5 reviews by ade..
Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker
micheal jackson is the best no one will ever be like him.his songs are the best his dance moves are the best now his game is the best this guy is a saint .so all yuo people out there hu disrespect him go to fukin hell.
Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker
: micheal jackson is the best no one will ever be like him.his songs are great his dance moves are the best now his game is the best this guy is a saint .so all yu people out there hu disrespect him go to fukin hell.micheal is one of a kind there will never be another human on this planet like him.tell me do yuo ever hear of any other celebs givin millions of dollars to different charaties.do yuo see any other celebs bringing homeless children off the streets in to there own homes.no yu fukin dont and whats that shit where that asshole sed micheal abused him .that was major bullshit the guy waa a scrubber so he sed all that shit to get money thats the only reason.another thing all you wankers hu go on about micheals face , whats wrong with it he looks better then all you fukers who say shit about him , micheal is great outside and beautiful inside , hes the greatest.and for the asshole hu sed yu fell sorry for his kids , what yu on about hu wouldnt wanna be micheals son, micheal inspires billions of people because of him im a better person, so micheal if yuo ever read this i want yuo to no yuor great,theres nothin wrong with yuo so ignore all the bullshit they say about yuo ,love you always ade.
Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker
micheal jackson is the best no one will ever be like him.his songs are great his dance moves are the best now his game is the best this guy is a saint .so all yu people out there hu disrespect him go to fukin hell.micheal is one of a kind there will never be another human on this planet like him.tell me do yuo ever hear of any other celebs givin millions of dollars to different charaties.do yuo see any other celebs bringing homeless children off the streets in to there own homes.no yu fukin dont and whats that shit where that asshole sed micheal abused him .that was major bullshit the guy waa a scrubber so he sed all that shit to get money thats the only reason.another thing all you wankers hu go on about micheals face , whats wrong with it he looks better then all you fukers who say shit about him , micheal is great outside and beautiful inside , hes the greatest.and for the asshole hu sed yu fell sorry for his kids , what yu on about hu wouldnt wanna be micheals son, micheal inspires billions of people because of him im a better person, so micheal if yuo ever read this i want yuo to no yuor great,theres nothin wrong with yuo so ignore all the bullshit they say about yu.yu no yor self yor the best.micheals done so much for so many people and still he gets disrespect of assholes.people say micheals crazy well i think your talking out yuor fukin ass how can a saint be crazy,hes a gift hu god sent down to cure the world but all the world does is disrspect gods gift.now micheal is starting a new charity what will help children.micheals loves children more than life so the children should love him.the world is killing a great man and what for ,for helping the sick,dying,homless and healthy.the true micheal fans will agree with me on what i say , micheal is not just an artist to us but a father , what he does nad says helps true fans to get on when life is trating us wrong . micheal your not just my role modal but yuo are so like a father to me and my hero,and i will always love you.
Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker
micheal jackson is the best no one will ever be like him.his songs are great his dance moves are the best now his game is the best this guy is a saint .so all yu people out there hu disrespect him go to fukin hell.micheal is one of a kind there will never be another human on this planet like him.tell me do yuo ever hear of any other celebs givin millions of dollars to different charaties.do yuo see any other celebs bringing homeless children off the streets in to there own homes.no yu fukin dont and whats that shit where that asshole sed micheal abused him .that was major bullshit the guy waa a scrubber so he sed all that shit to get money thats the only reason.another thing all you wankers hu go on about micheals face , whats wrong with it he looks better then all you fukers who say shit about him , micheal is great outside and beautiful inside , hes the greatest.and for the asshole hu sed yu fell sorry for his kids , what yu on about hu wouldnt wanna be micheals son, micheal inspires billions of people because of him im a better person, so micheal if yuo ever read this i want yuo to no yuor great,theres nothin wrong with yuo so ignore all the bullshit they say about yu.yu no yor self yor the best.micheals done so much for so many people and still he gets disrespect of assholes.people say micheals crazy well i think your talking out yuor fukin ass how can a saint be crazy,hes a gift hu god sent down to cure the world but all the world does is disrspect gods gift.now micheal is starting a new charity what will help children.micheals loves children more than life so the children should love him.the world is killing a great man and what for ,for helping the sick,dying,homless and healthy.the true micheal fans will agree with me on what i say , micheal is not just an artist to us but a father , what he does and says helps true fans to get on when life is treating us wrong . micheal your not just my role modal but yu are so like a father to me and my hero,yuo are the greatest of all time and thats something what cant be took away from him,everyone who cna talk to yuo or see you are lucky and take it for granted,your kids are lucky and so are yuor family , if yor kids ever turn out to be like yu then great but they will never be anything like you as your one of a kind,your the best and i will always love you. no matter what yu do or say.
Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker
micheal jackson is the best no one will ever be like him.his songs are great his dance moves are the best now his game is the best this guy is a saint .so all yu people out there hu disrespect him go to fukin hell.micheal is one of a kind there will never be another human on this planet like him.tell me do yu ever hear of any other celebs givin millions of dollars to different charaties.do yu see any other celebs bringing homeless children off the streets in to there own homes.no yu fukin dont and whats that shit where that asshole sed micheal abused him .that was major bullshit the guy waa a scrubber so he sed all that shit to get money thats the only reason.another thing all you wankers hu go on about micheals face , whats wrong with it he looks better then all you fukers who say shit about him , micheal is great outside and beautiful inside , hes the greatest.and for the asshole hu sed yu fell sorry for his kids , what yu on about hu wouldnt wanna be micheals son, micheal inspires billions of people because of him less people starve or die of diesease or cancer., so micheal if yu ever read this i want yu to no yor great,theres nothin wrong with yu so ignore all the bullshit they say about yu.yu no yor self yor the best.micheals done so much for so many people and still he gets disrespect of assholes.people say micheals crazy well i think your talking out yor fukin ass how can a saint be crazy,hes a gift hu god sent down to cure the world but all the world does is disrspect gods gift.now micheal is starting a new charity what will help children.micheals loves children more than life so the children should love him.the world is killing a great man and what for ,for helping the sick,dying,homless and healthy.the true micheal fans will agree with me on what i say , micheal is not just an artist to us but a father , what he does and says helps true fans to get on when life is treating us wrong . micheal your not just my role modal but yu are so like a father to me and my hero,yuo are the greatest of all time and thats something what cant be took away from him,everyone who cna talk to yuo or see you are lucky and take it for granted,your kids are lucky and so are yuor family , if yor kids ever turn out to be like yu then great but they will never be anything like you as your one of a kind,your the best and i will always love you. no matter what yu do or say.