3 reviews by DJKruger..
After Burner

From: DJKruger
Comments: One of the altime most enjoyable and graphicly impressive games on SMS, altho a bit on the EZ side. Great sounds, bright explosions, and VOICE SAMPLES - if you have an SMS you need this game


Alex Kidd in Miracle World

From: DJKruger
Comments: One of the best platform action games ANYWHERE. Makes super mario bros its bitch. INCREDIBLY LONG game that starts out easy but gets harder and harder at a totally enjoyable pace. Awesome power ups (a whole lot of them too!)and fun bonus levels. This should be the first game you play for SMS


Fantasy Zone 2

From: DJKruger
Comments: Just as amazing as PZ1, but more weapons, better music, and sharper graphics. A masterpiece - combined with PZ1 they are the best shooters ever - up there with Galaga. Sadly underrated on the world stage.
