4 reviews by Gamemasters..

From: Gamemasters
Comments: PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY, i first posted about this game on 10/08/2003 and since then i have to withdraw my remarks as i am a raving dumbass homosexual who places gerbals in holes where they shouldnt be (my anal passage), i really am NOT a gamemaster- im just some tiny limpdick 12 year old with no direction in my life, im sorry foor my poor evalution of this game.



From: Gamemasters
Comments: PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY, i first posted about this game on 10/08/2003 and since then i have to withdraw my remarks as i am a raving dumbass homosexual who places gerbals in holes where they shouldnt be (my anal passage), i really am NOT a gamemaster- im just some tiny limpdick 12 year old with no direction in my life, im sorry foor my poor evalution of this game.



From: Gamemasters
Comments: PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY, i first posted about this game on 10/08/2003 and since then i have to withdraw my remarks as i am a raving dumbass homosexual who places gerbals in holes where they shouldnt be (my anal passage), i really am NOT a gamemaster- im just some tiny limpdick 12 year old with no direction in my life, im sorry foor my poor evalution of this game.



From: Gamemasters
Comments: I cannot believe that you really enjoyed Golvellius: It is another crappy game within the catalogue of the SMS which, obviously, has lots of games better than this one. Golvellius has no gameplay at all, graphics don't change, the character is very slow and you cannot simply react in time to what is happening on screen (which isn't interesting at all, to tell the truth) and the music is one of the worst BGM's I've ever heard. Comparing this shit with Zelda is simply nonsense.
