Certainly I appreciate the role of enforcer in the game of hockey, but fights are all but nonexistant in international hockey tournaments such as this. I also imagine the fights can be rather fun when you're playing against a friend, but I have no friends and no real prospect of getting one. I wonder if anyone who has ever played this game has ever won a fight against a computer opponent. I've never been able to even hold my own. By the time the screen changes from the normal view of the ice to the close-in view of the fight I'm already getting pummeled mercilessly. To add insult to injury, the computer player, after administering a vicious beating to my hapless player, is awarded with a power play. At the very least there should be matching major penalties for fighting. But no, they get a fucking power play! I usually don't even throw punches at all during fights. What's the use? A "no fight" option would have been a nice feature. Perhaps I am being too hard on an 8-bit hockey game. No doubt I am, but hockey is my favorite sport and I would like this game to be more than it is, perhaps more than it could ever really be.
From: Segacollection. (more)
Comments: Booted up this game today after seeing an old macgyver episode where he was playing this. (serious) I like it, the way you can control the keeper (or whatever an ice hockey played that defends the goal is called) and the fact that Holland is in :) Not bad, certainly better than NHL all star hockey 96 (Saturn)
From: Jacko (more)
Comments: I got this game and the label on the cartridge is blue, does anyone know if this is rare in Australia or internationally?? its not a bad game 2 play either!
From: Le vick (more)
Comments: Good, but the colors on the tems are all wrong. Sweden is green (!) and russia is pink.
From: p (more)
From: barney john (more)
Comments: kickass................. no other better sports game apart from sensible soccer.................. man this rules.
From: Jub-Jub (more)
Comments: Now i absolutely HATE sports games, but for some reason i loved this. i first played it at a friends house, and loved it so much that i went out and bought it. sorry, i'll never sell it. the punchups rule! especially when you have a turbo or auto pad. :)
From: Ro (more)
Comments: This game kicks ass! It's fun to play against the world. You'll never know when a fist-fight is gonna break out!
From: Kristian Cooper (more)
Comments: I decided to write about slapshot cause hardly anyone else has. I can remember borrowing this game from the video store years back.I honestly thought it was a good ice hockey sim though I haven't played it for ages.
From: Kristian Cooper (more)
Comments: I decided to write about slapshot cause hardly anyone else has. I can remember borrowing this game from the video store years back.I honestly thought it was a good ice hockey sim though I haven't played it for ages
From: Tomi Kaunisto (more)
Comments: I've never liked NHL games. Not NHL93 on Genesis/Mega Drive and not NHL2000 on PC. But this simple little game I do like. Completely player-controlled goalie is more of my taste. Stupid computer gets soon boring, but this is great twoplayer game.
From: mazon (more)
Comments: i think its hard to like this game. but maybe thats because i didn't like sportgames in the 80ies. Anyways, its SMS, so its still beter then anything for the NES :)