From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: Hey I asked him, not U
Rating: n/a
From: Walter (more)
Comments: Well, Andre Agassi was a tennis player.
From: BluBlaDe (more)
Comments: What is hard to become a Tennis player Agassi ?
Rating: n/a
From: Andre Agassi (more)
Comments: Damn, Pete, I didn't even remember that shit! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I like being clean and all, but we did have some fun back then. Come to think of it (pun intended) I do remember how bad Steffi's pussy stank after that a-to-p you gave her! It was a couple of weeks before I could eat at the Y again. Later...
Rating: n/a
From: Peter (more)
Comments: Used to do blow with Agassi all the time back in the day. Blow and hookers. Meth, too. In fact, I was on meth the time I went ass-to-pussy on Steffi Graf. She got a rather nasty infection out of it. Still likes ol' Peter to give her a good dick slapping every now and again, though. Great lady.
Rating: n/a
From: donika (more)
Rating: n/a
From: Drew Meister (more)
Comments: He retired yetserday, soooo no one will like the game anymore.
Rating: n/a