1 reviews by John_Ron2002..
Predator 2
this game has the john and ron 'on the nightly garbage run' music on the first level. and the little alcoholics in the corner are john and ron.
on the high scores page is also john and ron dancing music, they think there really good. Ron is Covering John tonight as he steals the bottles of whiskey from the supermarket and then he gos over to mcdonalds and ron covers john again while he steals the brown paper bags to drink the whiskey in. STUPID FUCKING ALCOHOLICS. IM GOING OVER TO JOHNS AND RONS TONIGHT AND EGG THEIR HOUSES !!! GRRR I HATE THEM. EVEN THOUGH JOHN IS A UNEMPLOYED TRAMP AND RON IS A RETIRED OLD FART ON A PENSION WHO IS NOW THE HEAD OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH IN THIS AREA OF BEXHILL ENGLAND !!!
oh yeah and predetor 2 is a good game