4 reviews by Bill Clinton..
A Turma Da Monica

From: Bill Clinton
Comments: Man, I had a hell of a good time playing this game back in the day. No, wait....that was Sperma da Monica, Lewinsky that is! I kick ass.

Rating: n/a

Sensible Soccer

From: Bill Clinton
Comments: I agree, my penis deserves a 100 out of 10 also.


Predator 2

From: Bill Clinton
Comments: "If my penis is not the enemy, then why do they all attack with their mouths, and make their tongues force Presidential secrets from my penis?" So the obvious answer is, my penis is "The enemy of the State" All must attack with there "Truth extracting tongues of death"!


Enduro Racer

From: Bill Clinton
Comments: I thought this game was really good at the beginning but when I died it was game over! No 'continue' or nothing. In my opinion this game is bloody annoying! I HATE IT!
