7 reviews by ray..
Die Hard 2

From: Ray
Comments: My sister used to get all soupy thinking about Bruce Willis. Crazy, huh? I mean, he was pretty much bald already, so what's there to get wet over?

Rating: n/a

Ariel the Little Mermad

From: Ray
Comments: I'm pretty sure all that is in the Bible. At least, it's stuff my pastor has mentioned in church.

Rating: n/a

Ariel the Little Mermad

From: Ray
Comments: How are you supposed to fuck a mermaid? I mean, that's the whole point right? Yet they've got fish parts down there and fish sex isn't exactly fun. Might as well stay home, open a can of cheap caviar or roe and beat off on into it.

Rating: n/a

Penguin Land

From: Ray
Comments: Bitch, ain't nobody putting penguins in a stew! And why the fuck are there polar bears in this game? Polar bears: northern hemisphere. Penguins: southern hemisphere. Bastards.

Rating: n/a

Buggy Run

From: Ray
Comments: I'm not down with the whole no electricity thing, but Amish chicks have the tightest pussies.

Rating: n/a

Pro Wrestling

From: Ray
Comments: Pro Wrestling my ass! Who are these fools?


Ys: The Vanished Omens

From: ray
Comments: By far the best rpg on sega!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
