1 reviews by Megaknight..
This was the best game I have ever played. It was absolutely beautiful, from the music to the graphics to the story line, Golvellius has an essance that cannot be found anywhere else with any other game. I remember the ending, and the music of it...as if I were 8 years old again, playing it for the first time. I vowed, after I beat this game, that if Compile did not create a sequel to it, I would write one myself. As a programmer for over 16 years, I started my own sequel to the game. Halfway through, I found out there was a sequel already: Golvellius 2 for the MSX. I may still complete this game as the unoffical sequel to Golvellius. Every time I play Golvellius on my sms emulator it just makes me feel like a kid again. It was a wonderful game, and I'll always remember it. This was the only video game that ever changed my life for the better. Maybe someday I'll tell the story...To be continued...:)