2 reviews by Okea Shanta Ell..
Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker

From: Okea Shanta Ell
Comments: I like the moonwalk but is it real. These are the things we should ask ourselves or is it the Sketchers. You might say the moon walk was out before Sketchers how do you know he could have paid for them way before he did???? ask yourself???? ANY QUESTIONS EMAIL AngelaLeshy@mymailstation.com


Micheal Jacksons Moonwalker

From: Okea Shanta Ell
Comments: I like the moonwalk but is it real. These are the things we should ask ourselves or is it the Sketchers. You might say the moon walk was out before Sketchers how do you know he could have paid for them way before he did???? ask yourself???? ANY QUESTIONS EMAIL AngelaLeshy@mymailstation.com
