2 reviews by kingmarty99..
Alex Kidd in High Tech World

From: kingmarty99
Comments: There is another way to beat the game instead of praying at the temple 100 times. The house where that guy is who arrests you for having a gun(if you have one) is the place where you get a pass for the checkpoint. You need to go there at a certain time(I think 2:00 or 4:00, can\'t quite remember) and the wife of the guy that arrests you will give you a valid pass to go through the checkpoint. This game also rules...one of the first I can remember, and I loved it. Full ten alex kidds


Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap

From: kingmarty99
Comments: EXCELLENT GAME! The fact of playing the last part of Wonder Boy in Monster Land at the beginning of this game was excellent. Had Awesome Music and excellent graphics. Also had unbelievable gameplay. HIGHLY reccomended to everybody. Full 10
