3 reviews by Odin..
Phantasy Star

From: Odin
Comments: What else can be said about this game? Back in the eighties it was the best, and I believe it's still the best RPG ever made. These dungeons and music had something special, i don't know what is was but I know that I passed long days and nights trying to figure out my way. At the end I knew some of the dungeons by heart. This is my favorite game of all times.


Double Dragon

From: Odin
Comments: This game was so hot back in the eighties. Today is laughable, but I remember people waiting in lines to play it in the arcades. This version of double dragon was great, it was one of the few reason why people will envy my sms.


Astro Warrior

From: odin
Comments: this was the 1st game i owend, and it is one of the best shooters ever, the only problem was that it only had 3 stages. Did u ever do the trick for all weapons at the begining???
